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Chapter 648 - Sandwich between friend and foe

It is not easy to consume all the potential energy of the dive. Even through the effect of the magic circle and the strong repulsion of the planet's gravitational field, the mechanical dragon is still dangerously close to hitting the ground, and the shattered edges on the spot roll all the way.

Turning, the internal load-bearing structure kept groaning, and the stretched wingtips even touched the ground, cutting all kinds of things into pieces, whether they were rebel soldiers, combat equipment, or fortifications.

What's more, the strong wind blew nearby non-fixed objects into pieces.

Just the residual power has already messed up the formation of the rebels on the ground.

32 missiles threw 32 fireballs on the ground, and those "air falcons" were almost dumbfounded.

Even after receiving short-term training at the Eagle-Nest Eagle Nest Private Airport, it could not change Chen Xiaoerye Luzi's fighting style.

The panoramic three-dimensional projection screen in the cockpit of the Mechanical Dragon is equipped with optical anti-shake function and special calculation model correction. With the assistance of technology, it will not spin to a dazzling level.

To a certain extent, the cockpit technology used by this mechanical dragon is similar to the "visual aid" function of Chen Fei's special skill "Optical Observer Basic Body". If coupled with the propeller-type drone hanging nearby,

Human-machine is equivalent to having a "macro perspective" function.

It is worthy of being the top leading company in the Blue Star Civilization. It has sacrificed its money to show off its skills, and it is actually able to reach the level of supernatural skills.

The forced leveling process took several seconds before Chen Fei was able to pull up the mechanical dragon whose weight was constantly changing and soar into the sky again.

Directly ahead, the rebel light-wing ship formation consisted of four main-type light-wing ships with a total length of 200 meters, hovering at an altitude of 6,000 meters above the ground.

The magic circle, supernatural skills and mechanical dragon's body performance are combined into one, coupled with the ultra-complex calculations of the artificial intelligence AI "Adam", no matter which factor is missing, the series of thrilling actions just now will turn into one.

The guy slapped the ending on the ground, and he became a fool if he couldn't pretend to be cool.

"That guy... is a bastard!"

The squadron leader of the "Sky Falcon" formation was shaking with anger, and the constructed combat aircraft he was driving was also swaying.

Then he gave the order angrily.

"Follow me and I must knock it down!"

The "Sky Falcons" began to try to lock in the target again.

The battlefield data link integrates every combat unit. As long as one "Sky Falcon" can successfully lock the mechanical dragon, other "Sky Falcons" can simultaneously share the locking data.

With the huge size of the mechanical dragon, it was no surprise that it was locked by the enemy's fire control system. What's more, the ground air defense system was also assisting in tracking. A large amount of real-time data was being exchanged quickly, which brought Chen Fei new insights.


This time it was a salvo of 16 missiles. The "Sky Falcons" finally learned their lesson and were afraid that Chen Fei's mechanical dragon would do some tricks again.

They won't fall for the same trick a second time.

It is 15 kilometers away from the rebel light wing fleet and 12 kilometers away from the "Sky Falcon" squadron.

After careful design and operation, the mechanical dragon got stuck just in front of the two.

With a wolf in front and a tiger behind, it was a perfect local advantage. The enemy was not aware of this plan from the beginning.

Chen Fei was not worried. As long as he kept a proper distance, the enemy's directed energy weapons would be defeated and most of them would be destroyed.

If you shoot forcefully, you will hit your own people if you are not careful, especially the large-caliber railgun on the light-wing ship that can threaten the mechanical dragon.

The enemy cannot use directed energy weapons for the time being, but Chen Fei can. No matter whether he shoots forward or backward, he is still the enemy. He is best at fishing in troubled waters in this kind of chaotic battle, using his hands and hands.

Isn’t this too bullying!

Yes, yes, it feels so good to bully people!

Chen Fei had once boarded the main light-wing ship of the same model and had a certain understanding of the hull structure and weapon system.

The mechanical dragon that was climbing at a high angle of attack fluttered its wings and threw out countless dazzling spots. Jamming bombs with infrared heat and simulated electromagnetic signals flew all over the sky to meet the chasing missile group.

A few seconds later, 16 missiles crashed into the dense range of jamming bombs. Some missiles could not resist the temptation, abandoned the mechanical dragon, and crashed into one of the jamming bombs.


The unnecessary fireballs were erupting, and the "Sky Falcon" was so angry that the knights almost twisted the joysticks into crutches with their bare hands.

Then a few more silly missiles hit the jamming bombs, adding a few colors to the sky.

There are too many temptations, and I really can't blame the missile for changing his mind.

Although the mechanical dragon is huge and difficult to evade enemy firepower, its bomb load is correspondingly considerable. Jamming bombs are continuously released, and from time to time missiles are deceived and detonated.

When the missile that was chasing the front was less than 5 kilometers away from the mechanical dragon, behind it, only two or three kittens were left.

Chen Fei toyed with his opponents, making them waste ammunition in vain.

The "Sky Falcon"'s bomb load is no more than the main fighter jets of Blue Star Civilization. In terms of ammunition consumption, the mechanical dragon is completely bullying them.

"'Adam,' go back and give them a shot!"

Chen Fei's visual interface changed again, separating an independent picture.

The giant mechanical dragon twisted its head behind it, opened its fangs and opened its mouth, and emitted a particle beam of blue-white light.

The extremely penetrating positron flow mixed with the proton flow not only instantly exploded the nearest missile, but also a "Sky Falcon" in the same straight line behind was unable to dodge. The pilot even tried to escape from the constructed combat aircraft he controlled.

When it didn't arrive, it was completely destroyed on the spot and turned into a fireball falling to the ground.

Inertia not only exists in the flight trajectory of the missile, but also in the tactical operations of the opponent's pilot.

A trivial carelessness on the battlefield will immediately lead to fatal disaster.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Sensing the threat of the mechanical dragon's counterattack, the "Sky Falcons" who were in hot pursuit immediately used their mobility strengths and dispersed like birds and beasts.

They are far from making up their minds to fight their opponents to the end at all costs, and they do not even have the consciousness to do so.

The army of Firmament Star has been at peace for a long time. Compared with being ruthless, it is naturally not as good as the military contractors who are fighting to the death with mutants all day long. If they are not careful, they will be wiped out.

"Give another shot to the light-wing ship in front, the first one from the left!"

Chen Fei dispersed the "Sky Falcon" squadron with one blow, completely intimidating them, and aimed his target straight ahead again, which was also his main tactical purpose.

The light-wing ship was a real threat to the existence of the mechanical dragon, and the weapons it carried were enough to break the repulsion shield and the two elemental spell shields. From the beginning, he wanted to focus on solving them and compete for air supremacy in this airspace.

Once the support of the light-wing ship is lost, the threat of the remaining "air falcon" group to the mechanical dragon will be greatly reduced. At best, it can only be regarded as a group of annoying flies. If it were not for the purpose of saving crystal energy reserves, Chen Fei would almost

You can put up defensive measures and let the opponent attack.

A particle beam beam penetrated the sky, hitting the first left-hand ship of the four main light-wing ships.

The formation of light-wing ships, facing a formidable enemy, had almost opened up all the protection. The blue-white beam suddenly hit the side of the light-wing ship ten meters away, as if there was an invisible force that blocked it.

The chaotic light and colors continue to spread, spreading the violent particle energy.

The defense design of the light-wing ship does not only include magical means, but also technology.

Firmament Star and Blue Star tend to focus on each other's technological applications based on their own civilization characteristics.

Ultimately, it's all about maintenance costs.

"I couldn't blow it up!"

Chen Fei was a little surprised. This was his first time shooting a light-wing ship with a particle beam cannon.

After all, except for the special period of the Firmament Star Civil War, there is no such opportunity in ordinary times. If he dares to fire a gun, he will be imprisoned directly.

Adam: 17 types of protective force fields have been detected. It is recommended to increase the output power or shoot multiple times.

The artificial intelligence AI "Adam" gave an evaluation of the attack effect. Breaking defenses has never been a technical job. There is only one trick, which relies on brute force.

"Tsk, tsk, this kind of defense is really exaggerated!"

Chen Fei had once seen a scene where a light-wing ship was attacked by endless ocean monsters and crashed. Even though it would be shot down, it was not an easy task.

If those monsters were also attacking the mechanical dragon in groups, he would have no choice but to play a GG, or run away with all his strength as soon as he saw such a scene.

"Can evolve a large particle beam cannon!"

The artificial intelligence AI "Adam" used the structure and modules of the X-D-005 Dragon-type combat mobile armor to deduce a killer weapon that gathers all resources to strike with all its strength.

Transform the entire mechanical dragon into a floating cannon, and use the output power of the high-efficiency crystal energy furnace to fire a blow that is enough to penetrate the entire light-wing ship.

"No, no, no, seize the weak attack area of ​​the light-wing ship and prepare for close combat!"

Chen Fei decisively rejected the proposal. Any act of voluntarily giving up maneuverability was anti-pilot.

He is a combat pilot, not an artilleryman. He only knows how to shoot artillery.

The mechanical dragon, which once again entered the supersonic sprint, had closed the distance with the light-wing ship formation. The opponent's large-caliber railgun kept firing, but the eye-catching cyan pre-judged ballistics made Chen Fei control the dragon-shaped structure.

Installing the mobile armor in combat is like dancing on the tip of a knife, able to dance gracefully between projectiles leisurely.

"Accelerate with all your strength, don't give them a chance to react!"

Chen Fei pushed the propulsion lever all the way.

The mechanical dragon, which had been reserved since the beginning of the battle, once again significantly increased its speed.

3 times the speed of sound!

The "Wind Cone (2)" spell array is designed to break through the sound barrier. If you like Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Sky Rider Search and Reading Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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