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Chapter 328-131 Air Service Base

"Tsk tsk! Tut, tycoon, rich, this car is really good, big, wide, stable, tsk tsk!"

After getting in the car, Chen Fei started to touch around and look around, as if he had never seen the world before. He opened every cabinet door and drawer to take a look, and almost locked in the equally curious little Jiujiu.


As expected of a boss, Zuo Geng said clearly and generously: "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

Only if you are willing to spend money and invest in what you like can you attract talents.

"Forget it, there's no place to put it!"

Chen Fei thought about it seriously and finally shook his head.

The 911 aircrew base is such a big place. What is the purpose of throwing such a big RV?

Driving all the way to Teacher Shen Fei’s school and giving Teacher Jiangshan a Versailles-style slap in the face?

Don’t be afraid of rolling into a ravine as soon as you leave the base!~

If you throw it back to your hometown, the community won't charge you three times the parking fee?

The most important thing is that he doesn’t have a driver’s license!

What’s the use of a wasted gadget that you can’t use even once a year?

Zuo Gengming said nonchalantly: "Then give me a big house?"

The market retail price of this RV is indeed comparable to any independent house in a major urban area.

You already have a car, but you still need a small building with a yard?

It's no problem to have a wife. She's highly educated and beautiful (yes, beauties from Boston University). What Springfield Defense lacks the most is this kind of high-quality girl. It doesn't matter if she doesn't like him. With Zuo Gengming's connections, he's unmarried.

There are a lot of young ladies from wealthy families who are waiting to be married. They must have a good figure, good looks, good character, be virtuous and virtuous, and must be able to go to the hall, go to the kitchen, and sleep on a big bed.

Rich people like to marry beautiful wives. After several generations of improvement, the appearance of their offspring is often guaranteed (think of the daughter of the Golden Retriever family).

"Not available for the moment!"

Chen Fei feels that the dormitory of the work unit where he lives now is quite good.

The three-story small foreign-style building has its own garden greenhouse, which is as warm as spring all year round.

The most important thing is that the boss can fill up the wine cabinet every time.


Why did he feel so invulnerable? Zuo Gengming had no other moves. He really couldn't dig into this corner.

I don’t want a car, I don’t want a house, I don’t want a pretty girl, what else can I want?

The huge RV, which was no different from a real house, quickly left the economic zone and entered the edge of no man's land.

Soon, two wheeled armored vehicles and four armed jeeps protected the RV in the center. Small reconnaissance drones flew alternately in the sky. This was the armed escort Zuo Gengming said. Chen Fei and Jingguang Que Xiao had to be escorted.

Jiu was safely sent to the 131st Air Service Base.

The high-level dual-purpose large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on the top of the wheeled armored vehicle fired several times on the way. Apparently, it found that there were mutants ambush nearby. Most of them were targeted and eliminated directly. A few tried to launch a charge, but were killed in the blink of an eye.

The dense rain of large-caliber bullets overwhelmed them.

The dull gunshots of the anti-aircraft machine guns once again subsided, and Zuo Gengming said: "We're almost there!"

Most of the mutants are gathered near the air base, and they seem to know that unless the air base is solved, they will not be able to attack the various administrative areas where humans live.

An air service base located on a high ground appeared in Chen Fei's sight. In order to satisfy his curiosity, Zuo Gengming asked the RV driver to circle the entire base and continued to explain along the way so that Chen Fei could understand.

I also heard it clearly.

There is no comparison between the air service base and the air service base. The 911 air service base is a relatively small three-level standard base. The main take-off and landing runway can only reach 2,000 meters if it is extended to the limit. If you want it to be longer, it will take a lot of effort and effort.

The supplies will become more valuable than the gain. After all, the flattened hilltop will be so big and there will be inherent shortcomings.

The air service base numbered 131 in front of us. Just looking at the length of the runway, it is at least double that of the original 911. It is obviously built according to the first-class standard. The base covers a huge area. There are many buildings near the main take-off and landing runway.

There are streets, and it's more like a small town with an airport.

A ten-meter-high wall surrounds the entire base. Every fifty meters, there will be a fully-automatic fire point in a protruding position, equipped with two high-level and flat dual-purpose large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns, which can create a cross-fire network.

After looking around outside, the RV officially drove into the heavily guarded air base.

"The 131st Air Service Base is located in the Rocky Mountains. It ranks around 45th in area and 89th in overall strength. Isn't it a bit strong on the outside but weak on the inside?"

Zuo Gengming mocked himself, then smiled.

"It's very good. The conditions of 911 are far from as good as yours."

Chen Fei was still looking at the entire base. If he said he was not envious, that would definitely be a lie.

It is such a pity that despite having such good conditions, the combat effectiveness is just mediocre.

However, he also saw some clues. There are cafes, fast food restaurants, movie theaters, bathhouses, hair salons, bars, cooking booths, game rooms, and about a dozen various living and entertainment venues on the streets that are no different from small towns.

There are even kindergartens, schools and religious places. Many of the passers-by walking back and forth on the streets are not ground staff or combatants, but more like ordinary people, either taking a leisurely walk or in a hurry, without any sign of a war coming.

sense of urgency.

In other words, there are too many non-combatants in the entire base.

Zuo Gengming continued: "The size of the 130 Air Service Base is similar to that of the 131 Air Service Base, and the layout is similar, which facilitates unified management."

Chen Fei suddenly said: "It's so comfortable!"


Zuo Gengming was stunned.

Chen Fei shook his head and said: "This does not look like an air service base at all, but more like an economic zone."

There is only one entertainment venue at the 911 Air Service Base, the "Medusa's Beauty" bar, and there are no other entertainment venues. Employees do not have many entertainment activities. At most, they bring guns, hunt near the base, and bring back some wild animals.

, let the base canteen process it for you.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But he actually saw places like kindergartens and schools here. Can employees still bring their family members to work?

Zuo Gengming said with some embarrassment: "Well, the location here is too remote. Without the company of family members, the employees will be too lonely. This is not very humane. And with family members here, it is easier to arouse the determination to defend their homeland."

"Lao Zuo, your thinking has fallen into a misunderstanding."

Chen Fei waggled his index finger and continued: "What about defending the homeland? The American Federation was established because of abandoning the original homeland. There is no such thing as a sense of defending the homeland when talking about immigration sovereignty. Bringing family members to work will only drag them away with them.

It's faster and will create more chaos. You must be deeply impressed by the retreat scene of the 130th Air Service Base, but you can't do anything about it, right?"

For the transfer of combatants, light equipment is sufficient.

If you bring your family with you, it will be a lot of fun. Just the pots and pans of household items will have a lot to clean up. The whole transfer process must be sloppy and maddening.


Zuo Gengming opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Who made Chen Fei hit the nail on the head!

"The donkeys in the production team don't dare to take their babies on a trap!"

Chen Fei said something meaningful.

The other party has huge financial resources, but what he does is quite unprofessional. How can he do good things with so many people around him?

He bets that as soon as the transfer order is given, in less than a minute, the entire base's traffic lines will be completely blocked, and no one will be able to leave.

"I-I don't know what to do."

Zuo Gengming was a little embarrassed. He just relied on a little money from his family and a burst of enthusiasm to establish Springfield Defense Co., Ltd. in partnership with his classmates.

Who would have thought that in the event of a crisis, they would all fly away when the disaster strikes, and the old classmates would recognize the money but not the person one by one.

Chen Fei dipped his index finger into some tea, wrote on the table with one stroke, two horizontal strokes, and a vertical hook, and said meaningfully: "Understand, learning makes you happy."

The world's most famous book on rebellion has many die-hard fans even in the American Federation [dun].

"Learning makes me happy!"

Zuo Gengming looked at the words written with tea in a daze, revealing his human nature as a repeater.

"First prepare a place for me to stay, and then arrange the auxiliary personnel. Xiaojiu and I will sort out the area around this base first. We must first settle down before going outside, so that we have no worries, and then we can deal with the mutants occupying the 130th Air Service Base.


Chen Fei clenched his fists, crackled them, and immediately entered working mode.

Eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor are the things to do. The equity dividends from Hana BOSS are so easy to get, so you have to work hard.

"Okay, the assistance team is ready and can be in place at any time."

Zuo Gengming still remembered the scene where Chen Fei and Xiao Jiu massacred the mutants. He could foresee that the end of the mutants near the 131st Air Service Base was about to come.

After throwing down his luggage in the luxurious guest room arranged by Zuo Gengming, Chen Fei, who had had enough rest on the way, directly greeted his assisting team and evolved the "Dragon General" individual tactic in front of everyone.

Armor, picked up a large box of grenades and a box of anti-infantry mines and set off.

To avoid long nights and long dreams, if you agree to recover 130 in two days, you must do it within two days.

"Communication test, OK!"

"Location test, OK!"

"Electronic map synchronization, OK!"

"Reconnaissance drone, 'Fly 01' has taken off!"

"Reconnaissance drone, 'Fly 02' has taken off!"

"Reconnaissance drone..."

"Reconnaissance drone, 'Fly 05' has taken off!"

"Transportation drone, 'Hornet 01' is on standby."

"Ground Combat Team A1 is about to depart."

"'Fly 02' reported that a suspected variant was found in the C1 area, and the number is estimated to be 2."

"'Rookie' received it and started moving to Area C1."

Zuo Gengming watched as Chen Fei, who was wearing tactical armor, made several vertical leaps with his unusually flexible figure. In the blink of an eye, he jumped over the wall and quickly disappeared from sight.

A little bird soared into the sky and chased after it.

A communication, reconnaissance, transportation and combat team composed of about dozens of people, with Chen Fei as the tactical core, launched a combat operation to clear the vicinity of the 131st Air Service Base.

The data link standard used by the "Dragon General" individual tactical armor is not consistent with that of the American Federation, but it doesn't matter. Just give it to "Adam" who is activated and awakened again. If you like the Sky Rider, please collect it: (www.sodu777

.net) The Sky Rider Sodu Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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