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Chapter 276 - Watchdog Wolf

Chen Fei pointed at the shadow wolf whose true identity was finally guessed by Teacher Shen Fei, and said: "The third-level shadow wolf!"

"Wait, Shadow Wolf?!"

Shen Fei once again took a formal look at the innocent-looking black wolf.

No, it’s not from that day...

Come on, hurry up and get 95 to avenge the previous "Amao".

Chen Fei caught her in time.

It took a lot of effort to subdue him, and he became a little more obedient. It would be a waste to kill him with one shot.

"Wait a minute, this shadow wolf is here to pay off debts."

"Debt payment?"

Teacher Shen Fei was puzzled. She was worried that if the shadow wolf suddenly rose up and hurt her students, it would be bad.

It's better to kill him quickly.

"Its current name is 'Amao'!"

Chen Fei shrugged his shoulders.

The shadow wolf still looked stupid, completely unaware that the last one named "Amao" was bitten to death by him.


Teacher Shen finally caught up with Chen Fei's brain circuit.

"Killing a dog to pay for one's life is naturally a life-for-life. The death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty cannot be escaped. This shadow wolf will be your wolf from now on. It will take care of the food and not the salary."

Chen Fei finally revealed his planned arrangements.

If this kind of treatment were given to a golden-eyed raccoon boy, he would definitely fall out on the spot!

The wild monsters raised by nature can earn a ridiculous salary, and they are not even considered a gangster. If they eat a dog, they will have to spend their whole life to pay for it.

Hiss... This miserable wolf might as well just skin it and dig out its crystal core!

"This, how can this be done? It's a monster!"

Teacher Shen Fei looked shocked. The last "Amao" was just an ordinary Sanyang thin dog, but the "Amao" in front of her was an out-and-out magical beast, and her worth was obvious.

"I grabbed it when I was on a mission that day. It didn't cost anything. You don't have to worry about it being too expensive."

Chen Fei looked at Teacher Shen's hand. What was really valuable was the magic contract scroll in the wooden box.

It hurts to think about the other 500,000 Xingyuan that was wiped out by a small fan!

"Haha, you are serious!"

Teacher Shen smiled and shook his head. Although it cost nothing, Chen Fei had good intentions.

He had just lost the big black dog "Amao", and the other party immediately caught the murderer and sold himself to pay for the crime. This shadow wolf was unlucky enough.

However, with the protection of a magical beast, Patan Primary School's defense strength may rise by more than one level.

Within a radius of 500 miles, the most heavily guarded place is naturally the 911 Air Service Base, and the second most heavily guarded one is this mountainous primary school. The surrounding big villages have to stay behind. Can anyone believe it?

"For the safety of those students, you should sign a contract with it as soon as possible!"

Chen Fei pointed at Shen Fei's hand.

Inside is the scroll of the Solitary Seedling contract that had finally survived the attack from the little Chirbeak.

"Well, no need for this, right? You can just stay and make the contract yourself."

Teacher Shen Fei certainly understands what the magic contract means.

Even the most basic magic contract can establish an equal communication connection with the Warcraft, leaving a lifelong bond between the two parties.


"I can't use this!"

Chen Fei shook his head, then raised his hand, clenched his fist, and said, "This is enough for me!"

Fists are easier to use than magic contracts. If you disagree, you can teach the other party to conquer. Even if you don't agree, you have to obey.

Seeing Chen Fei's fist, Shadow Wolf whimpered and involuntarily took two steps back, panicking.

A few days ago, it took a lot of Chen Fei's fists and was beaten so hard.

There are chirps in the sky at the 911 aircrew base, raccoons with golden eyes and blue hearts on the ground, and there is really no shortage of shadow wolves. Teacher Shen’s Patan Primary School is isolated among the mountains. Although it is close to the villages of Patan mountain people, there are still a certain distance.

The erected steel wire wall and the shadow wolf are truly double insurance.

"Teacher Shen, hurry up and sign the contract!"

Chen Fei signaled, bent down and grabbed one of the front paws of the Shadow Wolf, took off an iron rod from his waist, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a sharp willow leaf knife, scraping off a small part of the hair on the wolf's claws. , stabbed directly, and caught some wolf blood with the tip of the knife.

Then help Teacher Shen Fei unfold the magic contract scroll, press the wolf blood on the tip of the knife, and the willow leaf knife turns into a thin needle again, and spray it with a lighter to complete the work.

Being urged by Chen Fei, Teacher Shen Fei gave in half the time and it turned out to be a good thing.

The leather contract turned into light spots and disappeared in the air, leaving only the fine copper shafts at the left and right ends.

The contract is established!

The raw rice has become cooked rice, and it's too late to regret it.

"You will work here honestly from now on and protect the students in the school, especially Teacher Shen. If you dare to be lazy or disobedient, kill the dog stew pot directly!"

Chen Fei made a beheading gesture towards the Shadow Wolf, which frightened the latter so much that it screamed and clamped its tail with its hind legs.

Making the shadow wolf into a dog meat stew is a bit confusing!

The newly appointed "Amao" was trembling with fear. No matter whether he could make dog meat into a pot or not, if anything went wrong, he would definitely be dead. No, it would be worse than death!

The psychological shadow this guy had on Chen Fei was beyond calculation. He was a wolf but was beaten into a dog.

Seeing the shadow wolf's cautious and cowardly behavior, Chen Fei was satisfied with its performance, took off the traction rope pulling the four-wheel camping car, and kicked Teacher Shen directly.

Although it is an equal contract, it is enough to ensure that the Shadow Wolf will not harm Teacher Shen Fei. As for those Patan primary school students, Chen Fei has nothing to do with him.

"You guy!"

Teacher Shen Fei shook her head, letting the shadow wolf hide behind her, and looked at Chen Fei in fear.

Although she still couldn't accept this new "cat" for a while, she still couldn't stand Chen Fei's rough treatment.

Wolves can be killed but not humiliated.

"Go, go to the corner and stay out of the way."

The pot on the stove was making a popping sound, and Teacher Shen pointed to the corner of the kitchen, fearing that she would step on this spineless monster.

Shadow Wolf took a deep look at Shen Fei and took a few steps back. His whole body was like a drop of water, submerged in the shadow where the light could not reach, and completely disappeared.

It is still in the kitchen, but it uses the shadow to hide its figure. This is the talent of the shadow wolf.

However, under the light of light monsters, heroes are often useless and are restrained.


The big yellow dog "Ahu" had been brewing courage for a long time, and then he plucked up the courage to poke his head into the kitchen. He happened to see the black wolf slowly disappearing into the shadow, and his legs went weak with fright and he made a frightened sound.

That scary guy is still there, it’s so scary!

"It's such a useless thing. I'll kill it and eat it someday."

Chen Fei looked at the cowardly big yellow dog and showed a ferocious smile. Dogs are raised in rural areas, firstly to look after the house, and secondly to eat meat.

Wolf meat is fishy and woody, but dog meat is tender and delicious.


The big yellow dog fainted directly, and the dog refused to break it!

"Stop scaring 'Ahu', it's time to eat!"

Teacher Shen Fei pushed Chen Fei angrily and announced that dinner was ready.

After lunch, Chen Fei reorganized Teacher Shen's kitchen, adding two sets of tall steel shelves, and extracted previously absorbed samples from the "Body Evolution Database", using "high-fidelity reproduction" and The "Metal Shaping" skill and the exchange of energy points can be used to reproduce various appliances such as large commercial electric ovens, fermentation boxes, dough mixers, automatic cooking machines, and dishwashers, turning the simple kitchen into a professional one. , allowing Shen Fei to save a lot of energy when cooking for the students.

Of course, these electrical appliances consume a lot of electricity. Chen Fei donated a crystal energy block he collected. The energy density is far higher than that of Teacher Shen's farad capacitors. It can supply the entire school's electricity consumption for a whole week, and there is even some leftover. .

Patan Primary School's wind and solar power generators already have redundant power generation, which is enough to ensure that even after adding electrical appliances, the power balance can still be maintained. Even Chen Fei can use his own skills in "power management module" and related... It supplies power to the energy conversion module supporting the crystal energy block, and the crystal energy block is fully charged in a short time.

Fortunately, Mr. Abel, the chef of the base canteen, was brave and allowed Chen Fei to absorb all the electrical appliances in the kitchen and then restore them one by one.

Just like old David's beloved F-22 "Raptor" jet fighter, most of the electrical appliances in the cafeteria today are replicas, and they have all been refurbished. They may be able to fight for another ten years, and the originals are all It has become an energy point and a sample in the "Body Evolution Database".

I finally saved up a few energy points, and now I have them all with Teacher Shen Fei.

After spending four or five hours, tinkering and consulting professionals online, Chen Fei, who was so busy and sweating profusely, finally completed the circuit network of Patan Elementary School and incorporated the crystal energy block just before dark. The original power management.

After driving the large three-bouncer back to the 911 aircrew base, Chen Fei first went to help Mr. Abel in the cafeteria to complete his part-time night shift work. Finally, he returned to his small mansion, took a hot shower, and just changed into dry clothes. When I got out of the shower room, I saw Tanuki Erlang with golden eyes and green heart uninvited. He squatted on the round stool by the bar in a familiar manner, gesturing with his paws, trying to open a bottle of cider for drunkenness.

The wine cabinets at the bar are divided. One part belongs to Hana BOSS and is filled with all kinds of good wines. The other part belongs to Chen Fei. Most of them are home-brewed fresh fruit wine, and a small amount is distilled wine that can be stored for a long time.

Although Boss Hana is happy to share her good wine, as drinking buddies, Chen Fei and Jin Tong Bixinliu are both very good at it, and they will not regard politeness as a blessing.

When the owner of the fine wine is away, neither one person nor one monster will touch these high-end goods casually.

On the other hand, the self-brewed fruit wine is large in quantity and filling, but not so particular.

"Are you the only one today?"

Chen Fei looked around and didn't see Hana BOSS. She was always the first to arrive in the past, but he didn't expect Erlang to finally take the lead this time.

"I don't know! Huh? Where's the bottle opener?"

After scratching with its claws for a long time, the golden-eyed raccoon finally gave up. It could easily cut off or break the bottle mouth, but it couldn't unscrew the bottle cap as easily as humans.

Screw top bottle caps are designed for humans, not for golden-eyed raccoons. If you like Split Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Split Sky Rider Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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