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Section 819 – Threat Level

"The 'Wormhole Cloud' has appeared! The number has exceeded 13!"

While they were changing glasses, the noisy restaurant where people were having a great meal suddenly fell silent, with only the slight crisp sound of tableware clinking against each other.

"Damn it! It finally appeared!"


"I thought it wouldn't come."

"We can fight again, Wahahahaha..."

The sound of tables and chairs scraping against each other and tableware clashing suddenly erupted. Many people no longer cared about their dinner and stood up one after another.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Appeared! Number 15!"

Chen Fei has another "loli" beside him, no, a big boss.

She just looks young, but she is actually old enough to be Chen Xiaoer's grandma. She is also a local S-class superpower, so she is undoubtedly a real aunt.

On the other side, Miyoshi Xuesen was always trembling involuntarily. This black-hearted monk seemed to have encountered a natural enemy. He was obviously responsible for monitoring Chen Fei, but it seemed that he was being monitored at this moment.

In the system of superpowers, the gap between A-level and S-level is far greater than the gap between G-level and A-level.

A-level is already the ceiling for ordinary superpowers, while S-level is another level that breaks the ceiling. Otherwise, it would not be valued by the sovereign as one of the important forces at the strategic level. It is comparable to humanoid self-propelled nuclear bombs, and it can also

With the existence of multiple uses, nuclear weapons will immediately pale in comparison.

Maori Meixin is not here. After all, she has her own job. She will only come here when she wants to have a meal, and then leave after eating. What's more, I heard that a S who didn't have a very good temper came to the observation camp.

Super super super super boss, and with the "wormhole cloud" breaking out all over the world right now, he has a duty to keep his business, and she won't come even more.

The bridge of flagship No. 2 projects a holographic image of the entire Blue Star, maintaining data link synchronization with the command center. The location of each "wormhole cloud" is marked in real time, distributed on continents, oceans, forests, and frozen areas.

Plains, deserts, snow mountains...

The bright red concentric rings tremble as reminders, which is shocking to see.

“Sure enough, it’s within the error!”

Yan Ling, an S-class superpower who was still wearing a miniature headset, looked at Chen Fei. She remembered the error time that the other party had mentioned not long ago, plus or minus five days, which was indeed within 90% of the probability.

"Normal operation, normal operation!"

The Economics Association involves a large amount of data, and Chen Fei is no stranger to statistics and probability. Coupled with the mathematical model automatically generated by the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" and copying Mr. Langdon's answers, the probability of getting the word right is indeed not low.


Chen Fei waved to Miyoshi Xuesen, who was hiding fifteen meters away.

"Master, there is work here that needs your help."

"I'm coming!"

Monk Sanhao, who was quietly drinking tea alone, quickly approached with small steps, and at the same time hesitantly glanced at Yan Ling beside Chen Fei.

Once bitten by a snake, I have been afraid of ropes for ten years. Every time I see this "little girl", I can't help but overreact.

This guy seemed to be really afraid of drowning, he was so scared.

Sensing the weak look in Miyoshi Xuesen's eyes, Yan Ling said expressionlessly: "Work hard!"

Except for the local fellow Chen Fei, others really didn't give him a good look.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Mihaoxuesen nodded and bowed, and came to Chen Fei with unprecedented respect.

It makes a difference whether there is support from a big boss or not. Normally, this thief would not let Chen Xiaoer off easily if he just said a few words.

Chen Fei pointed to the blue star projected by the three-dimensional holographic stereoscopic projection and said: "There are currently 15 'wormhole clouds' appearing in the blue star. Well, now there is one more, there are 16. Let's classify them into processing levels.

, which may get out of control and require joint action from all sovereigns, are rated as special; those that are very serious and require at least one of the five major powers to take action are rated as level one; those that are more serious and can be tolerated by moderately developed sovereigns are rated as level two; those that are generally serious and require two or more

What the three top 100 small sovereignties jointly solve will be classified as Level 3. You can classify these 'wormhole clouds' according to their distribution."

The planet formed by multi-angle projection light is about two meters in diameter and suspended one foot above the ground.

The "wormhole cloud" is increasing slowly, which means that the parasitic species has completely grasped the position of the Blue Star, and through complex calculations, it has accurately opened the "wormhole" and will no longer deviate to the vicinity of the sun or the moon.

Not even as far as Mars.

The "Sagali" clan is good at parasitism and possesses strong mental talent and individual evolution ability. As a powerful civilization with a long history and strict social hierarchy, although the basic cultural disciplines are not like the scientific system that is constantly being improved like human civilization, it is still still

Has its own uniqueness.

"Wait, wait, is this your job?"

Monk Sanhao looked at Chen Fei, then looked in the direction of the bridge hatch. Shouldn't that be the job of the command center?

"No! Look, isn't this idle?"

Chen Fei spread his hands and looked confident.

Evaluating the difficulty of solving the "Wormhole Cloud", even if all are graded, is not something he can solve alone. It can only be done on paper at best.

In fact, being able to solve one independently is quite something to be proud of for a person with powers below S level.

"Free time..."

The monk's eyes were straight. Isn't this causing trouble over nothing?

That's right! It's "wrong" caused by nothing, Chen Fei's "wrong".

The "wormhole cloud" classification done by Chen Fei is also being carried out by the command center.

But if the grading standards of the two sides are different, it will be unforeseen. In Miyoshi Xuesen's view, Chen Fei's side is obviously a bit childish.

Chen Fei urged: "Hurry up, maybe we will leave soon."

Even though this scheming monk specializes in doing dirty work, his understanding of the geography and sovereignty of Blue Star is far greater than that of Chen Fei, who fights mutants in poor valleys and occasionally goes on war field missions to alien planets, so he evaluates

It is most appropriate for regional armed forces to evaluate the threat level of the "wormhole cloud" that appears there.

"Hey! Got it, got it!"

Miyoshi Xuesen had no choice but to accompany him to fool around, and had to stand in front of Blue Star's planet holographic projection, pointing to the center of Oceania Continent, and said: "This 'wormhole cloud' in Oceania Continent should be classified as Level 3.

If possible, it is best to count it as level 4, level 5, or lower. There are many types and quantities of mutants there. No matter how many monsters the 'Wormhole Cloud' sends, they are just food, so there is no need to worry about them.

There is no need for Habrav City to take action. The final result will most likely be a lose-lose situation, so we can solve it in the end."

The area hardest hit by the sequelae of the war more than thirty years ago is in the hinterland of Oceania, which is the main battlefield related to the fate of human civilization today. Since there were no "dragon-killing bombs" at that time, tactical nuclear weapons were widely used, even if

With the smallest remaining neutron bombs and fusion hydrogen bombs, the cumulative radiation dose is still staggering.

These residual nuclear radiation have caused unusual and terrifying changes in many organisms. Gene fragments have been broken and reassembled by radiation. Even if most of the mutations lead to deterioration or even death, if there are too many mutations, you will eventually become poor.

Name some extraordinary things that, although unexpected, are still reasonable.

Cancer-like mutations began to overrun the Oceania continent, especially in the depths of the Central Desert.

At the same time, some mutants also appeared in other parts of Blue Star, and the entire planet began to be overwhelmed by the damage caused by nuclear weapons.

The Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee will be headquartered in Habraf City, which is on the front line of eradicating mutants. It unites all the sovereign forces of Blue Star to suppress a wide variety of mutants and prevent them from spreading from Oceania to the oceans and other continents.

The mutants dealt with by air bases distributed around the world are nothing compared to the mutant frenzy in Oceania.

"It's already winter in the Tiberium Snowfield. Although there are very few mutants and there are not many large predators, the cold current from the Arctic will restrict the movement of those monsters. The local sovereignty is fully capable of dealing with the monsters that appear here.

'Wormhole cloud' can be rated as level three."

"In the southern continent of America, the canals are strangely exhausted, transportation is interrupted, and land transportation is also inconvenient. It is just the territory of the American Federation and can be classified as Level 2, but the problem is not big."

“Pacific Honolulu…”

"The big island of Borneo..."

Mihaoxuesen pointed to the holographic projection of the planet, analyzing it with reason and making a rating.

Europe, Asia, and the northern and southern continents of the Americas all have great sovereign powers with relatively high comprehensive national power, so the problem is not that big.

The local sovereignty of Oceania Continent is not strong, and it is vast and sparsely populated. However, with the mutants and the headquarters of the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee to contain it, the pressure is minimal.

The most troublesome are the "wormhole clouds" in Africa, the desert peninsula, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

The first two are land, and they belong to a group of people with the same taste. They belong to the kind of people who are addicted to food. In other words, they fail to succeed and fail more than they should.

For example, the Malinkai sovereignty organized by the Blue Star Joint Defense Committee this time responded slowly and procrastinated. On the other hand, when it finally wanted to make up its mind, it had already missed the best opportunity, and the entire sovereignty collapsed. Until now, even the sovereignty

The ruling team has not yet been fully formed. They are quarreling every day and looking at others in a hurry.

The other sovereigns on the same side are also half-measures. The sovereigns elsewhere are too lazy to bully them. They raise their hands and lie down in respect before they even touch them. It's just a joke to be so rubbish!

The last two Atlantic Oceans and Pacific Oceans are the two largest oceans in Blue Star. They are larger than land. The underwater environment is complex and beyond the reach of all sovereign powers. It is not easy to block and solve the "wormhole cloud".

In this case, the threat level was directly set to a special level, enough to threaten the life and death of the entire Blue Star.

This chapter has been completed!
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