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Chapter 367 - Survival


Everyone's eyes gathered, and Chen Fei let out a sigh of relief and said, "You are right, Kitli!"

The person the dog system is most suitable for is actually Kitli.

This dog system, after all, the wrong payment was made.

Dog system:……

The two teams worked hard together and quickly found the hole where the wind direction left the Supreme Council Hall, which was just right for the mobile base vehicle to leave.

Even if the diameter of the hole is not large enough, it does not matter. It is not difficult to allow earth-type ability users to expand the diameter or reduce the size of the mobile base vehicle.

The most important thing is to get back to the ground safely.

Half an hour later, the two teams boarded the mobile base vehicle again, with the front and body headlights fully turned on, and headed into the target passage.

The 10 cm cubic crystal energy block that I received was immediately used on the mobile base vehicle. Although the energy storage was not fully charged, the battery life was greatly increased. There was no need to worry about running out of power while driving. This happened to be

At that time, the mutants caught up again, and it would be embarrassing.

"Finally left. Hey, haven't you washed yet?"

Knight of Holy Light Walter Sam smashed the door of the toilet, and everyone was waiting in line to take a shower.

Even the green-scaled horse Minnie disliked how stinky he was and refused to let him get close. When he thought of this, he felt very angry.

"What's the rush? The labor and management are washing their hair!"

The people in the bathroom responded with angry roars.

Just now, in the hall of the Supreme Council, even if you stand there and do nothing, you will be inhaled by the smelly air. If you put a plate of old tofu outside, it will turn into a full-flavored tofu in less than three minutes.

Stinky tofu.

For both teams, two bathrooms are simply not enough, especially for the female members, who would not be able to come out to see people without washing repeatedly for an hour.

The air filtration system in the car was already working at full capacity, but the effect was minimal. Some people had been exposed to the filth, and the stench was even more frightening.

"What the hell, it was like I was soaked in shit before. Well, how did our mobile base vehicle come out? Could it be..."

"Shut up!


The upright boy Apu accidentally told the truth, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by everyone in unison.

This guy is dead! Hey, will this guy die if he doesn’t speak?!

Except for him, the people waiting to take a bath in the carriage and those who had taken a bath all turned pale. They didn't dare to think or imagine!

Moron, the captain of Team 18, frowned and said, "Are your people really good at talking? Haha!"

Due to the accumulation of too many odor elements, even the breathing filter is no longer working.


Adrian's head felt heavy for a while, so he had to force a smile.

Apu, a big black man, has always made him feel upset. The key is not intentional, which is even more irritating, because he can't change it! No one knows when this guy will take advantage of him.

, which is hard to guard against.

"Swallowing the Starry Sky: Sign in to Become a God"

But thankfully, everyone survived.

So, don’t be angry, don’t be angry!

"Has 'Adam' not reached the ground yet?"

Chen Fei asked again.

He was the first to take a shower, and as soon as he returned to the driver's seat, he immediately used a transparent partition to completely isolate himself from the bad smell in the car.

Adam: We have traveled about 31.7 kilometers so far, and the sonic radar has not found the exit yet.

The individual tactical armor functional modules of the Henghai Tactical Weapons Group are all applied to the mobile base vehicle. If one set is not enough, then two sets will be used. As for the management and control system, Chen Fei does not need to worry about it. They are all artificial intelligence AI "Adam"

"The latter also did the job quite smoothly.

"Okay, please notify me as soon as the exit is confirmed!"

Chen Fei shook his head. When will this passage leading to an unknown place and how long will it end?

The unknown is the most worrying thing.

The carriage shook slightly.

"What's going on? Has the 'Tsar Earthworm' appeared again?"

"This movement doesn't feel right!"

"Where did it collapse?"

If something was crushed, it should have been from the front to the rear of the car, not the entire nearly 20-meter-long carriage.

Unless a huge shock wave from the outside world sweeps through, the entire mobile base vehicle can fall into the entire shock wave crest.

System: Ding! BTS-0001 "Tsar Earthworm" has been killed (completed) and gained 200 energy points!

Energy points 200!

Energy points:/

It seems that the little cutie that died must have been a "Tsar Earthworm". Even the one that swallowed the mobile base vehicle before was probably killed by such an explosion. It would even be difficult to preserve the whole body.


Ruan Tiankai, a ninth-level earth magician, withdrew his senses, opened his eyes and said: "It's the restlessness of the earth, it should be the explosion of the things behind it!"

"Yes, it's a shock wave, coming from the rear!"

Team 18 also had an earth-type psychic who was keenly aware of the sudden abnormal vibration of the vehicle.

The two teams were in the middle of the hall of the Supreme Council. What was left behind was not only a BLU-82 cloud bomb, but also a pile of linked explosives and incendiary bombs.

Chen Fei specially made a set of detonating devices. As long as a large enough shock or direct contact is given, the cloud explosion fuel of the BLU-82 cloud explosion bomb will be released immediately, and the remaining explosives and incendiary bombs will explode in the cloud.

It was then detonated, just in time to keep up with the rhythm of the cloud explosion, raising the lethality to another level.

In order to avoid the depletion of oxygen after the cloud explosion, the effect of the incendiary bombs cannot be fully exerted. Several liquefied air cylinders are stuffed in the middle of the explosives. Several armor-piercing bomb conical covers are pressing against the cylinders, which can break the bottles in an instant.

, completely releasing the liquefied air inside to assist the second combustion and explosion.

The total charge of the two waves reached about 23 tons, which was enough to give the mutant who entered the Supreme Council Hall a good drink.

At a distance of 2 kilometers into the passage, Chen Fei also installed several directional anti-infantry mines and anti-tank mines in the passage. If any mutants chased after them desperately, they would probably be attacked.

Chen Feitan, who was in the driver's seat, said calmly: "We have left for more than 30 kilometers, nothing will happen!"

The vacuum bomb can create a vacuum zone with a radius of 200 meters, a crushing zone with a radius of 300 meters, and a biological killing zone with a radius of 600 meters. Absolute safety may not be guaranteed even a thousand meters away.

The total charge of about 23 tons is certainly more terrifying, but the killing radius of four to five kilometers is already over.

At a distance of 30 kilometers, I am afraid that even tactical nuclear weapons are not easy to use, and they must at least have a yield of one million tons.

So after the mobile base vehicle drove another 10 kilometers, abnormal air pressure changes swept through the outside of the vehicle, and then nothing happened.

Adam: Changes in infrared heat radiation and an increase in radiation dose were found ahead, and there was a suspected exit.

"Everyone, there may be an exit ahead!"

Chen Fei immediately informed others of the news.

"Really? That's great!"

"You can come out now!"

"Hey! Chen Fei, your car must be washed and cleaned. Do you understand?"

"I know, I know! I will rinse it myself, with the faucet on full blast!"

"I will also help you wash your car with water spells."

“This trip was terrible!”

"It's good to be alive, there's nothing to complain about!"

"Hey! Girl, you have been soaking for more than an hour, come out quickly!


"I do not want!"

"No, you do! If you don't come out, I will rush in and smoke you to death, do you understand?"

"Ah! No, I, I'll be fine soon!"

The cabin of the mobile base vehicle was abuzz with excitement.

Adam: An abnormal biological reaction was found in the rear, suspected to be BTS-0001 "Tsar Earthworm".

"It's still the same guy!"

"Adam", who lacked imagination, could only detect the mutant BTS-0001 "Tsar Earthworm", but could not identify which one it was.

Chen Fei, however, was able to use his imagination and reasoning to guess who the guy who suddenly chased from behind was.

There is a high probability that it is the "Tsar Earthworm" that once took a shot of 152 and half of its body was blown to pieces. However, the vitality of this mutant is really terrible. It can run away with only half of its body left.

He can continue to pursue him with great airs.

Having said that, this ability to hold grudges is really the first time I have seen it among mutants.

"'Adam', 152 ready!"

Without hesitation, Chen Fei asked "Adam" to load the railgun on the roof of the car, and then pushed the switch to further speed up the car.

Adrian, who immediately noticed the change in vehicle speed and the movement of the railgun on the roof, asked: "Hey! Chen Fei, what's going on?"

Chen Fei said without looking back: "Our old friend is catching up again!"

At this time, instead of handing over the mobile base vehicle to "Adam" for autonomous driving, he trusted his own driving skills.

In addition to jets that can easily exceed a thousand kilometers per hour, even turboprops can reach speeds of more than 400 to 500 kilometers per hour. Chen Fei cannot be troubled by mobile base vehicles, which can barely reach 100 kilometers per hour. There are even

When I was free, I asked "Adam" how far away the mutant behind was from the mobile base vehicle.


Is it that old friend who still lingers? Adrian Benjamin, a first-level fire magician, mechanically turned his head and looked at each other with the equally stunned Captain Moron of Team 18.

Are we going to be eaten alive again?

Adam: The distance is 2.7 kilometers and the speed is about 61 kilometers per hour.

The current speed of the mobile base vehicle is 70 kilometers, and the distance between the two sides will only get wider and wider. The channel is not an undulating sand dune, and both sides are on the same "runway (channel)", so if there are no accidents, the other party will

The possibility of catching up is almost slim.

"'Adam,' let's give that old friend a few rounds outside the exit to show our appreciation."

Chen Fei laughed sincerely.

The next second, the mobile base vehicle broke through a thin layer of sand, and the outside of the vehicle suddenly became bright. The bright sunlight penetrated the window with a certain one-way perspective function and spilled into the compartment.

The rail gun quickly turned its muzzle and aimed at the opening of the quicksand-like waterfall behind, from which the mobile base vehicle rushed out just now. If you like the Sky Ride, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Sky Ride Search

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