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Chapter 667 - Response

In addition to relay laser communications, there are still some other ways to break through the rebels' communication blockade, such as strong pulse signals. The information load is not large, but it is enough to send some information content codes agreed in advance. Such short codes are sufficient.

All the residents of Jiaming Town were lost, and Chen Fei got the news immediately.

The combat robot team, which had never been put to use, carried a "dragon-killing bomb" warhead and headed straight for Jiaming Town along the road, while maintaining the pulse through a strong pulse signal.

For example, when moving, not engaging the enemy, discovering irrelevant civilians, discovering friendly combatants, discovering several enemy targets... and so on, because it is for temporary use, there is no need to encrypt it.

It's not like Chen Fei has never thought about applying to the Jiemen Management Sub-station for a combat robot army for his own operations.

Combat robots hold rail battle rifles and carry powerful bombs. They can shoot at long range and explode at short range. They fight parasitic species in a war of attrition to the death. They are definitely more courageous than the "Death Squad" provided by Boss Louis Langdon.

There is no hesitation in playing self-destruction. Either you don’t do it, or you do it immediately.

If we could have thousands of combat robots, there would be no need for "Dead Soldiers" and "Stronger".

If the actual casualties are not considered, Chen Fei's tactical qualities are not inferior to those of professional military commanders who have experienced many battlefields.

In fact, this is the essence of war. It depends entirely on hard power and is over!

However, Blue Star Sovereignty was unwilling to send over such an armed force that was equivalent to an active army in any case, allowing Chen Fei to do as he pleased.

The invasion of large armies is tantamount to a de facto armed invasion, which will not end well at all.

What Louis Langdon, who could be the guest of various sovereigns, could not do, it was even more impossible for Chen Xiaoer, a common man with a flat head.


Within the effective killing radius, the "Dragon-killing Bomb", whose destructive power is still higher than that of nuclear weapons, wiped out most of the "townspeople" in one wave. The parasites, including the host, were wiped out, and no bones were left.

It is indeed Louis Langdon's "previous life" special killing weapon against parasitic species. Once detonated, the parasitic species have no ability to resist.

Those parasitized "citizens" had no idea that their opponent would be such a powerful weapon when they came up. The black and black group formation looked very scary, but it was just scary.

The mopped-up combat robots carried out a brutal and merciless sweep, constantly shooting survivors and re-shooting the parasites wherever they were located.

For parasitic species, fully armed combat robots are simply their natural enemies.

The mental attack that the parasitic species is best at is completely ineffective against artificial intelligence i, and there is no way to parasitize the steel and iron bones of the mechanical body.

The high-ranking parasitic species were either poisoned after the Parasitic Death Squadron, or were wiped out in the blue death shock wave of the "Dragon Killing Bullet".

The elemental storm has not yet subsided, and the surviving parasitic bodies are often not of high level, making it very difficult to release spells. Even if they can barely release them, the firepower output is far inferior to the barrage of the rail battle rifle, so it is difficult to control these.

The i of the combat robot is "Adam" who has been in the war for a long time. He is particularly good at hiding. The scene turned into a one-sided massacre.

In less than an hour, the combat robots rushed into Jiaming Town and began the final sweep. The dead ones were thrown into the street, lit on fire, and the surviving ones were dragged out to concentrate fire and replenish their guns.

The simple code was sent with a strong electromagnetic pulse.

As Jian Code continued to receive messages representing the progress of the battle, most of them were annihilated, Jian Code broke into the town, and Jian Code searched for the remaining enemies. Chen Fei promptly issued an order to capture the prisoners alive, and Jian Code captured the prisoners.

At this time, the "strong team" who had evacuated Jiaming Town ran back again. Seeing the corpses scattered everywhere, their scalps couldn't help but feel numb.

There is obviously radio interference, but these combat robots still retain a very high degree of autonomy and intelligence, and their killing efficiency is simply unprecedented in their lives.

The artificial intelligence i "Adam" has been a skilled worker since he did this more than 30 years ago, and the individual soldier tactics module is written to perfection.

In the end, the "strong team" made it to a late show.

After the battle, the remaining seven combat robots escorted the four tied-up prisoners onto three fuel vehicles found in the town and drove onto the road to the outskirts of Nandu.

When passing by the "Strong Team", three vehicles sped up, and one of the combat robots heard Chen Fei's pre-recorded voice.

"Latest order, escort all personnel to the Jiemen Management Substation on the outskirts of Nandu City."

Although Chen Fei himself is not here, his instructions can still be reached.

The members of the "Strong Team" hurriedly chased after him with their cars.

After receiving the return code from the combat robot team, Chen Fei was temporarily relieved. Although Xia Ji's whereabouts was not found, the more important new problem of parasitic species was not messed up.

The search capabilities of combat robots are more detailed than that of humans. They repeatedly scan the entire town and inside and outside. If no fish is found that has slipped through the net, then there really is no fish that has slipped through the net.

The only pity is that Xia Ji's whereabouts are still unknown. He doesn't know whether he was parasitized or held hostage. It is always a hidden danger. The most important thing is that Chen Fei doesn't know much about the parasitic species, and he doesn't know much about it.

The future "prophecies" that Louis Langdon Sr. can provide are also quite limited, and it is impossible to cover everything.

After the "Strong Team" completes the escort mission, they will accompany the "Intelligence Team" to protect Xia Ji and continue to search for Xia Ji's whereabouts.

With the protection of the "strong team", the safety of the "intelligence team" during operations can be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Before the escort team arrived at the Jiemen Management Sub-station, Chen Fei issued a combat request to the garrison command center at the Jiemen Management Sub-station.

"A convoy will arrive at the gate in a moment. It's my people. I'm asking for cover."

"Please report your identity in advance!"

The garrison command center did not refuse on the spot, which made Chen Fei feel that it was not too bad, so he immediately sent the prepared personnel list.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! At the critical moment of the battle to attack and defend the Realm Gate, this place is not accessible to just anyone. If you don’t know your identity, what if you are the enemy?

The elder Louis Langdon took one step at a time and saw three steps at a time, and some details that others could not consider immediately came into play.

The members of the three teams are all Blue Star people, and none of them have anything to do with the Firmament Star. At least there is no need to worry about it fundamentally.

"'Rookie'! What's going on with the prisoners?"

As Chen Fei expected, the garrison command center approved the personnel list, but an explanation was needed for the captured parasitic species and host.

Regardless of the earth-shattering fight between the ground gate management substation on the outskirts of Nandu and the rebels, both sides were almost beaten out of their wits, but the former never thought of interfering in the internal affairs of Cangqiongxing, so it was defensive and passive from beginning to end.

In combat, if Chen Fei's mechanical dragon hadn't repeatedly taken the initiative to attack, I'm afraid we would have to be more passive.

The x-d-dragon combat mobile armor was authorized by both sides as a free combat unit on the battlefield for more than one reason.

But it did not include the sudden capture of some unidentified prisoners from a distance of 150 kilometers. Chen Xiaoer seemed to be doing something unrelated to the defensive war, which made people a little confused.

The garrison command center still found out some reasons. Chen Fei was also responsible for another task, which was to hunt down Xia Ji and others, the key members of the "Water Bear" organization. This was jointly commissioned by the Slan royal family and the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee, but

However, the names of Xia Ji and others could not be found in the submitted list. There were only a few vague words about the word "prisoner", and there was no superfluous introduction.

"It is a captured parasitic species and is in a parasitic state."

From the "prophecy" of the elder Louis Langdon, the Blue Star civilization was ended at the hands of the parasitic species. Chen Fei didn't mind opening the lid now.

It would not be a bad thing for Blue Star Civilization to be on guard early.

"parasitic species"

The communications specialist who contacted Chen Fei confirmed word for word that she had never heard of this term.

The term "parasitic species" once appeared on the public Internet for a while, but soon disappeared. Most people now do not know that such a species exists.

Chen Fei asked "Adam" to use big data search and filtering, and then scanned some fragments of words.

"Wait, I need to inform you..."

The call was temporarily interrupted, and the communications specialist got up to report to his superiors.

Half an hour later, there was finally a response.

"Accepted to enter, approved to take the initiative, and provided with heavy fire support at any time."

I think someone finally figured out what kind of terrifying existence the term "parasitic species" means, and they have to take it seriously.

Although Chen Fei's behavior was not reported in advance, Blue Star could not refuse every step.

The garrison command center had the same idea as Chen Fei. They caught the rebels and beat them up so that they would have no extra energy to pay attention to the escort team that was about to arrive.

"Roger! 'Adam', let's take off!"

"Please wait!"

The mechanical dragon was about to soar into the air with its head held high, but was suddenly stopped.

"Take this, just in case."

The garrison commander threw a box towards the mechanical dragon from a distance.

A hole immediately opened on the surface of the dragon's body, swallowing the box inside.

"This is...magic potion"

Chen Fei opened the box that slipped all the way into his hands. Six medicine bottles were neatly fixed inside, as well as complete instructions.

This can probably be regarded as achieving the freedom of magic potions.

What the hell!

I thought I could make a lot of money, but the intention behind it was to let him continue to work hard.

This life is so hard to fight for.

Throw it into the space alchemy storage device.

"take off!"

As soon as his body sank, his surrounding vision immediately changed, from the ground to the sky quickly.

"'Adam' edited the route of the escort convoy and marked the threat targets."

Chen Fei quickly started to program the tactics, and worked with "Adam" to build an entry channel.

It is not an easy task for an external convoy to arrive at the boundary gate management sub-station, and the rebels will naturally not let it pass under their noses.

Now that he is supported by the ground automatic fire platform of the Jiemen Management Substation, Chen Fei is more confident.

It's afternoon now, I'm sleeping, I'm so excited to wake up!

The mechanical dragon spit out particle beams from its mouth and took the initiative to kick off the war... If you like Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Sky Rider Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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