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Chapter 524 - Surplus Money

The effect of Xiaojiu's light spell was immediate, and Chen Fei's bad state was completely relieved. He was carried sideways into the medical team, and after a while he walked out again upright.

But he fell to the edge of the track in full view of everyone. Although he was not seriously injured, it was very scary, okay?

If it were anyone else, it would probably be more than just a slight concussion, but a direct chill!

Only Chen Xiaoer, who has his own "Band-Aid", can still be vigorous and ready to continue tinkering after falling twice in a row. As long as he can't die, he will continue to tinker.

Every major combat aircraft is built with the lives of test pilots in mind, so there are no opportunistic shortcuts.

Although the crystal energy jet crashed next to the main take-off and landing runway, it looked miserable and seemed to have been completely scrapped. However, under the operation of the metal power, it quickly returned to its original state and was resurrected with full health.

Under the light healing spell of Jingguangque Xiaojiu, Chen Fei also had the same recovery ability.

The people of the "Zhenxiang" combat squadron and the maintenance team were completely speechless.

No one is stupid. The "rookie"'s journey to truly conquer this crystal energy jet has just begun.

Artifacts to conquer the country are never simple.

It flies once a day and falls at least three times at a time.

If it weren't for the "Flying Dragon" tactical armor and the metal power that allowed the crystal energy jet to undergo controllable deformation, which combined to offset most of the impact, even if Chen Xiaoer had ten lives, it wouldn't be enough to fall.

After falling and falling, the people at the 911 air service base gradually got used to it.

Under the constant adjustments of Chen Fei and "Adam", the appearance of the crystal energy jet gradually changed. However, these changes were of practical significance, and the number of falls became less and less.

During this period, Adrian Benjamin, a first-order fire magician who had worked together in the "Bear Hunting Special Operations Department" operation team of the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Council, called to communicate with each other.

We all work in the military contractor field, and we never look up. There may be a time when we need help and cooperation.

Not only Adrian, but people such as the eighth-level wind warrior Maori Meixin, the B-level ice superpower Susina, and the ninth-level earth magician Ruan Tiankai also called one after another.

Greetings, except for Neanderthal Patriarch Basian.

This taciturn patriarch is not good at words. He doesn't know what to say even when he is on the phone. He can talk about business matters, but when it comes to social relations, his mouth is as stupid as a lock. He just can't open his mouth. He is not like other people.

I called Chen Fei, so it was not surprising at all.

The fact that Chen Fei was kicked out of the Special Operations Team and released from temporary recruitment with the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee is not a secret, and it is not worth keeping. It has obviously been reported to Team 04.

After Chen Fei left Hablav City, the "Bear Hunting Special Operations Department" also underwent some changes. To be precise, it should be adjustments.

Most of the action teams were disbanded, and many ability users went back to their homes to look for their mothers, including everyone in Team 04, who returned to their original places.

There is a reason why the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee suddenly burned bridges.

With more and more support from many sovereign powers, the action team under the "Bear Hunting Special Operations Department" started from small independent investigation operations, and gradually turned into multi-team cooperation, until the active military forces of the sovereign also participated, and cooperated with

The mysterious "Water Bear" organization and its peripheral vassal "Shenglin" fought several solid battles, which severely damaged the latter's vitality.

In addition, the hunting team led by Miyoshi Gakusen secretly stabbed the key members of the "Water Bear" organization in the back, and the damage caused was almost fatal. With internal and external troubles compounded, the "Water Bear" organization even if it did not collapse on the spot,

It is estimated that there will be no way to slow down for a while, so I simply cut off the tail to survive, which brought all the original clues to an abrupt end and lost the value of continuing to follow the clues.

After the opponent disappears, it is natural that the flying birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the cunning rabbits are dead, and the lackeys are cooked.

It is human nature to burn bridges when crossing rivers. Of course, the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee cannot continue to support idle people, and it is not a waste of money if it is not short of money.

Most of the ability users originally recruited were sent away after receiving a severance package. Among the friends of Team 04, only the captain Adrian Benjamin and the A-level gold superpower Kitley remained. If the Holy Light

Knight Walter Sam is still alive and may be left behind.

Of course, if Chen Xiaoer were not so arrogant, he might also be treated as an important combatant.

But now... there is actually nothing to regret!

We have enough of temporary workers who are tired and frustrated.

The mobile base vehicle left in Habrafu City was sold by Adrian at a good price. He didn't touch it, but Chen Fei paid it all. He was not moved at all for more than two million stars. What a good man!

Team 04 is basically a group of friends who can trust each other. They have lifelong friendships and can completely withstand the test of money.

Chen Fei also took the same approach. The next second he received the money, he returned 10% directly so that the other party's work would not be in vain. With this time, and maybe the next time, the relationship of reciprocity will last long.

Taking advantage will consume favors. Favors are more important than money. It's obvious that there are lice on a bald man's head.

With Adrian's unexpected transfer, after Chen Fei paid off his old debt to Hana BOSS, his almost bottomed-out savings balance finally had cash again.

I conveniently gave my younger sister Chen Meng a sum of living expenses, which was not much, 50,000 Xingyuan, so that she would not be extravagant and wasteful.

Nowadays, although there are no tuition fees for college, and you can study as soon as you pass the exam, you still need hard expenses such as food, drink, clothing, books and learning supplies, as well as daily social expenses. Although the training salary of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group will give you a living

The amount of the allowance is limited to basic daily needs, which is slightly higher than the food and clothing line. Occasionally, if you want to take a taxi, eat out, sing a song, etc., you may have to check your savings balance and hesitate again and again.

one time.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Poverty is the original sin, and it is easy to be looked down upon.

There was still a famine before, and Chen Fei had no way to spare his hands to support him. He could only rely on his parents' pensions and his elder brother Chen Shi to chip in and provide some pocket money to subsidize Chen Meng's college life as much as possible.

Expenses can only be spent but not paid in. Although it is not impossible to have food and drink, the embarrassment of being short of money is still unavoidable.


Stars received!

The person who made the payment is Chen Meng.

"Xiaomeng, what's going on with you?"

Chen Fei, who was tinkering with the crystal energy jet machine, quickly called over.

What's going on, little girl? You can just refund the money, but you still need to pay extra?

Don’t let your mind wander, my stinky sister!

"Second brother, I can make money now. I'm not short of money. I have work-study wages and scholarships."

After the call was successfully connected, the proud Chen Xiaomei's voice had a hint of crying.

Chen Fei carried a huge sum of 5 million Xingyuan on his own and left to work. How could Chen Meng pretend that nothing had happened and just brush it off like this?

"Hi! I'm not short of money either! This is pocket money for you. Improve your daily routine and make more friends, especially those who are graduates. They may become colleagues and partners in the future."

Now Chen Fei's economic conditions are finally a little better. Although he has not achieved personal financial freedom, he finally has the ability to help his family.

Fifty thousand Xingyuan can completely satisfy Chen Meng's two or three months of food, drink, and dinners for friends.

"I don't need so much, second brother, you can keep it for yourself."

Chen Meng sniffed and her mood gradually stabilized a little.

It's not easy for the second brother to work outside. To make some money, he has to make up for the shortfall first. Wherever there is spare money to use as pocket money, she will never accept it no matter what.

"Don't worry! The money our family owes has been paid off, and there is still more! Well, after paying off the debt, I still have more than two million in hand, and we are not short of money!"

Chen Fei tried to dispel his younger sister's worries. After all, such a huge sum of money had a huge impact on the old Chen family.

When the brother has a lot of money, isn't it a natural thing to give his sister pocket money?

"Ah? Is it over yet?"

Chen Meng couldn't believe her ears. If interest was not included, she still had 5 million stars.

How long has it taken to work, and it’s all over?

What did the second brother do again? How did he save so much money in one fell swoop?

Chen Xiaomei still underestimated her second brother's ability. The actual debt was not 5 million star yuan, but more than 10 million.

On the first day of work, I almost lost my life, and the newly added debt was money to buy my life.

However, the debt was finally cleared, and Chen Fei was finally able to cover up this problem smoothly, and his family did not even have a chance to worry.

"No, it's really gone. Another piece of good news is that the family who defrauded you of money has been caught. They will be extradited and brought back for trial soon. The person who defrauded our family will not lose a fortune.

You have to spit it all out."

Chen Fei told another piece of good news.

Chen Xiaomei's heart is not only about the debt of 5 million yuan, but also the deception of her trusted best friend and classmate.

After he was extradited back to his homeland, he was still in debt. He thought that he could get rid of his debt by going to jail. It was a dream. All the hardships suffered by the old Chen family had to be recovered from this liar.

"Yes, no one can be missing!"

On the other end of the call, Chen Meng secretly felt cruel. How much she was deceived at the beginning, now she hates her so much.

"You can tell your parents and eldest brother later that if you need help with your eldest brother's mortgage, I can also help. Anyway, you are not short of money now, and you will earn more in the future."

At the 911 aircrew base, Chen Fei had little money to spend. Now that he had some spare money, he naturally chose to help his family.

"I will definitely tell them the good news."

Chen Meng also wanted to tell other family members the good news in person.

The heavy burden that the whole family has been dealing with for so long can finally be put down. If you like Split Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Split Sky Rider Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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