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Chapter 512 - Evacuation

Just when Chen Fei was sure of winning, the unexpected dog system came to him, which was even more terrifying than the corpse scam.

Damn it!

If you read correctly the line of subtitles that suddenly appeared in front of you, it should be the appearance of a crystal energy jet.

It's too scary.

The crystal energy jet is known as the artifact of the country. It is definitely not something that Chen Fei and his group of sixteen "big mouth monsters" can provoke. They might be wiped out in the first round.


Just when Chen Fei was about to sound an alarm on the public communication channel and make everyone scream, an idea flashed in his mind.

Wait...only 1,000 energy points???

The crystal energy jet, known as the artifact that governs the country, is worth this price. Isn’t it too cheap?

Maybe, probably, maybe, it's really a lie.

Although the dog system has a lot of bad points, the intelligence revealed behind the mission is pretty reliable most of the time.

The crystal energy jet machine worth 1,000 energy points is probably a half-baked copycat machine. Although the "Water Bear" organization's idea of ​​developing a sovereign and national artifact is unexpected, it is still reasonable.

It's just that crystal energy jets can't be made casually. Even though Chen Fei has industrial-level powers and has the wreckage of two crystal energy jets as reference, he still doesn't have much clue.

"Everyone evacuates the 631 Air Service Base. Don't let the transport planes get close. Everyone returns, immediately, immediately!"

Although he noticed something suspicious in the new mission subtitles that the dog system suddenly prompted, Chen Fei still said what he originally wanted to say.

A threat worth 1,000 energy points, even if it is a copycat machine that cuts corners, is not something that "Big Mouth Monster" can handle.

The monk Sanhao on the transport plane didn't care about exposing Chen Fei's name, and quickly asked: "What happened, Chen Fei!"

The sudden return order made the subsequent combat plan in vain, or even failed.

If the 631st Air Service Base is really allowed to slow down, the next battle may not be easy to fight.

"The situation has changed, it's a big threat! 'Adam', let the drone hover on alert!"

Before Chen Fei finished speaking, a light spot suddenly burst out of the 631 Air Service Base that turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. The speed was frightening, but there was no response on the radar screen of the "Big Mouth Monster".

It's not so much a light spot as it is a tail flame, or at least the tail flame of a jet.

Invisible to radar!

But in Chen Fei's "Optical Observer Basic Body (Level 8)" skill that was jointly enhanced by the three skill modules of "Macro Perspective", "Low Light Enhancement" and "Visual Assistance", the unidentified aircraft was nowhere to be seen.


The drones Chen Fei refers to refer to the six unmanned "Big Mouth Monsters" controlled by the artificial intelligence AI "Adam". They are very qualified cannon fodder and can stay behind to provide cover, even if they are all destroyed.

It’s not a pity either.

The little bird on the collar tried to release the "Light Mirror Technique", but the light spots gathered and dissipated, and failed again.

Although the success rate has improved a lot compared to the past, there is still a certain probability of failure.

"Xiaojiu, come on!"

The little guy practiced this light spell whenever he had free time. Not only did it not interfere with Chen Fei, it also provided him with more effective perspectives, which was of great tactical significance.


The Pure Light Bird chirped in dissatisfaction.

The light points converged again, this time finally forming a complete light curtain. The picture happened to overlap with Chen Fei's "macro perspective", but the mysterious aircraft that took off from the sea of ​​fire at the 631 Air Service Base was quickly captured.

A flat-shaped aircraft revealed its body, and its whole body was glowing with light cyan, dark red and earthy yellow intertwined in three colors, forming strange tattoos that almost covered the entire body. It should be the aircraft that the dog system suddenly reminded

A crystal energy jet worth 1000 energy points.

The characteristic of the national artifact is the extensive use of spell arrays. The combination of technology and magic improves the combat effectiveness by more than one level. Chen Fei has built spell arrays more than once, so he is no stranger to the light after the spell array is activated. He can distinguish it immediately

came out.

Due to the use of magic array, the reliance on aerodynamic shape and driving force has been reduced a lot.

This allows the design of crystal energy jets to be more free, with forward swept wings, swept wings, straight wings, folding wings, deformed wings, no vertical tail, single vertical tail, multiple vertical tails, ventral wings, canards... there are many styles

Changes, but no matter how they change, they are basically tailored to the aerial combat skills mastered by the Sky Knight, and are specially designed to increase combat effectiveness.

Although the cost of customization is extremely high, and the later maintenance costs will not be much less, it is insignificant compared with the cost of cultivating a qualified sky knight. This is also the reason why some poor and weak sovereigns have created their own countries.

After becoming the Sky Knight, he would rather tighten his belt and make his already miserable life even more difficult, rather than having to customize a crystal energy jet.

If you form an army with one cavalry and guard the airspace, you will be safe!

The combat effectiveness of the sky knights driving the crystal energy jets was obvious, so Chen Fei did not hesitate to let the pilots of the 633 air service base and the arriving transport planes return together. The reason, including Miyoshi Gakusen, would only delay and kill people.

It's of no use at all.

Adam: There seems to be something!

The nine pilots brought over from the 633 Air Service Base had already pulled the control stick without hesitation, turned the nose of the aircraft and flew back. They didn't even ask, and they just hit and ran when asked, without any questioning.

However, the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" noticed something strange.

Although the radar still showed no reaction at all, the optical module discovered unusual clues.


An unmanned "Big Mouth Monster" exploded in the sky.

At almost the same time, the 633 Air Service Base lost the signal of a "Big Mouth Monster". It was only then that everyone realized that the "big threat" mentioned by Chen Fei really existed.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Chen Fei, what happened?"

At the same time, Miyoshi Xuesen received an emergency report that a "Big Mouth Monster" was damaged without warning.

Regardless of the fact that Chen Fei was dealing with it and should not be disturbed, he still asked.

"It's a crystal energy jet!"

Chen Fei has locked the maneuvering trajectory of the mysterious crystal energy jet. In addition to his "Optical Observer Basic Body (Level 8)" and Xiao Jiu's "Light Mirror Technique", there is also a thin line to predict the trajectory.

Prompt the other party's actual location.


The sound of countless people gasping for air rang out from the communication channel.

The air service base operated by military contractors is not allowed to have any military equipment that has passed the line, let alone the crystal energy jet, which is known as the artifact of the country. It is almost an unknown number of steps beyond the limit, and even enough to alarm.

Sovereignty is enough to take action.

"Did you read that correctly?"

Miyoshi Xuesen knew that he shouldn't continue to ask questions at this moment, but he couldn't help it.

"Confirmed, very confirmed!"

Chen Fei pulled the joystick back, abandoned the auxiliary fuel tank that had little fuel left, and let the "Big Mouth Monster" he was driving climb with all its strength to accumulate altitude for the next tactical maneuver.

Exchanging altitude for speed is almost the only way for an aircraft to obtain additional acceleration.

While the five unmanned "Big Mouth Monsters" were searching for the crystal energy jet like headless flies, the "Big Mouth Monster" driven by Chen Fei flew to a higher altitude, and also used magic

Array fully armed himself.

Repulsion Shield (45) Gravity (1) Fluid Vortex (2)x2 Blazing Bomb (1)x4=54 imprinted units.

Four "flaming bomb" spell arrays are engraved on the upper and lower sides of the left and right wings to ensure 360-degree strikes without blind spots.

This time there is not even a redundant imprinted unit, and the focus is on defense, mobility and attack power.

As for speed?

What kind of speed advantage can a turboprop have? Of course, it should make use of its strengths and avoid its weaknesses. Unless the propulsion engine is replaced, any operation to enhance speed is meaningless.

At the speed of sound, all of them are chickens and wardogs, vulnerable to a single blow!

Otherwise, it would not be the turn of military contractors to get involved with big toys like the "Big Mouth Monster". If you want to use this kind of combat aircraft to rebel, you will be like a long-lived person who is tired of living!

In the face of the artifact of sovereignty and national control, the quantitative advantage of turboprops cannot achieve a qualitative change at all, and no matter how much it is, it is in vain.

"You...don't force it!"

We have reached this juncture, and it is superfluous to say anything. Monk Sanhao no longer expects this mission to be successfully completed. He only hopes that Chen Fei can come back alive and that they can return to the 633 Air Service Base safely and wait for the support of Sovereignty.

, only sovereignty can control what happens next.

Just when Chen Fei was climbing with all his strength, two of the unmanned "Big Mouth Monsters" were destroyed again. He didn't even have a chance to launch missiles. The cannons that tested the firepower didn't even hit a hair. They were completely occupied.

The crystal energy jet that was upwind finally discovered the "Big Mouth Monster" that had reached an altitude of 5,000 meters above the ground.

As for the transport plane where Miyoshi Gakusen and others were on and the returning "big-mouthed monsters", they had already been so scared that they ran back. It's not that the brothers are unloyal, but that they can't help at all. Staying here will only serve as a hero.

Add chaos.

Chen Fei quietly activated two programmable combat bombs, and they all left the attachment points. The ignition was delayed for three seconds. When the warheads of the two missiles falling towards the rear were aimed at the crystal energy jet that was catching up, they ignited in unison and were optically guided.

The module successfully locked the target.

The opponent is right within the attack envelope of the "Big Mouth Monster", and there is not much difference between the front and rear.

The distance between the two sides is even less than 2,000 meters. For the missile, its own speed plus the speed of the crystal energy jet will hit the target in the next second.

Boom boom!~

The fireball exploded in the air!

Flames and shock waves directly engulfed the crystal energy jet that was hit head-on by two missiles. If you like Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Sky Rider Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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