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Chapter 31 Theres something very wrong with this gun

Dr. William Jackson clicked a few times on the display screen that turned back to him, and immediately saw the evaluation value, a pentagonal chart and a comment.

"139 points, lawful good, sensitive, principled, upright, conservative, emotional, weak judgment..."

More than a hundred random professional psychological assessment questions thoroughly explored Chen Fei's personality traits and psychological state.

"Emmmm..." Dr. William Jackson looked at the results hesitantly, his eyes flicked back and forth between Chen Fei and the grid paper on the table, and asked tentatively: "Did you really write this essay?"

Chen Fei said with great certainty: "Yes, I wrote it."

At that time, the manuscript paper was in front of him, the pen was in his hand, and the handwriting belonged to him. He was surrounded by a group of primary school students, so there was no way he would be ghostwritten.

"The composition is indeed abnormal. It is obviously paranoid and anti-social personality, and has the characteristics of schizophrenia. However, there is no problem at all in your psychological test. You are a completely normal person with a very healthy mentality."

This time even the doctor couldn't understand.

The psychological test questionnaire system that Dr. William Jackson asked Chen Fei to do is the most professional and widely used assessment system in the industry. It has tens of thousands of questions in the question bank, can automatically generate questions, and has questionnaire models for different professional fields.

The final evaluation result is not just as simple as adding or subtracting points for right or wrong, but also involves in-depth analysis of behavioral awareness. Each question is not independent. There are linked logical judgment rules hidden behind it. The final score is calculated based on a special calculation model.

So far, there have been very few cases of obvious misjudgment, and they only happened to people who have received professional training, and they are all experts who are familiar with people's hearts.

Chen Fei looked at the black doctor who was scratching his head and asked, "So, I'm still normal, right?"

"You are normal now, but it..." William Jackson's eyes fell on the checkered manuscript paper and said: "But it is abnormal!"

"It's a paradox."

Chen Fei shook his head, finding it difficult to accept such a conclusion.

"Uh! Let me think about it, let me think about it." Dr. William Jackson tried to scratch his head. He suddenly slapped his forehead and said: "By the way, there is a new product recently, you can try it.


He stood up, walked around the room for a while, dug out a delicate cardboard box, took out a ring-shaped thing from it, and handed it to Chen Fei.

"This thing is called the 'El Ring'. It is a monitoring headband that can capture brainwave signals and mental fluctuations. It can be used for a week when fully charged. You can put it on your head and see how it feels."

Chen Fei weighed this slender white ring. It was very light. While trying to put it on his head, he said jokingly: "It feels like Sun Wukong's golden hoop in "Journey to the West". Jackson, are you sure you want to wear it?"

Can you take it down again after you go up there?"

The "El Ring" has a telescopic mechanism that can adapt to various head shapes, and several induction poles are tightly attached to Chen Fei's head.

"Ha, don't talk nonsense. How is it possible? You are not a monkey. If you put it on, you will be trapped by the curse? You put it on first, and send it over every once in a while to collect data. Remember to charge it in time."

The black doctor laughed. How come the newly launched high-tech products are connected with the classic literary work "Journey to the West"? In fact, it is made into a golden hoop and placed on the head. It is quite interesting to think about it.

"Okay, let me try it first."

Chen Fei tried to take off the "El Ring" again. It was easy, and there was no unfortunate trap like Sun Monkey.

Dr. William Jackson asked, "Any other questions?"

Chen Fei, who was wearing new equipment, shook his head and looked at the table.

"No, then this piece of paper!"

"Leave it here for now, and I'll find an expert to take a look at it for you."

The black doctor planned to keep the checkered manuscript paper at the bottom and file it. The original document had a certain reference value, and he might be able to analyze something from it.


After leaving the medical team's clinic, Chen Fei went back to the dormitory, put away his backpack and "El Ring", and then carried a long object tied tightly with a rope to the canteen adjacent to the base.

Small bar "Medusa's contact lenses".

After night falls, the holographic projection signboard of "Medusa's Color Contacts" is the most eye-catching place in the entire air base. Whenever a plane returns from a night flight, the first thing that is visually confirmed is not the runway, but the lights of the bar.

As the only entertainment venue in the base, in addition to a long bar that can provide a variety of drinks, the bar also has a dance floor, self-service karaoke table, slot machines, billiards, reading area, tea room and quiet room, suitable for both movement and quiet.

Chen Fei walked through the noisy dance floor and found Major Chekov Leonidovich Ivanov, the squadron leader of the "Zhenxiang" combat flying squadron, who was surrounded by people amid the strange lights and the slow saxophone.


This big bear was gnashing his teeth, wrestling with people, and howling.

Bang! The arm-wrestling stage shook, and the big bear-like Chekov jumped up and kept beating his chest like a gorilla.


After a stalemate for ten seconds, he suddenly exerted his strength and finally won in one fell swoop.

The resilience of this big bear is truly terrifying.

The people nearby started shouting and yelling, and most of them were pilots from the "Zhenxiang" squadron.

The man who accidentally lost to Chekov looked annoyed, pushed away the crowd angrily, hid aside and started drinking.

There was a pile of cash scattered on the arm wrestling table, which were the trophies of the winner.

Chen Fei squeezed next to the jumping big bear and said hello loudly.


I don’t know if he was overjoyed or drank too much. The big bear, smelling of alcohol, replied incoherently: "Hey, rookie, call me 'Peanut Butter'. Look, 'Peanut Butter' is the invincible strongman."

"Okay, I'm here to return your things, uh, forget it, I'll come back to you tomorrow."

Chen Fei was a little worried that this big bear was coming up, and what he was carrying was not a toy.

"What is it? Is it my dear little baby? Hahaha, bring it and let's fire a few shots together. If it belongs to a man, let's shoot! Hahaha!"

The big bear was indeed a bit superior, and he couldn't help but snatch the long, tightly tied items from Chen Fei's hand.

With a gentle tug of his carrot-thick fingers, it was like tearing off a girl's trousers, and pulled the rope and bag apart.

"My baby, emmmm... my gun!"

The big bear was about to show off his little baby happily. The next second, the bear's eyes widened with disbelief on his face, and then he let out an earth-shattering cry of grief.

Why, why? There is a big hole in the frame of the gun. The skylight is opened directly. You can clearly see the hammer, firing pin and recoil spring inside. Looking at other parts of the gun body, there are pits and dents all over. It was almost

The brand new appearance has inexplicably turned into a doomsday wasteland style.

Where are the original goods from the Irefusco Arsenal that I promised?!

"Ahhhhh, rookie, what did you do to my little baby?"

If it weren't for the serial number stamp on the gun, he would have thought that Chen Fei had dropped the bag.

"Hahahahaha, Chekov, what's wrong with your little baby? It's someone's turn!"

"Did you ask someone to process it? Wow, it looks more artistic!"

"Boss Peanut Butter, there's nothing wrong with your gun, right? How could it be like this?"

"It looks quite unique!"

It's not that no one doubts what Chen Fei has done. This old antique can explode, break in two, or even be completely destroyed, which is acceptable, but the industrial art look is really disappointing.

People are surprised.

"It, how did it become like this?"

Chen Fei was also a little stunned, unable to believe that the "broken gun" Chekov held in his hand was actually the AK-47 automatic rifle that he had bandaged before.

He remembered clearly that when the other party put it in his hands in the morning, and even throughout the day, the AK-47 was in good condition. Why did it look like this now?


***The author has something to say***

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