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Section 8 - Sunflower seeds, peanuts, beer, planes…

"Connection successful, identification device IPv6.Fe80:1c57:6c9d:30a9:4fC5|ID Name:A-39B SN:AFO0058568"

"Connection successful, identification device IPv6.Q1ed:9xTF:00ED:S557:5A3b|ID Name: Note PAD User: Chen Fei, Job Number: 911-95533"

The "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" operation interface of the tablet computer and the LCD screen of the A-39 "Big Mouth Monster" detection panel popped up prompts at the same time.

"First conduct a quick self-inspection to check each integrated module of the airframe. If there are no problems, then conduct special in-depth tests one by one, focusing on the sensors, communication and flight control modules of the avionics system, and engine components."

Regardless of whether he is a young man or a college student, he learns everything quickly. Under the one-on-one instruction from the chief mechanic Xiao Ming, Chen Fei quickly became familiar with the basic operations of the professional maintenance software "Tianyan Cloud Inspection".

The basic maintenance work of the A-39B "Big Mouth Monster" light turboprop attack aircraft does not require disassembling the aircraft body into eight pieces. By connecting the maintenance module of the onboard computer through a dedicated data cable, the tablet computer can automatically obtain the information of each component.

The relevant data sent by the sensor can provide a general understanding of the current status of the body.

If a fault is found, it can be described in one sentence, "Replace whatever is broken, So-easy!"

The degree of integration of "Big Mouth Monster" is quite high, and it even incorporates a quick-release design. Modular assembly components can be easily disassembled and replaced without too many tools and equipment.

As a professional aviation maintenance software, "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" also has more advanced and complex functions. With the permissions that Chen Fei, a rookie, has just obtained, he can only use the elementary mode, and there are intermediate mode, advanced mode and attack mode.

City Lion model.

After instructing Chen Fei on how to use the "Sky Eye Cloud Check", Xiao Ming said with great seriousness: "You must remember the most important 'Hain's Law'. Behind every serious accident, there must be 29 minor accidents and 300 minor accidents."

Signs of near-miss and 1,000 potential accidents.”

When a fighter pilot dies in an aerial duel, even if the aircraft is destroyed and no one is left alive, the only one to blame is himself. It is because his skills are inferior to others, it is God's will, and it is fate.

But allowing sick fighter jets to take off, causing unnecessary losses or even casualties, is murder and cannot be forgiven.

For every minute the aircraft is in the sky, it will take ten times as long for maintenance on the ground. You can't be careless at all.

The job of the mechanic team is to allow the Sky Knights to go to the battlefield with qualified weapons and come back alive as much as possible.

Following the instructions of the chief of the aircraft repair department, Xiao Ming, Chen Fei took the special data cable and plugged it into every aircraft in Hangar 1, not even the two armed helicopters.


The models supported by "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" are not only the A-39B "Big Mouth Monster" light turboprop attack aircraft, but include hundreds of models of various sizes, as well as improved models of most series.

He found a free working area at the edge, leaning against a workbench. Chen Fei held a thick "Big Mouth Monster" technical manual (A), frowned, and checked the "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" on his tablet computer.

When the software had just read the data and compared them one by one, someone walked in with a cart.

"Melon seeds, peanuts, beer, airplane cups, space cups, does anyone want them?"

Melon seeds, peanuts, beer, uh...it seems like something strange has been mixed in.

In fact, even condoms are military supplies. As long as they are related to the military, there is nothing strange about them. They are rare and strange.

Chen Fei's ears twitched, he raised his eyes and looked around, and saw a man with a simple face and a pair of single eyelids pushing a cart full of things around the hangar.

The man did not approach the work area, but just circled around the guys in the flight squadron. The people in the maintenance team were not surprised and seemed to have gotten used to it. They allowed him to shout and hawk, and continued to mind their own work.

"Park Aihua, please have a dozen Tsingtao beer and a pack of fried peanuts."

Someone who was playing poker together turned his head and shouted.

"Okay, okay!"

The man who was called quickly took the things from the trolley and delivered them over.

Beer and peanuts started the meal, and then some people asked for potato chips, chocolates and other snacks one after another.

The flight squadron is the highest-paid group in the air service base. All departments operate around them, and every pilot is quite well-paid.

After emptying one-tenth of the goods in the trolley, Park Aihua walked around the work area again.

In addition to those pilots, sometimes one or two single machine repair teams can also be made. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, how can they be let go in vain? If an order is made, it will be another income.


The cart spun around and finally stopped in front of Chen Fei. The honest-looking man blinked his eyelids and looked at the young man curiously.

"Hello, I'm Chen Fei, a new member of the mechanical maintenance team. It's my first day on the job."

Chen Fei quickly put down the thick and heavy technical manual. There was BCDEFG at his feet. The total stacked volume almost caught up with Park Aihua's trolley. In this era of digital documents and e-readers, paper books have not been eliminated.

, has become an important carrier of high-quality literary reading and technical professional books.

The other party shook hands with Chen Fei as if he was flattered. He didn't show any arrogance of an old employee at all. Instead, he said very humbly: "Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. I'm Park Aihua, from Korea. I work for Chef Abel in the cafeteria, and I cook by the way.

Do you want to buy something for a little business? I have everything here, good quality and cheap."

There is no canteen in the aircrew base, but this smart and careful guy seized the opportunity and got himself a small cart. He took the time to buy and resell to make a little money to support his family. It was precisely because he treated everyone with respect and laughter.

, kept his posture very low, making people unable to get angry at all. Over time, he turned a blind eye and accepted that Park Aihua used his spare time after work to sell everywhere.

When the other party took the business to himself, Chen Fei quickly waved his hand and said: "Thank you, I don't need it for the time being."

I am heavily in debt and very poor, so I don't have any spare money to waste.

"It doesn't matter, the first meeting is also fate. I will give you a meeting gift, just like making a friend. What do you think of this? The newly arrived airplane cup is very easy to use and moisturizing. Otherwise, this space cup is also very good.

It’s practical. Drinking more hot water is good for your body.”

This guy surnamed Pu is really good at doing business. He took out the things directly from the cart and had to get close to him and give them to Chen Fei. It didn't matter even if he didn't pay for it.

Even if the business fails, the favor is still there, and even if there is no need in the future, I will more or less take care of some of his business.

If you are willing to give up, you will gain something.

However, the airplane cup and the space cup, inside the atmosphere and outside the atmosphere, feel like a harmonious pair.

"No, no, really no, thank you!"

Treating the two cups that were forced upon him as if they were hot coals, Chen Fei resolutely refused to take them.

The two of them pushed and pushed each other for a while, and then Pu Aihua gave up and could only sigh and said: "There is really no other way!"

Just when Chen Fei thought that this guy was about to give up, he didn't expect that Park Aihua turned around and took out a small bird's nest made of intertwined grass branches.

"This is the extra Monster Egg that was given to me when I purchased it. It's really free of charge. Please accept it, otherwise you won't give me face. I, Park Aihua, will be very angry and the consequences will be serious."

It seemed that Chen Fei looked down on Park Aihua by not accepting the gift bird egg.

Monster eggs?

Chen Fei, dumbfounded, looked at the original bird's nest. There was a blue bird's egg in the center surrounded by soft down. It was not even much bigger than a quail egg. It was clearly an ordinary bird's nest and bird's egg. It was really the mouth of a profiteer.

, what a liar!

Warcraft is a specialty of the firmament realm opposite the "Halo" gate. What kind of price does a warcraft, no matter how weak it is, cost? Doesn't this guy who is good at doing business have no AC number in his heart?

Even people who have a mine at home would not be willing to give a magical beast to someone they meet for the first time. This is worse than a waste of money. It is simply unthinkable.

"If a powerful monster is hatched, you will make a profit."

However, Park Aihua unconsciously believed that what she was holding was a monster egg. Her smile was full of sincerity, and she handed the bird's nest to Chen Fei forcefully and gave him an extra one.

Exquisite paper box.

If you don't accept it today, we won't be finished.

"Okay! I accepted this gift. Thank you, Brother Park."

There was really no other way, so Chen Fei had no choice but to take the small, weightless bird's nest.

If you don't accept it, the other party will definitely pester you, and your work will definitely be affected.

This is his first day on the job. If he cannot leave a good impression on his leadership, he may not be able to reap good results in the future, and he may even be put in the shoes of others.

"Kangliang, you go ahead and do your work. I won't disturb you anymore. If you want anything, just come to me!"

Pu Aihua nodded vigorously, patted Chen Fei's arm, and kept saying not to disturb him, but after struggling for several minutes, he finally pushed the cart with satisfaction and left Hangar No. 1 step by step, and continued to harass other departments.

Chen Fei, who was holding the bird's nest in his hand, looked helpless. What on earth was going on?

Bai Pu [piáo]?


This chapter has been completed!
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