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Chapter 49 - Suspicious Person

The first thing Hana Gagel, a second-level inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from Tianqi Defense Group headquarters, directly pointed at the "Zhenxiang" combat flying squadron, but did not mention the second one.

Fire and the third fire.

Except for the pilots of the "Zhenxiang" squadron who gathered together and began to discuss the plan abc, other departments were caught in panic. The fear came from the unknown. They were not afraid to show their swords. If they faced it head-on, they were afraid of being stabbed in the dark.

It breaks out and makes people unable to guard against it.

The mechanics team is very calm. Under the leadership of the boss Xiao Ming, the mechanics work impeccably.

The videos that female executive manager Hana Gagel gave as examples were all after the combat alert was sounded, but the work of the maintenance team ended before the combat alert was sounded. From the flight of the "Big Mouth Monsters" after they took off

Judging from the condition, the mechanics did not neglect their duties, all were battle losses, and there were no non-combat losses due to malfunctions.

As for the newcomer Chen Fei, he has nothing to do with him. He is sometimes a mechanic, sometimes a pilot, and he works part-time at night and on the night shift. He jumps left and right and is fine.

As long as he continues to study and train honestly according to the original plan and waits to officially start working, the three fires will not burn his head no matter what.

The manager's office at the 911 aircrew base.

Opposite Hana Gagel, who had just finished her first speech on taking office, stood two men in black suits and sunglasses with solemn expressions, holding a folder in their hands.

"Where's the list?"

Instead of parachuting into the 911 airbase alone and unprepared to take over Maurice Morgan's position as executive manager, she led a small and capable team.

The inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was parachuted into a lower-level sub-unit and served as the executive manager. Such a special personnel change does not seem to be unusual.

But when it comes to the newly harvested golden dragon remains and the huge benefits of tens of billions of stars, no matter what kind of unreasonableness it is, it will become a matter of course.


One of the two men in black suits and sunglasses started to speak, but was immediately interrupted.

"Stop it, please call me Manager Hana!"

Hana Gagel frowned, and the two of them fell into silence at the same time.

"One-eyed Hana" did not get this title in the Ministry of Internal Affairs because of her kindness, gentleness, and affability. Such a character's tolerance for the mistakes of his subordinates is often limited. If you don't want to die an ugly death, it is best not to continue to work.

Crazy temptation on the edge of death.

"Manager Hana, this is the list of suspects that we just compiled."

The man in a black suit holding a document in his hand respectfully handed the document to the executive desk, then hurriedly returned to his original position, his hands hanging down by his legs, his expression extremely solemn, and he did not even dare to take a breath.

The standard A4 paper has five pages in total. It lists the information and related comments of twenty-five people. They belong to different departments and different positions at the 911 Air Service Base.

Hana Gagel picked up the document on the table, flipped it back and forth and looked at it a few times. She picked up a pen and made different marks on several names, including triangles, five-pointed stars, and question marks, and finally said: "

Polygraph and psychological analysis have been done to evaluate Park Aihua. His small business is not big and there are no special channels. It is purely superficial. Suspicions can be ruled out. As long as you keep an eye on his personal and family bank accounts, if

If there is any large amount of funds coming in or out, remember to report it to me in time."

"There is also Chen Fei, who comes from a standard civilian family. He has no special abilities and limited knowledge. I'm afraid he doesn't even know what the dragon's heart core looks like. Even if it falls into his hands, given the situation at the time, he will almost

You are almost dead, how can you hide something?"

"In addition, Spenk from the security team has color blindness and can hardly distinguish the difference between the core and ordinary stones. Check his movement trajectory and draw a trajectory map. If there are no problems, it can be eliminated."

"Pay close attention to Balut. There is a saying, 'Those who are not of my kind will have different hearts.' He is not only a Neanderthal, he was also a guard of the Supreme Council of the Third Era Civilization. It is difficult to guarantee that he will

I don’t have any special thoughts, this person is very dangerous.”

Hana Gagel's pen tip focused heavily on Balut's name, and next to it was a five-pointed star that had just been drawn.

There is a huge amount of information revealed in words.

Although Apocalypse Defense Group dug three feet into the area where the golden dragon fell and collected all the wreckage it could find, even fragments the size of rice grains, it failed to find its core, which was even the size of a fingernail.

No fragments were found.

The core of the gold-type giant dragon Bit is missing. No one can guarantee that it has been self-destructed or blown to pieces by the kdk-1 air-breathing hypersonic smart missile. After all, this is the head of a "dragon-killing bomb"

There was no precedent for this actual battle to kill a giant dragon, and the result was a gold dragon.

However, according to top-secret information from special channels, once the core of the metal dragon clan is destroyed, the quality of the remaining remains will drop by more than one level in an instant, and its value will be greatly reduced.

However, the quality of the gold dragon remains in the hands of Tianqi Defense Group is still intact, and it can definitely be sold at a good price.

This means... the core of the metal dragon may still be there, or even intact.

Tianqi Defense Group quietly blocked the news.

The two men in black suits and black sunglasses across from the executive desk looked at each other. They didn't expect that there were so many omissions in their investigation work, and a cold sweat suddenly broke out on their backs.

The two said in unison: "Thank you, Manager... Hana, for the reminder."

I almost made a mistake again.

Fortunately, this person had no intention of getting angry on the spot, so they both secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"How's the surveillance program going?"

Hana Gagel put the file containing the information of more than twenty people back on the desktop and pushed it forward.

The man in a black suit who had just delivered the documents quickly retrieved the stack of A4 papers on the executive desk.

Another person said: "The security team and the monitoring room have been assigned two people each. The specially customized monitoring sensors have covered 90% of the entire base, but those containers may cause some interference..."

At the end of the sentence, he began to hesitate.

The standard containers piled up at the 911 air base are completely unexpected and new.

Monitoring sensors can detect the remains of the metal dragon within a certain range, but other metal materials will also cause a certain degree of interference and misjudgment.

"It doesn't matter. First, make sure it's fully covered. There are no omissions or blind spots. Focus on the traffic arteries. Once you find something, report it immediately. Do you understand?"

Hana Gagel continued: "If the dragon core is recovered, I will definitely take credit for you personally, and the company will not treat you badly."

“Thank you Manager Hana!”

Two men in black suits and black sunglasses gradually entered a state after changing their roles.

"Hope to hear good news soon."

The executive chair under the slender figure of the female executive manager looks like a throne.

The various departments of the air service base did not notice that there was another small team operating quietly near them, but did not belong to any department.

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