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Chapter 515 - Passionate collision

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the cockpit of the transport plane, the young-looking Stewart pointed at the tablet screen surrounded by people and said three words with an exclamation mark.

The two combat aircraft used practical actions to explain what the attack envelope is, and both sides' fighting styles were fierce.

Even in the endless corporate war between military contractors, such violent confrontations have never been seen.

"Crystal energy jet?"

Andrew, a burly third-level earth magician, said what he really wanted to say.

But the crystal energy jet he mentioned was not the crystal energy jet that was fighting against the "Big Mouth Monster", but the "Big Mouth Monster" driven by Chen Fei.

But when did the 633 Air Service Base have crystal energy jets, and they were the turboprop version of the "Big Mouth Monster" crystal energy jets. Why does it feel weird, as if something is not right?

Andrew's mind didn't turn around for a while.

"Obviously it's Xiao Chen's metal power!"

Aunt Caroline saw through the truth at a glance.

Just like the boss of the 633 Air Service Base, how could he possibly afford a crystal energy jet, even a turboprop version of the crystal energy jet?

Only an idiot would create such an impractical crystal energy jet, not to mention that the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee would not allow it at all.

As soon as it lands, the "Big Mouth Monster" will immediately be knocked back to its original shape. It's exactly what it looked like originally, including spell shields, repulsion shields, laser cannons, particle beam cannons... and so on. I can't think of too much.


"It is indeed a superpower!"

Miyoshi Gakusen agreed with Caroline's judgment. "Sacrifice" plus industrial-grade metal powers, and also obtained spell arrays and crystal energy blocks, gave an ordinary turboprop aircraft some features that only crystal energy jets have.

The functionality is not surprising.

He had no idea that Chen Xiaoer would be so violent and would rather fight to the death than surrender by ejection.

Seeing two combat aircraft attacking each other on the tablet screen, A-level wind superpower Masuya asked worriedly: "Will Chen Fei suffer a loss?"

"No, no! Xiao Chen will not lose!"

Aunt Caroline is definitely on Chen Xiaoer's side, and she is on the side without any brains.

One person likes cooking, the other likes eating, and the two of them really cooperate happily in the hunting team.

"I hope Chen Fei won't lose!"

Stewart clasped his hands together and prayed silently in his heart.

If Chen Fei was shot down, those on the transport plane would be in trouble. For the crystal energy jet, it would be just a matter of a cup of tea to catch up.

The reason why the 631 Air Service Base, which secretly hid a crystal energy jet, did not bulldoze the 633 Air Service Base was probably because it did not take the latter seriously at all, just like an adult hitting a child, the latter

There is absolutely no power to fight back.

This time, the 633 Air Service Base took advantage of the intelligence asymmetry. The 631 Air Service Base did not expect that the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee not only sent a hunting team out of control, but also had a legitimate pilot in the team. This

A wave of ultra-low-altitude defense-breaking raids directly caused the 631 Air Service Base to suffer a huge loss.

The crystal energy jet fired at the "Big Mouth Monster" while moving closer to it.

The opponent's move played into Chen Fei's plan. He did not take the initiative to move towards him, but instead dodged to the other side to show his weakness.

Thinking that the "Big Mouth Monster" was afraid of the distance between the two sides, the crystal energy jet approached faster.

Putting aside the protective force field, the physical strength of the crystal energy jet is also higher than that of the "Big Mouth Monster", otherwise it would not be hit by the particle beam, but its combat effectiveness will not be reduced at all as if nothing has happened.

Therefore, even if it is used for collision, the crystal energy jet can blast the "Big Mouth Monster" completely, but it will mostly remain unscathed.

180 meters!

120 meters!

60 meters!

30 meters!

The cockpit of the Crystal Energy Jet does not have a transparent canopy like the "Big Mouth Monster". The Sky Knight can see Chen Fei in the "Big Mouth Monster" cockpit, but Chen Fei cannot see him.


The crystal energy jet and the "Big Mouth Monster" were shocked at the same time.

The protective force field and the "repulsion shield" overlap each other and act on each other's bodies at the same time, causing mutual harm.

Chen Fei didn't know what his opponent was like, but his "Big Mouth Monster" immediately set off various alarms.

The metal power was activated immediately, repairing the damage to the body caused by the impact, and the alarm sound decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Damn it!

The crystal energy jet acted rogue and played with a bumper machine. Chen Fei was not polite. He tilted the joystick and voluntarily collided with it. The "Flying Dragon" interceptor-type individual soldier tactical armor with anti-impact and load-resistant properties was added, along with a small

The birds protected together.

Boom! It's another guy, and the intensity of the collision has increased by more than one level.

If it weren't for Chen Fei's gold-type superpower to protect him, the "Big Mouth Monster" would have disintegrated on the spot.

"Chirp chirp chirp..."

The little bird fixed on Chen Fei's collar was inevitably affected, and made a series of protesting bird calls.

It's like swearing.

"Xiaojiu, just be patient and you'll kill that bastard right away!"

After being at each other's throats, Chen Fei could not give up no matter what. He even started to think of a war of attrition.

That crystal energy jet must have consumed a lot of crystal energy. Although the crystal energy block configured on the "Big Mouth Monster" is also consuming the reserved crystal energy, at least it has its "light/electricity/magnetic/crystal energy."

The "Universal Conversion and Management Component" is still doing "magnetic → electric → electrocrystalline energy" continuously. Although it is not enough to achieve a balance between replenishment and consumption, it is at least better than the other party who can only get out and not get in.

If the war of attrition goes to the end, it may still be unclear who will win.

Once the crystal energy is exhausted, the crystal energy jet will be a big iron lump in free fall. It is impossible to even think about gliding and making an emergency landing.

In order to pursue super maneuverability, the vast majority of crystal energy jets adopt statically unstable designs, and naturally lose the ability to glide without power.


Xiaojiu began to gather his own magic power again, and he didn't know what kind of spell he was brewing.

The crystal energy jet collided again.


A pale white halo bloomed in the night sky like a shock wave. It erupted from the cockpit of the "Big Mouth Monster" and swept the two aircraft instantly.

This time, neither the protective force field nor the "repulsion shield" bounced away from each other, but instead seemed to disappear.

Also disappearing together was the light from the spell arrays on the surfaces of both machines.

Xiaojiu gave both the enemy and us a huge surprise that was indistinguishable.

The third-level human level light spell "Elemental Dispelling".

Within a certain range, only the energy of the light element is left, and all other elemental energies are expelled.


The crystal energy jet collided hard with the "Big Mouth Monster".

This time, it is a real physical contact. To be precise, it should be a body collision.

A huge impact came, and even with the protection of metal powers, Chen Fei's "Big Mouth Monster" was still inevitably torn apart on the spot.

The strength of the crystal energy jet finally exerted a decisive advantage.

The shattered and deformed cockpit did not squeeze Chen Fei and Little Bird, but quickly consumed the impact force through orderly decomposition under the control of metal powers.

The crystal energy jet that collided was within reach at this moment.

So in the flash of lightning, Chen Fei stretched out his hand.

Dog system: Ding, we found a quasicrystalline energy jet. Do you want to absorb it: Yes/No|?

Chen Fei chose "Yes" like a conditioned reflex, and at the same time activated "Swallowing Metal" to swallow the disintegrated turboprop entirely. It was already dead, so he treated it as a corpse.

Dog System: Shoot down a crystal energy jet and obtain 1000 energy points (completed)

Energy points 1000!

Energy points:/

It was already at full value, so all 1,000 energy points were fed to the dog.

But Chen Fei didn't want to spend randomly in the "skill store" filled with junk skills and buy himself a bunch of inexplicable useless skills.

This dog system that wanted to cheat energy points all day long finally succeeded in getting him for nothing.



Sky Knight Edmund looked around him in confusion. He was falling freely in mid-air, and the wind was whistling in his ears.

Ah! Where’s Labor’s crystal energy jet?

The cockpit was missing, and only the individual tactical armor on his body was left. The whole person should have been firmly embedded in the cockpit.

A short distance away, on the opposite side, a guy wearing individual tactical armor who was also free-falling was reaching out to him, with a bright light behind him, like a god.

"Who are you……"

Edmond's body was filled with azure water-type war energy flames, but the other party's words made him give up his resistance.

"If you don't want to fall to death, don't move!"

The next second, Edmund's neck was pinched. Stars flashed in his eyes, and even the war energy flames that were about to start were pinched back.

What the hell... He felt a little regretful as his vision turned black.

A faint blue light bloomed from behind the individual tactical armor, and the "Gravity" spell array was linked with the "Gravity Adjustment Module (1%)" skill, greatly reducing the falling speed.


Kurt's eyes widened as he looked at the tablet screen.

On the screen, the crystal energy jet disappeared and the "Big Mouth Monster" disappeared, leaving only two falling figures.

The clear bird with its natural night-protecting color is so small that it cannot be seen in the images captured by satellite cameras.

"Where is the crystal energy jet? Where is Chen Fei's fighter jet?"

Andrew also looked in disbelief.

"That's Chen Fei, he's holding someone on his hand!"

Masua, the A-level wind superpower with sharp eyes, pointed at the image that the satellite camera had locked and slowly zoomed in on.

Two figures wearing individual tactical armors were right next to each other and slowly landed on the ground, but their movements were a bit strange.

Like strangling?

The monk Mihaoshi, who had always been confident and calm, jumped up and shouted loudly: "Well done! Chen Fei, you must keep an eye on this prisoner and don't let him escape. Pilot, go back, go back to the 631 Air Service Base.

Continue to implement the previous action plan.”

The situation reversed again and again, forcing him to once again adjust the current instructions. It seemed that everything was back on the original track.

The Aerial Knight of the "Water Bear" organization is definitely a rare big fish, and its value even exceeds the mission targets that were hunted before. There is more behind an Aerial Knight.

System: Ding! Kill the enemy sky knight and obtain energy point storage upgrade (unfinished) If you like Sky Rider, please collect it: (www.sodu777.net) Sky Knight Search and Reading Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire network.

This chapter has been completed!
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