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Chapter 664 - Energy Points - 10,000!

For the three secret teams that Mr. Louis Langdon handed over to him, Chen Fei continued to dispatch troops and generals without any politeness for him to drive.

The "Intelligence Team" is responsible for gathering information and acting as eyes and ears, the "Dead Soldier Team" makes good decisions to defeat the opponent, and the "Strong Team" bullies the weak and takes advantage in the end. This combination of division of labor is quite easy to use.

The "Strong Team", who originally thought that there were unstable factors and might withdraw from the operation at any time, have not complained or resisted orders until now, and have gone to their new destination very obediently.

It was probably because the liaison person placed accidentally revealed that once the parasitic species invaded, everyone would be doomed. Naturally, all the ability users who had received a large sum of money for selling their lives would be killed.

Dayi is easy to use no matter where or when it is used. Even Chen Fei has to take the bait and submit... The boss hasn't paid yet!

However, the development of the situation deviated from the boss's "prophecy" and was a little different.

The rebels failed to successfully occupy the ground boundary gate management substation on the outskirts of Nandu City, and the plane coordinates "Longinus" were naturally not lost.

However, the parasitic species in the "prophecy" finally appeared, but it did not come through "Longinus", but appeared in advance in a small town about 150 kilometers away from the battlefield, and the route was completely


What may be confirmed at present is that these parasitic species have not yet had time to invade on a large scale.

Firmament Star may be the main landing site, or a springboard for the attack on Blue Star.

Compared to Cangxingxing, which has many magical beasts and intelligent species, Bluestar is obviously a soft persimmon, and of course you have to pick the soft persimmon.

The Blue Star Civilization, which has a population base of several billion, has only had a short period of time for the awakening of superpowers. Even if the current number of superpowers is added to the smaller number of local spellcasters and warriors, it is still not as good as the sky star.

Like some ethnic groups in Firmament Star, basically all members have abilities, and there are no ordinary individuals.

In Louis Langdon's "prophecy", the Firmament Star civilization took the initiative to seal the world gate and halo, completely cutting off all contact with Blue Star. Perhaps there is another explanation, which is not to abandon Blue Star civilization and stay away from it.

The danger of parasitic species is that they are also suffering from the poison of parasitic species, and they are unable to take care of themselves, and the situation is even more serious.

In the atmospheric environment of the Firmament Star, the elemental energy is far more active than that of the Blue Star. The threat of parasitic species that can also drive the elemental energy is greater than that of the Blue Star. This is not impossible.

After all, active isolation is the best way when encountering a virus hazard.

It's just that in the "prophecy", Blue Star Civilization did not persist to the turning point of a comeback, but directly fell into decline.

To be precise, the situation should have taken a turn for the worse from the very beginning. They didn't even have the chance to fight back and forth with the parasitic species for several rounds. Some were struggling to the death, and the little fighting power they had left was destroyed by internal friction and provocation.

The cunning of the parasitic species far exceeds human imagination. They are skilled workers at subverting civilization. They have done this more than once. Once they gain a foothold, they will methodically dismember the entire civilization until the final moment of full harvest.

Before his rebirth, Louis Langdon was one of the last remaining humans. From the moment he fell into the hands of the parasite, humanity completely lost its freedom and ushered in the end of civilization.

What is going on with this parasitic species?

Chen Fei was completely confused.

There is not much relevant public information available for retrieval on the public Internet. Perhaps there is none, or perhaps the authorities have intentionally or unintentionally blocked it in order to avoid public panic.

According to Mr. Louis Langdon's description, the parasitic species seems to be an extremely vicious creature. It uses parasitizing powerful creatures as its main way of survival. It is born with powerful mental power and can directly drive elemental energy, individual size, level and strength.

Proportionally, the size of a truly powerful parasitic species is almost the same as that of a human being, and it can easily overpower the entire human race without even needing a parasitic host.

Somehow, the parasitic species that was supposed to be a powerful species as its host has instead targeted the human race this time.

A thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest. Although the human race was large in number, it could not withstand large-scale parasitism. If it could not be suppressed in time, the entire human race would fall sooner or later, just like Louis Langdon's "prophecy", Blue Star

Humanity is in catastrophe...it's the end of the world.

The boss's intention is very clear. Before the parasitic species have gained momentum, they will nip the crisis in the cradle and let Blue Star escape this disaster.

Although traces of the parasitic species were found 150 kilometers away, Chen Fei's home field was still at the Ground Boundary Gate Management Substation.

After all, "Longinus" cannot afford to make any mistakes, and the parasitic species discovered will be handed over to the "Strong Team" to exterminate them. I hope they can move smoothly and eliminate all the parasitic species.


"'Dragon Killing Bullets', four!"

The Jiemen Management Sub-station spent a lot of money, and as soon as the mechanical dragon came back, it received a big gift.

There are four sets of standard boxes for sealing KDK-1 air-breathing hypersonic smart missiles, which also include security unlock keys.

Whether to activate it and when to detonate it are all under Chen Fei's control.

Don't be suspicious when you employ people, don't use people when you are suspicious.

One "dragon-killing bomb" can level the entire realm gate management substation, and four of them won't be any worse.

After all, the previous "dragon-killing bomb" was contributed to the main light-wing ship that secretly fired black artillery in the distance, so that it lost the means to kill the adult gold-type dragon with one blow.

This time, the garrison commander will not make the second mistake, and the number of tactical killing weapons will be sufficient.

If one shot of "Dragon Killing Bullet" can't kill the evil dragon, then use two shots, or if that doesn't work, then three or four.

Even if we fight to die together, we cannot let this adult metal dragon, which can threaten the entire realm gate management substation, continue to attack the protective force field unscrupulously.

System: Ding! Kill a gold dragon and get 1000 energy points (unfinished -) | Mission failed!

System: Energy Point-!

Energy points:/

The dog system is really ruthless, and it will be deducted immediately.

Chen Fei immediately became furious.

"If I quit, who will you love next time?"

He and Yi Lan tried their best but failed to keep the adult golden dragon.

Without Yilan's help, he might not be able to come back.

This task is too difficult and beyond Chen Fei's ability. This is not a matter of desperate efforts, but a matter of losing one's life in vain.


The artificial intelligence AI "Adam" was spitted all over Nicaragua (Great Falls).

It provoked whomever it provoked, and suffered such an unreasonable disaster.

"I'm talking about the dog system!"

Chen Fei said that "Adam" did not take the blame.

Regarding the existence of the dog system, the only evidence that "Adam" has is that it can run normally in Chen Fei's mind. Apart from that, there are no other clues.

For "Adam", the dog system mentioned by Chen Fei is illusory, but it is a real existence, just like the rules of the world, elusive and completely unable to touch the other party.

"Adam" envies the dog system very much, but he really can't get up as a "dog". After all, it has handed over the underlying core control key and is no longer free.

System: Ding! Complete the task of defending the Nandu City Ground Gate Management Substation and obtain energy points | Mission accomplished!

Energy points:/

Damn it!~

Chen Fei is not over thirty yet, but he remembers clearly that he did not take over the task of Shenma to defend the Nandu City Boundary Gate Management Sub-station from the dog system and return 10,000 energy points.

The dog system is a real dog!

His own threat actually forced the other party to spit out the energy points alive.

This is not what interests Chen Fei the most, the most surprising thing is that he can actually bargain.

The asking price is high, and the money is paid back on arrival.

To a certain extent, it means that the intelligence of the dog system is still higher than that of "Adam".

Even though the reawakened "Adam" is an old AI from more than thirty years ago, it is still not inferior to today's mainstream AI "Cybertrom" derivatives in terms of intelligence.

The technological progress of more than thirty years has been limited to the secondary development of additional functions and the filling of the database. It involves the intelligent reconstruction of the underlying code, but it is not an easy task.

Artificial Intelligence If AI wants to further improve its intelligence, every step is extremely difficult.

"Don't let me deal with that giant gold dragon without 50,000 energy points!"

Chen Fei tried to open his mouth like a lion.

The dog system ignored him and did not tolerate Chen Xiaoer at all.

System: Ding! System maintenance will take 24 hours and consume -100 energy points.

Energy points:/

System: The system is under maintenance... It takes 00:00:07/24:00:00 hours | Select countdown

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