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Chapter 587 - Birds scatter

The population of Pure Light Birds is almost overrun in the Firmament Planet. They can be seen on any continent. No one knows how many Pure Light Birds there are on this planet.

What is certain is that the Pure Light Sparrow must be the most numerous bird of all.

Although this kind of bird is a monster, it only feeds on bugs, flowers, grass seeds and berries. It has a gentle temperament and is not very aggressive or harmful. It will not plunder crops and other crops in groups. Because of this

Only by living without fighting against the world did such a large population emerge.

When Xiao Jiu followed Chen Fei to Cangqiongxing, it was as if he had returned to his hometown. Blue Star's rare species of the same kind were everywhere here, and there were not just a hundred responses to one tweet, but thousands of responses.

The feather tribe warriors were accustomed to the flocks of pure light birds flying around the light-wing ship "Black Cloud", and neither chased them away nor took a second look.

There is really no need for the Pure Light Bird, which has a low combat effectiveness.

Just when he saw His Highness Lin Ziyu and everyone looking at him blankly, Chen Fei said helplessly: "There is no way! I really can't tell which one is the little chirp!"

"Adam" knelt down directly, but he didn't get any better.

You have to wait for the little naughty ghost to come back on his own, otherwise you won't be able to find him among so many pure light sparrows.

Lin Ziyu said worriedly: "Will you come back?"

Chen Fei's Pure Light Bird is special. A third-level Pure Light Bird is almost unheard of.

According to the historical records of Firmament Star, even the most talented Pure Light Bird is only a second-level person.

Her Royal Highness could hardly imagine how much resources Chen Fei spent on this little guy.

Some of the maids next to the princess tried to follow Chen Fei's example and touch the pure light birds scattered around, but the birds were very alert and avoided them, not giving them a chance to get close.

Chen Fei thought for a while and finally had an idea in his mind.

"Well, as long as there is wine and good wine, it will definitely come back!"

Xiao Jiu's hobby is very special. Even if you don't have good wine, you can just use coffee. As long as you pour a full cup, this little naughty ghost will definitely find him back with familiarity.

Steward Mars took out a large bag of bird grains and poured it into the empty space on the deck. As soon as he took a few steps back, a dense sound of flapping wings gathered from all directions, and countless pure light birds chirped and scattered the large number of birds.

The grain was submerged and disappeared.

The rations prepared by Mr. Butler for Xiao Jiu are enough to last him a lifetime. The Slan royal family is not short of money. It is meaningless to purchase bird food for only thirty or fifty kilograms. At least it must be measured by the ton.

More than a dozen bags of bird food were released, and a large number of pure light birds all fell down, densely covering the main deck of the light-wing ship, and you were vying with each other to eat this feast.

After a while, not even a grain of bird food was left on the deck. The satisfied birds took off into the sky and flew in all directions, each returning to his home to find his mother.


The proud little guy was so eager to compete for food with his own kind that he returned to Princess Yu's shoulders in Lin Zi. He had a good time pecking his own feathers and saved Chen Fei a glass of good wine.

Not only Chen Fei, but also Butler Mars also breathed a sigh of relief. This pure light bird is a very important defensive force. Having it by the princess's side is like adding an unknown layer of protection...

After all, not many people would have thought that this little guy actually possesses a combat power that is completely different from the ordinary Pure Light Bird.

"Little Jiu is very likely to become the king of the Pure Light Bird clan."

Lin Ziyu stretched out his slender fingers and tried to tease the little bird that was jumping on his shoulder, but he was dodged unceremoniously.

This little naughty guy won't let anyone touch it casually.

"King of Pure Light Sparrow? What's the use?"

Chen Fei shook his head.

Except for Xiaojiu, most of the pure light sparrows have a low combat effectiveness. Even with the name of Warcraft, a very small number of individuals can barely cast light spells, which only represents the great achievements of their ancestors.

But nowadays, the bloodline of the Pure Light Birds group continues to deteriorate, and is no longer any stronger than ordinary beasts. After a thousand years,

Eight hundred years, maybe it won't even be considered a monster.

Lin Ziyu looked at the little bird that could only be viewed up close and not played with, and sighed and said, "Well, it's really of no use!"

Apart from being large in number, the Pure Light Bird group has almost no other advantages.

She was preparing to approach the edge of the deck, overlooking the large coastal city of Neo, which was next to the airport.

"Wait a minute, it's not safe!"

Chen Fei stopped Lin Ziyu.

"Is it dangerous?"

Her Highness Lin Ziyu stopped immediately. She had already heard from Butler Mars that the next wave of attacks would be launched within 56 hours.

"I found some suspicious sights. It's better not to expose them as much as possible."

Chen Fei not only produced ear-hook headphones in batches, but also produced a batch of multi-functional zoom cameras that could temporarily set up a strict surveillance network, which was also managed by "Adam".

The lens with a maximum optical zoom of 50 times was aimed at the surroundings of the light-wing ship and Neo City. After screening by the artificial intelligence AI "Adam", it was discovered that some unidentified guys were secretly peeking at the "Black Cloud" light-wing ship.

, trying to confirm the location of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

If "Adam" can connect to the household registration database of Cangqiongxing, it will definitely be able to identify the identities of these guys at the first time.

Butler Mars then said, "It's better to be careful!"

The current situation is turbulent and turbulent. It seems calm, but in fact there is an undercurrent surging, and it is not appropriate to do some leisurely and elegant things.

"Okay! Let's go back!"

Lin Ziyu sighed with regret, stood on the deck and basked in the sun for a while before returning to the cabin below the deck.


The warning horn suddenly sounded.

The Yu Clan warriors in the airport took off one after another, and many of the constructed combat aircraft "Sky Falcons" that stayed in the air for patrol flew in one direction.


Mars looked at Chen Fei, is this coming?

"Well, probably...no, it's just that someone from Neo City flew towards the airport, but no weapons were seen."

Chen Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and "Adam" displayed one of the images captured by the cameras installed throughout the "Black Cloud" in his visual interface.

Seven or eight Yu tribesmen flew from the coastal city adjacent to the airport, trying to approach the flagship of the light-winged ship formation of the Yu tribe's fourth legion, which was the "Black Cloud" where the princess and her party were.

There is a sound in the distance...

"Neo City Feitian Chamber of Commerce, please see Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Representative of the gentry of Neo City, please see Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Neo City Rainbow TV Station, requesting an interview with the Princess of the Dynasty!"

Despite such a long distance, it was still loud and clear, probably because something was used to amplify the sound.

However, the Fourth Legion of the Yu Clan did not allow these uninvited civilians to approach without permission and immediately intercepted them.

However, there are still some brave Yu tribesmen who rely on their own pair of wings and superb flying skills to try every possible means to pass through the interception of the Fourth Army and get as close as possible to the "Black Cloud" light-wing ship.

The light-wing ship formations released drones one after another to strengthen surveillance of the air and ground. Chen Fei's artificial intelligence "Adam" shared part of the footage through the obtained authorization.

"Too soft-hearted!"

Chen Fei, who was responsible for cutting off the aftermath, turned around, glanced at the sky, and shook his head in disappointment.

If it were him, he would immediately draw a must-kill cordon, and anyone who dares to cross the line would be killed without mercy. Otherwise, in a situation like this, he would arrest every one who came, and tie them up like a bunch of hooves. Why did you push me?

They were crowded and blocked here and there, and it was hard to please.

Unexpectedly, among the Yu Clan guards selected by Chen Fei and Butler Mars, one of the three team captains, Herams, suddenly spoke.

"Would you like to kill?"

He is one of the two Yu clan warriors who can stab Chen Fei without hesitation. He is a true ruthless person and can be a member of a ten-man team.

It’s natural to be long.

"Forget it, this is not our job!"

Chen Fei immediately rejected the proposal, but waved his hand vigorously and said, "If those people dare to rush to the light-wing ship, they will be killed without mercy!"

According to his definition, the princess's protective power has levels.

On the periphery is the fourth legion of the Yu tribe. The light-wing ships are responsible for the visual range, and the "Sky Falcon" guards the light-wing ships, forming a complete all-round three-dimensional blocking front.

The legion's feather clan warriors are responsible for security within visual range. The 32 selected feather clan guards are only responsible for the defense line with a distance of 30 to 100 meters. The warning distance of the royal guards is 5 meters to 30 meters.

The housekeeper, maid and shadow guard are responsible for the safety within 5 meters. The pure light bird is the last line of defense for Her Royal Highness. No matter who dares to get in front of the princess, they will be hit directly by the fatal beam.

Chen Fei is responsible for guerrilla warfare and leading the princess to escape at critical moments.

His "Body Evolution Database" skill includes at least ten types of vehicle samples on the ground and in the air, which are suitable for emergency escapes.

When there was a loud noise in the sky, Princess Lin Ziyu had already returned to the cabin below the deck and never showed up.

People who are close to the people have to choose their own time, and those who don't care about the people at the moment are simply giving away their lives to the assassins in vain.


There was a sudden gunshot.

A Yu clan warrior moved his gun.

"Shot fired!"

Lin Zi, who was about to sit down and drink tea, was suddenly startled.

After all, those who tried to board the ship were all Yu clan people, and she was not as ruthless as Chen Fei, who would carelessly care about people's lives.

"It's none of our business if there's a daredevil!"

Even though he was in the cabin of the light-wing ship, any disturbance outside was on Chen Fei's visual interface.

The Yuyu clan members almost succeeded in landing on the deck of the "Black Cloud". The soldiers guarding the light-wing ship finally couldn't hold back, picked up their automatic firearms and fired.

The ship's side was not even touched, and it was only seven or eight meters away. It fell straight down, and it was probably impossible to survive.

After the gunfire rang out, the noisy sky suddenly became silent.

The Yu tribesmen who tried to see the princess were frightened by the iron-blooded methods of the Fourth Legion. They really dared to shoot, and they immediately dispersed.

However, there was a huge noise in the city of Neo not far away...

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