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Chapter 388 - Fierce Battle

The light war energy flames combined with the dazzling sword energy forced the enemy to successfully break through.

The Holy Light Knight's internal organs were inevitably shaken. He rode on the back of the green-scaled horse and gasped for air, but he shouted without hesitation: "Minnie, pick up the speed and charge!"

There is no other sharpest attack method for a knight, but the charging ear!

"Bah! Bah!"

The wind magic beast Green Scale Horse let out a high-pitched and ear-splitting neigh, its four hooves transformed, and its wind wings reappeared. Brought by the strong wind, it carried its knight and rushed towards the enemy who launched the fire spell.

The knight's sword flashed with cold light, and its aura was like frost.



Kitli, the A-level metal superpower, touched his armor and stomach, pulled out a two-meter-long throwing spear, and threw it out with all his strength.

"Go to hell!"

The spear was thrown in the blink of an eye and penetrated the building where the sword energy suddenly rushed out and struck at the Holy Light Knight.

When it shot out from the other side, the sharp tip of the spear was tinged with bright red, and some of it fell on the snow, which was particularly dazzling.


Apu, a second-level thunder warrior, let out an explosive roar, and a double-edged battle ax the size of a door panel held his sword.

The two weapons were frozen in mid-air, seemingly facing each other.

The fighting suddenly started in Grafki Village without any warning, catching Tanya, the female liaison officer of the Tunguska Regional Police Station off guard, and screamed in fright.

"What, what's going on!"

Before this, she never thought that there would actually be a fight. She always felt that the people in Team 04 were making too much fuss.

"Sam, Keatley, Apu, you should evacuate the village first!"

Adrian looked calm, which was surprising, but it didn't cause him to panic on the spot.

abcdefg... A complete set of operational preparations is made. This is a standard operation. The "Bear Hunting Special Operations Department" is facing a vicious and mysterious organization, and everyone has been prepared to deal with the worst situation from the beginning.

"Received" x3!

They were suddenly attacked and the situation in the village was unclear. Even the most reckless guy, Apu, had no intention of continuing to be so reckless.

The ten constructed battle puppets that had arrived at the village were cut in half like wheat, and their momentum suddenly stopped, turning into rolling gourds all over the ground, which were quickly covered with thick snow powder.

When his puppet was cut in half by an invisible force, the puppet master Joe Shipp, who was concentrating on his mental control, screamed.

"My puppet!"

The constructed combat puppet was suddenly destroyed, and his mental strength was inevitably shaken.

The tactics are not over yet.

"It's a trap!"

Adrian made his judgment immediately.

Seven or eight figures appeared and headed straight for the location of the mobile base vehicle.

"too close!"

Wanting to use 152 to blast those people to pieces, Chen Fei found that the opponent had already broken into the railgun's blind spot.

Even if the high-level dual-purpose anti-aircraft machine gun is activated, it will be too late, and even a few shots will not be fired at all. The two sides will be in close combat. Under the attack of the enemy, the muzzles of the guns have just been aimed, but they both have to stop their movements.

"Lulu'an, I'm going!"

Maori Meixin gave a sweet shout, held both swords in her hands, and faced the charging enemy with small steps.

"Bone-corroding Cage Vine, array!"

The old tree world ape's spells have finally been completed. The severe cold has limited its wood spells to a certain extent, so more mental power and magic power need to be invested in order to produce those magical plants.

The thick snow exploded one after another, and rattans as thick as a bowl shot up into the sky, dancing crazily.

More than a dozen extremely poisonous plants, such as the Bone Cage Vine, which can trap and kill even low-level monsters, surrounded the mobile base vehicle, creating a watertight defense line.

"Secret method, blitz!"

A figure flashed at the door of the mobile base vehicle, the carriage shook slightly, and a figure appeared outside the defense line of highly toxic plants.

Those poisonous vines that danced endlessly without even touching the corners of his clothes rushed out.

Of course, it also has to do with the fact that that person is one of our own.

Basian, the Neanderthal patriarch who was waiting in the carriage, struck immediately.

“Twenty-eight beauties’ bodies are as crispy as butter!”

Chanting verses in his mouth, Maori Meixin seemed to be dancing a pleasing dance. She turned slightly, flashing the sharp lightning that passed by, and swung out a piece of silver light with her two swords, one sword faster than the other.

"Kill the fool with a sword at your waist!"

A huge human head rose into the sky.

"In the past there was a beautiful lady named Gongsun..."

Instead of retreating, she advanced. The knife followed people, and people danced with the knife. Her light footsteps only left shallow traces on the snow, as if she was dancing on the snow.

The sword skills used in actual combat are 200% more powerful than when they were first reported.

"A sword dance moves all directions!"

Puff puff puff...

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

Amidst the screams one after another, broken arms and limbs flew around, the Japanese samurai sword was the most cruel, and it was fully displayed at this moment.

The most ferocious licking of Fusang in Japan was during the prosperous Tang Dynasty. I couldn’t read and write Chinese characters, and I didn’t recite poems and dictionaries. Why should I be a warrior? People took the 18th-level Sinology exam hard and failed in the end.

Batch of people, well, they have become filthy, and then there is Yakuza. If you don’t want to suffer the hardships of study, you have to suffer the hardships of life. In terms of study, God is fair.

Seeing his companions being killed like melons and vegetables, losing a lot of blood in the cold weather, which meant certain death, the ability user among the attackers roared angrily.

"Smelly woman, go to hell!"

Countless wind blades took shape, whizzing towards Maori Meixin, whose sword power had been exhausted.

"Secret method, open the mountain!"


The body that was split in half from head to toe flew far away, and the blood plasma sprayed out on a large snow surface as if it was free. The steaming internal organs separated from the chest and abdominal cavity and scattered all over the ground.

There still seemed to be an expression of disbelief on his face.

The Neanderthal patriarch with his single-tusked halberd pointing diagonally at the ground appeared not far behind the Maori girl. The out-of-control wind blade immediately turned into a strong wind, causing the snow powder to dance and gradually dissipate.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Arigado (thank you), Bas Ansang!"

Maori Meixin made a neat and tidy gesture of sheathing the knife, and bowed to the Neanderthal leader who came to support in time.

Her ultimate move "Infinite Tearing Slash" has yet to meet an opponent that can match it.

Basian stared at the attackers whose number was still less than half, and said solemnly: "Be careful!"

The tattoos on his body glowed with a striking red light.

The battle is not over yet!


"'Adam', turn on the infrared thermal imaging and use synthetic aperture radar to scan the entire village!"

Chen Fei, who felt more and more that something was not right, immediately gave instructions to the artificial intelligence AI.

The situation in the village is very strange. There are more than one attack points. This can no longer be launched by just four ability users.

The number of enemies appearing now alone has exceeded twenty.

The front windshield of the mobile base vehicle instantly changed from transparent to black, and then lit up again, showing the layout outline of the entire village in the distance, as well as a picture of heat radiation.

In various buildings, many brightly colored human silhouettes rushed outside. More bright infrared heat reactions appeared out of the air, and a considerable number of them came directly towards the mobile base vehicle.

"No, there are no villagers, this village is a trap!"

Chen Fei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

If they were innocent villagers, they should be hiding in the house at this moment. How could they rush out and die.

In the center of the village, several missiles dragged out long plumes of smoke and headed straight for the mobile base vehicle.


The Gao Ping dual-purpose anti-aircraft machine gun pointed at the sky and fired fiercely. Under the control of "Adam", a barrage filled the sky to block the missiles that were getting closer and closer.

"Damn it, 'Falling Star Flame'!"

Adrian could no longer sit in the carriage and activated the fire spell without hesitation, causing more fireballs to rise into the sky.

Spells versus spells, powers versus powers, firearms versus firearms.

Chen Fei shouted loudly: "Luluan, come back! Others, stay away and use steel mesh for defense!"

At least 100 energy points were thrown out, exchanged for 100 tons of steel, and an interception network wall evolved around the mobile base vehicle, covering the entire vehicle.

It is almost impossible to stop all missiles with just one high-level and low-level anti-aircraft machine gun.

Adrian had just pulled the old tree world ape back into the car and slammed the door shut when an earth-shattering explosion and loud noise enveloped the entire mobile base vehicle in an instant.

Swept by the violent shock wave, the 20-meter-long mobile base vehicle, even with a total weight of more than 80 tons, could not suppress the violent shaking. It was like a small boat caught in the stormy waves. It was not known when it would calm down.


Tanya, the female liaison officer of the Tunguska local police station, rolled around on the ground and screamed in fright.

Her C-level mental abilities were completely useless in such situations, and she could not even protect herself.

Under the combined attack of fire spells and missiles, the bone-corroding cage vines and steel mesh surrounding the mobile base vehicle were blown to pieces. The vines as thick as a bowl were broken into dozens of pieces, and highly toxic juice leaked out, corroding the ground into an ugly shape.

of scorch marks.

Tens of meters away, Maori Meixin and Neanderthal chief Basian, who were intercepting the enemy, were pushed to the ground by the air wave behind them. The enemies who fought against them were not much better, and all of them were killed without exception.

Lying down.

The mental power was connected with the entire mobile base vehicle, and he felt the impact on the armor layer as if it were real. Chen Fei shook his head and shouted loudly: "Asshole, 'Adam' aimed at the west side of the village, fired a 152


A part of the bone-corroding cage vine was blocked by rattan, causing heavy losses. The dense steel mesh blocked the rest of the missiles, so that the warhead did not explode directly on the car body, so only the shock wave and shrapnel hit the car body.

The armor layer is far from being able to break armor. Although the lives of the people in the car are not in danger, the shock they endure is unavoidable.

The 152 kill radius of the counterattack is enough to cover most of Grafki Village. As long as they are enemies, then all of them will die!

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