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Chapter 777 - Do you want a shot?

"There may be combat mobile armors in the form of humans and dragons later. Please don't be too surprised then."

Chen Fei still took a vaccination in advance. It would be too embarrassing if one of his own people set fire to him.

"Copy that, keep your phone on, we will use your communication device as an identification friend or foe."

The liaison staff of the Public Security Bureau's Rapid Response Center recorded Chen Fei's words and kept them as notes for the connection.

Chen Fei's personal files and ability files are fully documented, including his abilities, and they are all clear. When something strange appears, there won't be too many questions.

"Also, don't be too surprised if a cluster of spaceships appears!"

While Chen Fei was talking, he quickly operated his hands to set targets for the eight combat bombs mounted under the wings of the "Big Mouth Monster". With the help of the three-dimensional warning system of the reconnaissance drone group, he locked on the missiles that were still falling from the sky.


The eight combat bombs quickly detached from their racks in pairs, and the tail flames flashed, bursting out with bright tail flames, pushing the projectiles to fly towards the swirling black clouds in the sky at an ever-increasing speed.


In the sky above the city center, fireballs exploded one after another. Each combat bomb successfully killed a monster without missing a target.

The monster is big, slow, and doesn't know how to evade it. It's difficult for smart missiles to miss it.

However, more monsters continued to appear from the black vortex cloud.

The rail-mounted rapid-fire machine guns on the left and right wings of the "Big Mouth Monster" fired continuously, sending a dense rain of steel-core bullets like a torrent toward the slowly rotating vortex cloud.

It is simple and straightforward to use missiles to replace one with another, but it is not cost-effective because it cannot be replaced.

Although the "Space Brand" has a large reserve of combat bombs, the quantity is always limited, and it cannot withstand the endless supply of monsters dropped by the whirlpool cloud in any case.

Although the power of the airborne rail-mounted rapid-fire machine gun is not as good as that of missiles, it is better than the high quality and low price. It can shoot a monster into a hornet's nest in an instant, and even cause penetrating damage. It only takes a dozen hits to successfully kill a monster.

One energy point can be exchanged for one ton of steel-core warheads, which can maintain attack output for several minutes. Chen Fei only has a few hundred fighting bombs in his inventory, but he has more than 30,000 energy points, which can last until reinforcements arrive.

In order to avoid accidental casualties caused by the warhead falling back to the ground due to gravity, the rail rapid-fire machine gun is fired at almost full power, giving the warhead an acceleration of 20 times the speed of sound. Even if it does not hit the target, it will be vaporized at a distance of about 20 kilometers. Basically,

It will not break out of the atmosphere and affect artificial celestial bodies in orbit.

When the high-speed friction with the air produces a tracer effect, most of the warheads have been directly submerged into the black vortex cloud and disappeared.

However, judging from the corpses and fragmented remains of the monsters that continued to fall but had lost their lives, it was clear that those warheads had not disappeared and still caused considerable damage.

This means that the vortex cloud is two-way, you can come over there and you can go over here.

The A-39C "Big Mouth Monster" light turboprop attack aircraft with a magic circle imprinted on it is hovering in mid-air in an incredible posture, with its nose pointed directly at the black vortex cloud, and rail rapid-fire machine guns evolved from both sides of the wings.

It releases a ferocious torrent of bullets, mixed with fighting bullets, creating a death zone for monsters in the sky. One will die, two will die, and corpses flying with flesh and blood will fall like raindrops.

From time to time, sporadic offensive spells will fly in from a distance, and they will be used to deal with the fish that escape the fire coverage of the "Big Mouth Monster".

Because Chen Fei drove the turboprop into the battlefield, the pressure on the female archers on top of the high-rise buildings in the city center suddenly decreased, and they focused on the monsters that had landed or were still flying at low altitude.

The flaming arrows can not only fly in a nearly straight trajectory, but can even turn on their own, and will accurately hit the monsters running around in the city no matter what.

It is hard to imagine that before Chen Fei's "Big Mouth Monster" arrived, without the full sniper attack of this female archer, the city center, which was originally crowded with people and bustling with traffic, would have turned into a purgatory on earth.

As time goes by, more and more ability users are arriving in the city center one after another. There are people with super powers, spell casters, and warriors. Although they are fighting on their own, there is command and coordination from the rapid response center, and gradually

Stabilize the situation.

Excluding spellcasters and warriors, the ratio of Blue Star people's superpowers to the population base is approximately one in three thousand.

The city where Chen Fei is located has a permanent population of about 8 million, and there are more than 2,000 G-class and F-class people. Because the effects of the superpowers are not obvious and long-lasting, they cannot be counted as combat effectiveness, so they are also called juvenile and civilian classes.

, this time was naturally not on the list of emergency calls from the Public Security Bureau’s Rapid Response Center.

There are about 400 E-class psychics who are barely qualified to fight, commonly known as soldiers, and about 60 D-class (five-level) people who can stand alone. They are basically the main force of this gathering.

There are only ten people in C-level (team level) further up, and there are even fewer B-level superpowers like Chen Fei, with no more than three at most.

But the female archer who stood on the roof of the building and displayed magical archery skills, sniping monsters with flaming arrows, showed that her combat effectiveness was undoubtedly that of an A-level superpower. I am afraid that there will not be another A-level superpower in the entire urban area.

However, there are still spellcasters and combatants whose combat capabilities are roughly equal, and there are more than one.

"'Rookie' Chen Fei, please report your ammunition reserves!"

The communication number between the rapid response center and Chen Fei has always been on the phone, but the connection medium is not a mobile phone.

The one-to-one attentive service takes into account that no matter how awesome the B-level superpowers are, they cannot produce explosives and propellant fuel out of thin air.

Because the realization of his combat effectiveness relies heavily on modern firearms, the issue of ammunition supply has to be taken into consideration.

"There is enough ammunition at the moment. It can last for at least another hour. Over!"

If it hadn't been for the foresight of the boss, Mr. Louis Langdon, who had prepared a massive amount of supplies in advance and solved Chen Fei's worries in this regard, otherwise his combat effectiveness at this moment would not have exceeded that of a B-class alien.

How many are capable?

"Understood! The first wave of fire support will arrive in 30 seconds. If there is any situation, please report it in time."

There was someone at the rapid response center who specifically contacted Chen Fei.


Chen Fei hung up the call.

Adam: I once again received a call request from Prince Lin Ziou of the Slan Dynasty and Louis Langdon, President of Louis Industries.

"'Adam', please reply to the two of them for me, saying that there is an emergency in the local urban area. Black swirling clouds that appear to be space passages appear in the sky, and a large number of unknown creatures continue to be released. I am doing my best to stop it. If you have anything, please leave a message."

Adam: Start the call with Prince Lin Ziou of the Slan Dynasty.

Adam: Louis Landiden, president of Louis Industries, on the phone.

Artificial intelligence AI can easily handle multi-threaded parallel tasks. As long as the supply of computing resources is guaranteed, efficiency will not be affected in any way.

Adam: Three high-speed missiles were found. They are expected to arrive in 20 seconds. They are identified as Dongfeng-113 conventional ballistic missiles with a damage radius of 500 meters. Please take precautions!

The AR-assisted vision marked the ballistic missile strike radius for Chen Fei, and the "Big Mouth Monster" hovering in mid-air was on the edge of the damage radius.

"Prepare to switch to the 'Dragon King' assault mobile combat armor!"

After Chen Fei reminded "Adam", he activated his super skill again.

The body of the turboprop immediately disintegrated automatically, and continued to deform and recombine as it descended. Finally, before landing, it transformed into a nearly five-meter-tall "Dragon King" assault mobile armor, which is also a version of the individual tactical armor.

Huge mode.

The female archer who was sniping monsters on the roof of a nearby building saw this scene, her eyes fell on the "Dragon King" assault mobile armor and stayed for a few seconds, but her hands did not stop drawing the bow and releasing arrows at all.

The four rail-mounted rapid-fire machine guns separated from the "Big Mouth Monster" never stopped firing. The only thing affected was that the frequency of missile launches became less. After all, the number of missile bays in combat mobile armor is not as many as those under the wings.

point, it is also relatively cumbersome to add.

The ten reconnaissance drones in the sky quickly moved away, making them more vulnerable to the aftereffects of the attack.

Three missiles trailing bright flames and trails quickly approached, heading straight towards the black swirling cloud.


The exploding fireballs grew larger and larger, eventually engulfing the entire swirling cloud.

"Report, the vortex cloud is still there!"

As the combatant closest to the whirlpool cloud, Chen Fei's "macro perspective" was able to discern the effect of the attack immediately.

Although the three conventional ballistic missiles were extremely powerful and directly tore all the monsters that had escaped from the vortex cloud to pieces, the vortex cloud itself was not affected much.

"The attack is too conservative. You have to use elemental annihilation bombs. Do you want to do it? If you don't, then let me do it!"

Chen Fei could guess the concerns about this conservative attack method.

After all, this is a city with a very high population density. No one can bear the consequences of being careless and affecting innocent people.

Otherwise, even tactical nuclear weapons are good. The fiery red mushroom cloud rises and the vortex cloud throws down no matter how many monsters it throws, it will be a dead end.

However, for military contractors who are accustomed to using super-saturated firepower to suppress mutants and out-of-control monsters, direct attack is an effective strategy to cut through the mess quickly and save costs.

"Rejected, this is a densely populated area, you can't mess around. Wait, you brought the 'Dragon Killing Bomb'?"

The response of the rapid response center was really fast. They immediately guessed that Chen Fei, an employee of the military contractor, had secretly brought back the employer's press box bottom.

This guy from MMP is really brave!

"Want to have a shot, dear!"

The girl who was talking to Chen Fei immediately turned red.

This bitch doesn't speak human words.

Two seconds later, when the rapid response center had not responded, the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" issued another notification.

Adam: Found JH-37 attack aircraft, numbering 12, expected to arrive in one minute.

Adam: Found Wuzhi-22, number 36, expected to arrive in 5 minutes.

Adam: Four small airships of unknown type have been found and are expected to arrive in 7 minutes. If you like Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Sky Rider Search and Reading Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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