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Chapter 503 - The military takes action

"you sure?"

Miyoshi Xuesen looked at Chen Fei in surprise.

You won't be so lucky that all the problems will be solved in one shot.

Chen Fei recalled it carefully and then nodded.

"It should be right!"

The biggest threat to White Truffle Town and the mission target all stood together and were sent away with a cannon.

"A second shot?"

Chen Fei looked at Monk Sanhao.

One-third of the population can be killed with one shot, because the small square in the center of the town is surrounded by densely populated residential areas and the only commercial area.

The people infected by Turte's "Blood Eyes and Heart Poison" forced the town's population to gather together to resist the chaos, but they did not expect that the 600 anti-explosive bombs would cause such a huge destructive effect.

What's more, the combat targets of this dual-track weapons platform are usually mutants and strategic defense, not humans.

At this moment, the surviving residents of the town were searching for survivors near the crater. If another bomb was fired, they would be completely wiped out.

"No, leave the rest to local sovereignty!"

Miyoshi Gakusen nodded silently, thinking silently to Namo Amitabha. In the final analysis, he is still a monk, and he should have great compassion here.

Others are not the targets of this temporary rerouting mission.

Chen Fei took back the D-600 parallel railgun and replenished the energy points. After all, the wear and tear of the weapon platform was almost negligible, and the dog system was not realistic in this regard.

Early the next morning, before the hunting team left, several sky patrol ships descended from the sky, and an army of thousands of people and more than a dozen beast-shaped quadrupedal combat mobile armor surrounded the entire town.

To the surprise of Miyoshi Xuesen and others, during the siege, there was a fierce exchange of fire between the residents of White Truffle Town and the army.

There were even several anti-joint bipedal combat mobile armors appearing in the town. Although their firepower was not strong, they were surprisingly flexible and agile, causing the infantrymen in the encirclement to scream.

If there weren't armored vehicles forcibly pushing up, the front might have collapsed on the spot.

Andrew, a third-level earth magician, maintained an earth spell shield and erected a stone wall bunker, because stray bullets would fly over from time to time, and if you were not careful, you could easily lose your life inexplicably.

"Hey! Fortunately, I didn't go for a bargain last night!"

Over the course of one night, Kurt, who had recovered a little more than half of his energy, took a sandwich for breakfast and watched the ping-pong game in and out of town on the hillside.

After killing the mayor and the heavenly warrior, the people in the town are still not to be underestimated. They even have combat mobile armor.

This small group of them plus a group of ninjas blessed with dark powers, trying to destroy such a small town is probably a bit too much.

We are all mortals. Once the superpowers and magic power are exhausted, you can die with just one shot. If you are not lucky, a brick is enough.

Just like that unknown Tianwei, a 600mm-caliber anti-explosive bomb came over, and it was too late to escape, so it was killed directly.

The person who killed him was just a B-level superpower, with a high status, but what a cheap end.

"Don't be greedy! Namo Amitabha!"

After hearing Tuart's complaint, Miyoshi imitated Mori and clasped his hands together.

Prudence is one of the trump cards that keeps him alive till now. He does dirty work and often walks along the river without getting his shoes wet. There are countless examples of accidental capsizing in the gutter. Being careful can always save your life.

"Namo Amitabha!"

Masuya, an A-level wind power user with naturally curly red hair, glanced at the monk and recited the words as she felt something in her heart.

This monk has led them to complete so many hunting missions, and he does have some skills.

The warriors of the army are on the scene. They have at least the seventh level of human strength and rush into the battlefield at lightning speed. The alloy blades containing fighting spirit are in the anti-joint bipedal stepping combat mobile armor in White Truffle Town.

Slash with dazzling sword skills.

Although there was no battle energy blade, the combat mobile armor was like building blocks, crackling to pieces on the spot, and the fighter inside was also torn into pieces.

More than a dozen missiles rose from the workshops in the town and focused on a corner of the encirclement.

Anyone with a little bit of military talent can tell that the people in the town are planning to break out, but they don't know whether to attack in the east or to open a breakthrough with all their strength.

Without the combat mobile armor as the backbone of resistance, it would be a matter of time before White Truffle Town was occupied by the army.

The military's interceptor missiles continuously took off, whizzing towards the missiles that had completed their climb. Only two missiles were successfully intercepted, and the rest hit the ground hard.

The missile-launching workshop was instantly covered by retaliatory artillery fire and rocket rain, and was bombarded continuously for at least ten seconds.


Chen Fei couldn't bear to look directly at it. The casualty figures of the Gallic military must be ugly.

To deal with this kind of resistance, what else can we do to encircle the enemy? Just bomb the ground to clear the ground for a minute at most, or simply use a 2,000-pound thermobaric bomb to protect the chickens and dogs.

The hunting team was not in a hurry to leave, and Aunt Caroline, a B-level fire superpower who started preparing lunch, took a look at the White Truffle Town that was being exploded to earth-shattering proportions, and grinned disapprovingly.

"Haha, the explosion wasn't powerful enough!"

She looked at Chen Fei again, her smile full of warmth and kindness.

The 600-kill explosive bomb last night was so powerful. It hit the square in the center of the town and turned the square into a big pit. The shape was quite beautiful. This is the true meaning of explosion!

If it were Caroline who did it herself, there would be at least a hundred tricks to come up with such things as centripetal flowers, internal and external conflicts, heaven and earth falling apart, houses toppling to the ground, etc.

Since ancient times, the fire system has been weird. It doesn't like to burn, but rather to explode.

There was a small crackling sound, and gravel flying from a distance landed on Andrew's earth magic shield.

There was a spell shield, and the caster was at the third level, so Chen Fei did not use a metal plate with the "Repulsion Shield" spell array engraved on it as a substitute for defense. After all, it would consume crystal energy.

Since the energy level of crystal energy is higher, through power conversion, even if the conversion efficiency is quite high and comparable to no loss, you still cannot obtain much crystal energy.

Chen Fei's "Optical/Electric/Magnetic/Crystal Energy Universal Conversion and Management Component" is actually quite embarrassing to convert crystal energy. After all, metal superpowers are not professional generators, and they also leak electricity.

Military-grade crystal energy blocks from more than ten years ago, these spell arrays are of no use to him. The small amount of crystal energy converted by the superpower itself is simply not enough to maintain the consumption of the spell array for a long time. One, two, three

, finished!

"The army is shrinking!"

Andrew, the earth magician who maintained the spell shield, noticed that the armies of the Gallic Sovereignty no longer attacked as violently as before, and began to regroup and stabilize the encirclement front.

The military personnel who had eliminated all the anti-joint bipedal combat mobile armor did not pursue the victory. Most of them were ordinary infantrymen in the rear who stretched their hips too much and were caught off guard by missiles that washed the ground and were forcibly dragged back.

Legs, the warriors who lost support probably wouldn’t dare to go too far alone.

The first round ended in an anticlimactic manner.

After the great war more than thirty years ago, Blue Star's civilization has been at peace for a long time. It is inevitable that the army's combat effectiveness will decline. Young master soldiers with weak fighting will are almost a common phenomenon.

Cats that eat too much cat food often cannot even fight small mice.

Until now, it is quite rare that the sovereign army has not collapsed.

Compared with their combat effectiveness, private military contractors dare to fight, fight, and be ruthless. They are ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to themselves. They can often fight to the last soldier without collapse.

When the employees are dead, the supervisor is gone, the manager is gone, and the manager is also dead, that is, the boss leads the board of directors to launch a final decisive battle, and will never give up until the last person is left.

This was the case when the 911 Air Service Base and the Me-Man Brothers joint defense consortium were fighting hard. Although I am young, I am fierce, so fierce that you can't afford to offend me, and you still have to hide away.

The cowardly Chen Xiaoer was able to thrive in such a job, and he was very happy. If it had been anyone else, he would not have been able to survive more than three days.

As the armies of the Gallic Sovereignty retracted their skirmishes and regrouped, the resistance in White Truffle Town did not stop. Sporadic gunfire broke out one after another. If you were not careful at this time, you could easily get shot.

The two sides reached a tacit understanding and completely ceased fighting for an hour at noon. They were busy eating, drinking water, resting, and treating the wounded.

Just when Chen Fei thought there was still afternoon tea inside and outside the town, a storm of artillery fire was thrown into the town, kicking off the afternoon battle again.

He yawned lazily, feeling bored.

Compared with the endless corporate war between military contractors, the Gallic military's attack on the small town is a small scene.

Chen Fei and Big Bear Chekov were so drunk that they were better than flying planes to bomb enemy air bases.

Until now, the air strike force has still not appeared.

Probably because they didn't want to suffer any damage, the several sky patrol ships that came over to transport troops stayed far away and suspended in mid-air.

Hearing Chen Fei's yawn, Mihaoshi Xuesen, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, twirling Buddhist beads and reciting scriptures, said leisurely: "It will almost be over before dark."

In the incense burner next to him, some strands of Buddhist incense were burning.

The surrounding air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

The military's tactics were completely rigid and textbook-like, with no highlights at all and basically lackluster. However, the step-by-step attack inevitably consumed the remaining resistance in the town.

As long as you are a human being, you will be injured and tired. After the casualties increase, your nerves will be stretched all day long, and it may be difficult to continue.

Just as Monk Miyoshi expected, before sunset, the white flag was finally raised in White Truffle Town, which was running out of ammunition and food.

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