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Chapter 302 - Small Laser Cannon

With the addition of Chen Fei, an invulnerable force, the human side of the manor's main house quickly stabilized the situation until...


The little bird's sharp beak finally brewed a fatal death ray.

A beam of light green slender light shot out. After shaking people rapidly, the side outside the main house was suddenly cleared. Various slowly burning neat sections could be seen everywhere, rubble collapsed, and corpses rolled around.

Whether it's a mutant or a rock, nothing seems to be able to stop this beam from cutting cleanly.

It's not a spell but it's better than a spell. The power of the Chiu Laser Cannon is getting more and more powerful!


"What the hell is that!?"

Where the light shines, a lingering smoke curls up.

The attacks and screams of the mutants came to an abrupt end, and the strange-looking figures began to recede like the tide.

"What just happened?"

Thompson, the manor's butler, rushed over immediately and saw the terrifying light green beam.

Sweeping away at lightning speed, leaving a large area of ​​death behind.

"It's a bird. That bird is so scary!"

"It's so scary! All at once, everything..."

The two manor security guards watching Hana Gagel both leaned against the wall, pointing at her shoulders with horrified faces, as if the scene just now had caused a great fright to them.

The hideous mutant, covered with spikes all over its body, lying quietly in the corner, seemed to be silently describing how lucky the people in the room were, but there was not even a single dead person.

One of the two people on guard was missing. The young man disappeared, leaving only a one-eyed female boss.


Butler Thompson looked at the harmless little guy who was bouncing around in confusion.

It's just a pure light bird, what's wrong?


Xiao Jiu tilted his head and looked at the housekeeper suspiciously.

I don't know what the other person is surprised or confused about.

"This bird... is not a Pure Light Bird!"

The military contractor who had held on until now could no longer hold on, tilted his head and fainted.

A beam of light swept across, killing all the enemies. Is this a job that a first-level monster can do?

Before this, even if he was beaten to death, he couldn't believe that such a little thing the size of a fist could be so fierce.

"Not the Pure Light Bird?"

Butler Thompson was even more puzzled. He looked up and down, left and right, but it was still a pure bird!

Phew...a gust of cold wind came.

The mutant that forcibly broke in broke out a big hole in the window, and there was an extra person in the window.

"Xiao Jiu is a Pure Light Sparrow, a Pure Light Sparrow with a pure bloodline."

Chen Fei stood in front of the window holding a white steel crowbar stained with thick pulp. His body was filled with a pungent fishy smell that could almost stun someone.

They went on a killing spree outside until they were scanned by the bird's laser beam and all the surrounding mutants were swept away. Then they retreated and returned to the starting point.

"This is impossible!" x2!

The two manor security guards both screamed.

"How can a first-level Pure Light Bird have such a skill? Low-level light-based monsters have no offensive spells at all."

Butler Thompson had an expression like "I read a lot, please don't show me off". It's not like he has never seen a Jingguang sparrow, but it is unheard of for a Jingguang sparrow to be so ferocious.

To be able to hold the position of housekeeper of a private estate on the British Isles, the starting point is a bachelor's degree or above. Not only are they full of life skills, but they also have a good understanding of all kinds of common sense. The most basic thing is to stand alone at critical moments and share the worries of the owner.

Professional quality.

"The first level of human status is not possible, but the third level of human status is possible!"

Chen Fei waved to the little bird on Hana BOSS's shoulder, and the little guy immediately flapped its wings and flew over.

Dots of white light appeared in the air, surrounding Chen Fei's body like tadpoles. The pungent fishy smell quickly diminished, and the air became fresh again.

Xiaojiu has learned a new skill, the second-level "Light of Purification", which can purify all uncleanness.

"Third level?!"

Thompson's eyes widened.

Although the Pure Light Bird is called a magical beast, most Pure Light Birds are almost the same as ordinary birds. Only a few have the ability to release light spells, but the first-level human beings are basically Pure Light Birds.

With the level ceiling of Warcraft, there are very few talented people who can reach the second level of the human level. Levels like the third level of the human level have never even been heard of. I am afraid that it will completely refresh the historical record of the Pure Light Sparrow group.

"Third level!"

Chen Fei confirmed it.

Xiaojiu's "Light of Purification" is so powerful that even the white steel crowbar in his hand becomes as clean as new, and all impurities are driven away.

I finally found the right way to open it for cleaning pots and dishes.

Hearing Chen Fei show off Xiao Jiu's rank in Versailles style again, Boss Hana on the side couldn't help but touch his forehead. I don't know how many resources have been spent to get this third level person. If they were used on other monsters, I'm afraid

Even the sixth level of human status is almost there.

"What kind of spell was that just now? It's so powerful!"

Thompson could not imagine that even a third-level monster would not be able to unleash such a terrifying blow.

Chen Fei said frankly: "It's not a spell, it's a laser!"

Light spells that are as powerful as lasers can only be possessed by people of at least the eighth level.

With Xiao Jiu's own bloodline talent, who knew that it would only take him a year and a month to reach the threshold of this level, or in other words, it would be impossible to reach it at all.

After all, for the Pure Light Bird, not only the eighth level, but also the fourth and fifth levels are as far away as the horizon.


Thompson couldn't laugh or cry, he was wondering where this was going.

Lasers and magic can't go together.

"Yes, the principle of laser is actually very simple. Its essence is still light after all. As long as it is light, it can be controlled by the Pure Light Bird. It is a light-based monster."

Laser = light = light monster. Chen Fei used this logical chain with great imagination and got unexpected gains.

Maybe the logical chain is indeed established, maybe it's luck, because there is no second Pure Light Bird, he can only assume that he is right, but one thing is for sure, it is probably related to the element affinity enhancement potion.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Chen Fei bought it at half price and got a lot of money from the Blue Star Joint Defense Committee.

The manor housekeeper was speechless. Such an idea was unbelievable. He shook his head with a wry smile, took the walkie-talkie, and said: "The beam of light just now has been found to be the work of Jingguangque from the Jiu Defense Company. Don't ask me why.

, the question is the Pure Light Bird."

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

I barely understand what I heard, let alone having to explain it to others. Isn’t this just looking for trouble?

Everyone was in an uproar. When did the Pure Light Bird become so ferocious? How could other monsters survive?

What's even more frightening is that the Pure Light Birds are a huge group. If all of them are so powerful, I'm afraid even the nickname of "Lord of the Sky" of the dragon clan will have to be given up to the birds.

After the mutants that came in like a tide from outside and receded like a tide no longer appeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and once again gathered in the hall on the first floor of the manor's main house, eating and drinking to replenish their strength, treat their injuries, and make temporary arrangements.

Rest and discuss the recent war.

Accompanied by Butler Thompson, Chen Fei and Hana Gagel came to the lobby on the first floor. For the first time, everyone's eyes focused on the little Jiu on Hana's boss's shoulder.

Chen Fei said secretly: "Come, say hello to everyone!"


The little bird called loudly.

However... nothing happened, it just screamed, and the little guy didn't do any extra operations.

Tutor, great!

"Ha ha!"

There was a roar of shouts in the hall.

Such a fist-sized thing is really cute.

The next second, the entire hall on the first floor was filled with dazzling white light.

"Ah! My eyes!"


"Who threw the flash bomb!"

There was a lot of excitement in the hall. It still had the same familiar smell, familiar recipes, and even the reaction lines were exactly the same. The essence of human beings is still repeaters after all.

Boss Hana, who had long been wary of this attack, touched her forehead. Chen Fei, who had long been immune to this attack, spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"You guys, don't go too far!"

Thompson, the manor's butler, covered his eyes in pain, tears kept coming out and he couldn't stop them.

He was the closest, and a sudden "light flash" hit him hard.

Chen Fei said: "Xiaojiu just said hello, it was not intentional."

These people are not the first group of unlucky people, and they will definitely not be the last.

Thompson said helplessly with tears in his eyes: "Besides 'Light Flash', what other spells can it do?"

The second-level "Light Flash" of the light system has no direct lethality, and it will not leave any sequelae. After rubbing my eyes for a while, the vision in front of me is still blurry, and it will probably take a while before normal vision can be restored.

I originally thought that injecting the two people in the Jiu Defense Company with a special ability inhibitor would be able to control the situation and avoid the unexpected appearance of the monster moth. As a result, Butler Thompson repeatedly found that he made mistakes in judgment. The special ability inhibitor only restrained the female boss.

One person and another person were completely immune.

That's not the worst part. In the end, it was discovered that right under everyone's noses, there was a third-level Pure Light Bird that was jumping lively and was the oversized fish that had slipped through the net.

"You can master many light spells from the first to third levels, such as lighting, light healing, light mirror, light redemption, light flash, elemental dispersion, well, I just learned another purifying light!


Chen Fei counted on his fingers. Laser was not a magic spell and was immediately ruled out.

After careful calculation, Xiao Jiu is quite capable. He actually knows so many spells. No wonder he has his hands on his hips all the time (birds' wings are usually in a akimbo position).

"The wounded need treatment. Can you ask the Pure Light Sparrow to assist in using the light healing technique?"

Hearing Chen Fei talk about the "Light Healing Technique", Butler Thompson breathed a sigh of relief.

Illumination and Light Healing, these two light spells are the real housekeeping spells of the Pure Light Bird. There is no such unorthodox heretical skill as laser. It is obviously led astray by this unreliable young man.

"no problem!"

Chen Fei looked at the cheerful little guy, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Don't use 'Light Flash' again!"

Butler Thompson quickly added that he was about to have a psychological shadow.

“Won’t use it again!”

Chen Fei knows Xiao Jiu's habit. After using "Light Flash" to say hello once, he will never use it again. If you like Split Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Split Sky Rider search novel website update speed

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