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Chapter 340 - Physical training

"That's it?"

Knight of Light Walter Sam was confused.

You are a real knight, why don’t you just talk to me about military martial arts boxing.

"I only know this!"

Chen Fei spread his hands.

Babylon and Walter both twitched on their faces.

Even though Chen Fei was surrounded by mutants, the white steel crowbar flew up, prying his skull and brains all over the sky. If you really want to talk about physical and martial arts, he really didn't have any!

Nothing but familiarity with hands and ears!

The skin is so hard that it can’t be chewed, but it’s strong and fast. Anyone can master this imaginative technique. No one else but his hands and ears!

Poke the crowbar into your brain, pry hard, hiss... This feeling is really addictive!

"All right!"

Walter Sam turned over and dismounted, patted Ai Qi's neck, and said: "Minnie, go for a run by yourself!"

As a knight, I naturally know the mood of my mount at this moment. The few rounds of sprints just now are far from enough, and the green-scaled horse is very excited!


The second-level demon beast Green Scale Horse raised its neck and slowly ran away, trotting all the way, getting faster and faster, and began to accelerate around the entire venue.

"Chen Fei, let's start from scratch. No powers, no fighting spirit, no magic. Just skills and physical fitness. Come on, try to hit me first."

The Holy Light Knight immediately entered the state of a physical arts teacher and waved to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei asked tentatively: "My fist will be very heavy! Is that okay?"

He sent the little bird into the sky.

The Pure Light Bird circled in mid-air and landed on a big round ball. It curiously lowered its head and pecked it.

"Maximum attack power index: 0

Minimum attack power index: 0

Attack frequency: 1 time/second

Penetration index: 0

Tear index: 0

Friction index: 0

Blunt impact index: 0..."

This is the Pure Light Bird!

The little guy can peck someone without any pain, and his physical attack is 0!

"Of course, I know, the metal element and the earth element are both strong, come on!"

Walter Sam waved to Chen Fei, and the next second, Chen Fei disappeared from his eyes.

So fast!

The Holy Light Knight turned around suddenly.


"Good guy! It's really hard!"

He took a step back and waved his hand, almost involuntarily rousing his fighting spirit.

Chen Fei took four steps back, took a breath of air, and asked doubtfully: "Fighting spirit?"

He punched the opponent's palm with all his strength, and it felt very strange, like a punch hitting a tough piece of rubber, with a faint backlash that made his fist feel numb and weak.

"No! It's not that far yet!"

Holy Light Knight Walter Sam shook his head. He had just agreed to fight purely based on personal physical fitness, so naturally he would not break his promise and use his fighting spirit.

"I wish I had fighting spirit too!"

Chen Fei drooled with envy.

"You already have superpowers, don't bite off more than you can chew, come on! Go on, let me see how much you weigh."

The Knight of Holy Light assumed a hand-to-hand fighting stance and stood ready.

No ordinary person could be selected into the "Bear Hunting Special Operations Department". Even if he didn't use his abilities, he didn't underestimate Chen Fei.

If it is just to test the strength of the fist, the pace and speed of the unarmed attack, a target robot that is as round as a big ball is enough. However, if you want to serve as a temporary teacher, you still need to pass a fight with Chen Fei's basic qualities.

To have a proper evaluation, you can't just look at the quantified data.

Quantitative data certainly has its advantages and convenience, but its shortcomings are also obvious. It often underestimates the actual situation. After all, living things have potential. Sometimes incredible miracles will occur, and the redundancy value will exceed the target machine.

It is beyond the scope of human evaluation. If such an error is placed in actual combat, it is simply unimaginable. If we take it seriously, we will really lose.

"It's coming!"

Before Chen Fei finished speaking, Walter Sam, the Knight of Holy Light, appeared again and called him over with a slap.

The first form of Wangbaquan: give you a big slap!


The Knight of Holy Light used his rich fighting experience to get out of the way and moved along with the flow, but did not move.

At this moment, "The Second Style of Wang Ba Quan: Fly up and lift the vaginal leg" came over.

What kind of tricks can you expect a guy who has never learned any serious martial arts to do?

"The bottom plate is very stable. Have you practiced before?"

When mounted, he can fight on horseback, and when dismounted, he can fight on foot. Even with bare hands, Walter Sam is still able to fight with ease under the fierce attack of Chen Fei's "Fist".

"Does the horse step count? There are also some breathing techniques."

Chen Fei stared at the opponent and followed him closely, attacking with all his strength.

Walter was like a mud scale soaked in oil, slipping past the edge touched by his fists and feet from beginning to end. He thought he would be able to touch it for some psychological comfort, but he always missed it by just a hair.

The Knight of Holy Light asked as if strolling in a garden: "Is that all?"

The third form of Wangba Quan: The bull rushes and kills himself!

Chen Fei, who was almost tripped, replied angrily: "No more!"

He had just started, and the old man died. Apart from inheriting the secret method, he learned nothing else.

In the novel, it is said that the only martial arts in the world is fast, and one force can defeat ten masters. In the face of absolute power, all skills are vain.

But now that I see it, it's all bullshit. After a long time of effort, I can't even touch the corners of the opponent's armor, and I can clearly feel that the opponent's physical strength consumption is obviously less than my own. Over time,

, If you don’t hit someone, you have to lie down first.

"Okay! Let's stay here for now!"

Walter Sam's figure flashed and moved more than ten steps away.

He had a rough idea in his mind. He had strength and speed, and was also very good at fighting and endurance, but... experience = 0, a standard "rookie". No wonder the operation codename was "rookie", and he really didn't take it.

Wrong code name.

If you use fists and kicks without any rules to deal with ordinary people, you may be able to kill the old master with random punches, but it will be of no use against real masters.

"Huh? Not bad!"

Chen Fei had a little sweat on his forehead.

This powerful punch is more tiring than killing ten mutant bosses.

"The basics are okay, let's start with the routine!"

Knight of Light Walter Sam already has a plan in mind.

At least I don’t have zero basic knowledge, I can be considered a child and can be taught.

Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time, energy and material resources to train your body step by step, and I don’t know how long it will take to meet the most basic entry requirements.

Chen Fei asked curiously: "Can it inspire fighting spirit?"

In just a blink of an eye, his physical strength quickly slowed down, which surprised Walter Sam secretly.

"You're overthinking it. What Babylon means is for you to learn some life-saving skills so that you don't hold back the entire team in case of an emergency."

Walter Sam had a clear conscience.

The opponent's metal ability has unimaginable attack power. When you encounter those mutants with thick skin and amazing defense, you can kill them with one blow under the cover of the team. It is great to specifically attack those targets that are difficult to deal with.


Chen Fei listened and realized, isn't this just the same routine as the pilot's ground course, and it's an enhanced version.

"Then... let's start!"

"There are not many routines. The key is to use them flexibly and don't stick to routines. Let's start with boxing first. If we have time, we can add weapons."

The Knight of Light, Walter Sam, used some boxing moves, and he had no reservations about Chen Fei.

There is no need to hold back on entry-level martial arts such as physical skills, because there are many of them on the Internet. It’s just that everyone’s choice is different. With the guidance of professionals, you can avoid many detours.

"...Left hook, right hook, soaring cannon...cross solid...mountain support..."

Walter Sam taught Chen Fei one routine after another, explaining each movement and subsequent changes in detail, truly practicing the routine without being obsessed with it.

Chen Fei, who has good basic conditions such as strength, speed, reaction and endurance, lacks nothing but experience.

There is only one best way to accumulate practical experience as quickly as possible in a short period of time, and get beaten!

After teaching a hundred routines, the Knight of Holy Light took Chen Fei and started a wheel battle. Not only did he do it himself, but other people in the training hall also joined Chen Fei in the competition.

No one on the scene was mediocre, they were all excellent sparring partners, so the result was... Chen Fei was beaten until he screamed.

Don't underestimate some of these spellcasters. Their melee martial arts skills are also pretty good. Who said that a magician is a lamb to be slaughtered if someone gets too close to him? Adrian Benjamin, a first-level fire magician, is very good at wrestling.

In addition, he also carries a revolver with him. Anyone who underestimates him will definitely be killed by this white-haired guy.

Ruan Tiankai, a ninth-level earth magician, is also very good at playing dog-leg. His bright dog-leg scimitar is two feet long, and he can chop off a person's head like a watermelon.

Like Chen Fei, no one who is selected into the "Bear Hunting Special Operations Department" through interviews is simple.


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