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Chapter 791 - Command

"'Flagship No. 2-1' received."

Chen Fei looked at the only guest in the bridge, Miyoshi Xuesen, and said: "Miyoshi, the plan has changed, and the fight is about to begin!"

The other party is not an observation group of ability users, but a member of the command team. Even if Chen Fei doesn't tell him now, he will be notified later.

"Ah? So fast?"

The monk was startled, they were not in position yet.

"The situation is out of control, the sovereign border has been lost, and everything is in ruins."

Chen Fei could almost imagine that once the army lost its effectiveness, it would turn into a massacre, no, it should be a genocide.

This is not a war within a civilization. You might still be able to survive if you surrender. It is an ecological predation by Chi Guoguo. Surrender is not easy.

Think about artificial breeding farms. Are the animals raised useful if they surrender? In the end, instead of stabbing the neck, hanging them directly to bleed, once they have passed the stage of rigor mortis, they will be stabbed for an unknown number of times and packaged one by one for delivery.

It's on supermarket shelves.

War between civilizations never involves emotions, and racial traitors never end well.

"What a mess."

When Miyoshi Gakusen thought about the history of the African continent, he suddenly felt a headache. The breakdown of sovereignty here was not an isolated phenomenon, but a common phenomenon. He did not expect that the defense line collapsed so quickly.

"There is still an hour before the battlefield. Who is in charge of command? Who will come up with the tactical plan?"

Of course, Chen Fei would not think that just because he controlled a spaceship, he would be able to cross ranks across levels. If everyone did this, there would definitely be chaos.

This statement was not only made in front of Monk Miyoshi, but was also posted on the communication channel, asking more than just one party.

"I'll ask first!"

Miyoshi Xuesen immediately left the bridge and personally went to find the command and logistics team aboard Flagship No. 2.

The large armed Magic Square spacecraft that continued to lead the ship also looked at each other in disbelief. The observation group composed of ability users was not equipped with command personnel, so it was unable to prepare for action.

About half an hour later, Chen Fei received a message from the "Snow Mountain Ship".

"'Flagship No. 2-1' has not yet been authorized by Malinké's sovereignty. Please do not act independently."


Chen Fei happened to see Miyoshi Xuesen's figure stepping onto the bridge.

The situation of corruption is spreading, and relevant sovereignty is still being debated. It is like one wave after another.

Seeing Chen Fei's questioning look, Miyoshi Xuesen said: "According to the scheduled plan, the command team has begun operations. The 'Flagship No. 2-1' will serve as a temporary command ship. You will assist in the alert and defense work and accurately connect the communication keys."

Although Malinke's sovereignty has been compromised, the team of the Global Joint Defense Committee will not remain indifferent and wait for the other party to make a decision or choice.


Chen Fei nodded.

Through the footage transmitted from the surveillance camera in the cabin, the command and logistics team that was originally on board began to get busy, taking out various equipment from the storage artifacts and unfolding them on the spot, including even a small Target.

The figure of the ultra-low temperature nuclear fusion energy tower flashed, automatically ignited successfully, and continuously released electrical energy and crystal energy. Some equipment consumes electricity, and some equipment consumes crystal energy. The latter are often ultra-high-power equipment.


The cables on the ground soon became criss-crossed, like a spider web, covering the entire cabin and even extending to other cabins.

A large number of antennas of various types occupy multiple portholes and observation decks. Even the carrier-based aircraft channel of the No. 2 flagship is also used. Twenty drones are on standby, ready to fly at any time.

Although it was their first time contacting this special airship, the command and logistics team already had a complete set of preliminary planning plans.

The cabin is tall and spacious, with a wide view to the outside, making it very suitable for use as a command location.

Adam: An invading monster was found ahead at 11 o'clock. The height is 3560 meters, the speed is 140 kilometers per hour, the distance is 50 kilometers, and the number is 17.

When Chen Fei was about to respond, someone came to the bridge.


A member of the command team stood at the bridge door and announced loudly.

"It's a physical communication key. You should be able to use it, right?"

The monk Sanhao standing next to Chen Fei could roughly guess the other person's intention.

"There is no 'Adam' in everything, it is the best at it."

Chen Fei nodded to the man and said, "Please come in!"

The bridge was not closed, but except for Chen Fei, only Miyoshi Xuesen came in, and everyone else stayed in the cabin.

"I am Second Class Communications Officer Tu Shuqing, here to deliver the physical communications key."

The other party came closer, stood at attention, saluted, and then took out a box.

"Leave it to me! Thank you for your hard work!"

Chen Fei's eyes moved to the other party's side, and a column immediately rose from the ground. The top of the column was just large enough to place the box.

Simple physical deformation does not consume energy points.

After Second Class Communications Officer Tu Shuqing put the box away, he saluted again and turned to leave.

The cylinder and the box sank into the floor and disappeared. The artificial intelligence AI "Adam" responded immediately.

Adam: Hardware key found, quantity 4, identification completed, driver loaded, communication link 1, communication link 2, communication link 3, communication link 4 obtained, communication established.

Adam: Found the battlefield data link information, do you want to receive it?

"take over!"

A lot of interfaces immediately popped up in front of Chen Fei's eyes, filling the entire field of vision.

He immediately closed his eyes, which temporarily relieved the sudden dizziness.

"There are too many interfaces, so sort them out and classify them, and select the key points to display."

This densely packed interface can be seen at a glance as the data information of the command system. It is not for one person to see at all. It needs a team to handle it separately.

Adam: After grading, create function icons.

Even with his eyes closed, Chen Fei's visual nerves can still receive visual signals compiled by the artificial intelligence AI "Adam", but the eyeballs and eye muscles form the underlying command. Once he closes his eyes for more than two seconds, he will immediately enter

The minimalist auxiliary interface to initialization will not bring in the visual assistance when the eyes are open.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "What's wrong?"

Mihaoxuesen has been watching Chen Fei's reaction.

Anyone who dares to do something cruel to his visual nervous system is afraid that his brain will really be damaged.

"It's connected to the data link of the command system. It's a bit uncomfortable. 'Adam', the sound is synchronized to the outside."

Chen Fei blinked, and his vision became clear again.

Adam: The sound is set up.

"Send the information about the monster group just discovered to the command center."

Adam:Sent completed.

"Huh? Is there something approaching?"

Mihaoxuesen was a little uncomfortable with the way Chen Fei and "Adam" communicated. In his opinion, it was like Chen Fei's one-man show. However, this was not the case in reality, but it always felt weird.

"'Adam', unfold a three-dimensional projection in the bridge, with a range of 7 meters long, 5 meters wide, and 5 meters high!"

In order to make it easier for Sanhaoxuesen to understand, Chen Fei asked the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" to activate a module in the bridge.

More than a dozen slender beams of light were intertwined together, eventually weaving a huge holographic picture. The two of them were standing inside the three-dimensional holographic image, and could clearly see the "Snow Mountain Ship", a large-scale armed magic square spacecraft, and the large-scale armed magic spacecraft located in the holographic image.

The No. 2 spaceship behind and to its side showed through the trajectory display that seventeen light points were rapidly approaching at an angle close to head-on.

The distance divided by the sum of the speeds of both parties equals the time for contact to occur.

"The monster appears!"

Monk Mihaoshi approached the positions of the seventeen cursors, where data information such as quantity, speed, and altitude were marked, as well as flight trajectory predictions, and the staggered positions of the two airships.

"'Flagship No. 2-1' is on standby!"

The command team deployed on the spot inside the cabin sent instructions, and the voice sounded directly in the bridge.

There is no need for Chen Fei and Flagship No. 2 to take action, because judging from the position, the first one to come into contact with the monster should be the "Snow Mountain Ship" leading from the side and front.

To the armed airship, the seventeen-headed monster was like a fly swatted away casually, posing no threat at all.

"Are we just going to hit him head-on?"

Miyoshi Gakusen was a complete amateur in air combat, and he didn't know how the two airships would deal with this sudden group of monsters.

Chen Fei thought for a moment and said, "Well, it's okay to run into it! There are many ways to solve it."

Even if the two airships do nothing, the monster's minions are completely helpless against the armor layer on the surface of the ship.

However, the "energy-gathering shell" of the No. 2 spaceship will be a bit troublesome. After all, it is not armor and its strength is limited.

Chen Fei thought about it and immediately had an idea.

The outside of the spacecraft immediately changed. The light film that continued to absorb elemental energy from the atmosphere split into pieces of scale shape about 1 meter in diameter. They only overlapped slightly at the edges and did not damage the aerodynamic shape of the ship.


The next second, all the scaly "energy-gathering shells" were submerged into the surface of the ship, leaving only a solid armor layer on the outside.

Then the "energy-gathering shells" appeared all over again, and found a suitable balance point between the contraction and release.

The flagship design, which was not originally considered for hand-to-hand combat, can make up for the shortcomings in a small way.

Fortunately, this is a supernatural skill, otherwise the spaceship designers and manufacturers would probably want to kill Chen Xiaoer who came up with such a complicated underworld plan. Of course, good war weapons should be as simple as possible. Why make it so complicated?


I noticed that the light wing components outside suddenly turned into a strange structure. They disappeared collectively and appeared again. It seemed to remind Miyoshi Xuesen once again that this airship was not an industrial product according to common sense, but a specialized

It is a supernatural creation that breaks common sense, but it is just a bit big. If you like Sky Rider, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Sky Rider Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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