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Chapter 823 – Transfer

Chen Fei pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "It's hard to say!"

There are aliens in the "Sachari" group who can tentatively cooperate with human civilization, but there are not many people who know about it. Even those aliens are extremely careful and do not want to be exposed easily, so he does not want to let it slip casually.

, lest the Firmament Star Civilization and the Blue Star Civilization lose this trump card.

It’s not that Monk Mihao is unreliable, but if one more person knows, there will be more risk of leaking the information.

"Why are you so insensitive!"

The monk feels very sad. He has such good resources but doesn't use them. Isn't it stupid?

"You know P!"

Chen Fei responded unceremoniously.

Of course he had his own concerns, but he couldn't express them clearly, so he had no choice but to start a fight with the monk instead of asking for more details.

"You! Emmm..."

Miyoshi Xuesen narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't look angry at all. Sure enough, he had some understanding.

His IQ was always on the line, and as Chen Fei expected, he immediately noticed that there was something in his words, and his cunning and cunning mind quickly began to speculate on various possibilities.

Monks who deal with conspiracies and conspiracies all day long are always sensitive and will easily become suspicious of anything. Basically, they are in the late stage of paranoia and are hopeless.

This time, he thought about it again.

Yan Ling said confidently: "If the cost is not too high, I can even prevent the parasitic species from entering the solar system."

If you want to prevent the parasitic species from entering the solar system, you have to pay the price of at least twenty S-class superpowers being exterminated, and no sovereign power can afford it.

Even the first sovereign of the Blue Star Civilization cannot even gather five S-levels, let alone twenty, and none of those heavenly ability users are of use.

Is it similar to equivalent exchange?

Chen Fei sort of figured out the characteristics of Yan Ling's supernatural abilities. As long as he paid a certain price, he could realize a certain wish.

For example, making a monk jump into the water involuntarily, making people change their fate against the will of heaven, and possessing the qualifications of an aerial knight. Such superpowers are simply overbearing and have no friends.

Although the causal relationship seems to be distorted, in fact it just adds some conversion links similar to "a butterfly stirs up a storm in the distance", but it still conforms to the rules of real physics.

This is one of the characteristics of S-level superpowers. It is easier to touch the mysterious and mysterious rules of heaven and earth than those with heavenly powers.

"you guess!"

Yan Ling gave it away and couldn't see the superiority of a top-level superpower. If she didn't consider her true age, she might have been deceived by her playful spirit and thought she was a cute little lolita.

Chen Fei rolled his eyes.

It is not allowed to casually inquire into the abilities of S-class superpowers, unless Chen Xiaoer wants to taste the taste of prison food.

Even the well-informed monk Sanhao didn't know the existence of Yan Ling, let alone Chen Fei, so he wouldn't even guess it.


In the following days, two new "wormhole clouds" continued to appear on Blue Star.

However, the concerted efforts of all the sovereignties took a week to clear away the black clouds that continuously dropped monsters one by one. In the end, only the "wormhole cloud" remained over the desert peninsula.

The desert is dry and desolate, with no trace of green in sight. The number of animals and plants is sparse. The monsters that fall from the sky have difficulty in obtaining water and food other than sand. In addition, some mutants are wandering around, so many monsters die of hunger or thirst.

In the desert, they are hunted by the same ferocious mutants.

In many cases, the roles of predator and prey are not static.

Who would have thought that mutants, as Blue Star's scabies disease, would actually become a help in blocking the invasion of parasitic species, which is simply unbelievable.

The Blue Star Civilization, which had taken the initiative, did not rush to solve the "wormhole cloud" over the desert peninsula. Instead, it faced the monsters that continued to fall like raindrops and put an astonishing amount of damage into the "wormhole cloud".

A large number of unmanned reconnaissance drones are trying to get a glimpse of the world where monsters live and live. If even one of them can successfully feed back a little bit of data, it will be a major gain.

I have to say that the courage of the Blue Star civilization is really great. When "Sachari" stared at Blue Star, Blue Star also stared back at "Sachari" unceremoniously, fearing that it would be invaded and the "doomsday prophecy" would become

There are really a lot of people, but there are a lot of people who are interested in parasitic species and more living planets.

The extraterrestrial alien race "Sagali" is a very typical biological civilization. Its demand for mineral resources is far less than that of the highly industrialized mechanical civilization Blue Star. The Blue Star people, who are just short of digging up the Blue Star's crust, naturally look at the parasites.

With all the planet resources under his control, if he could snatch one of them, he would be able to roll his eyes immediately.

Due to technical problems in communication, after getting into the "wormhole cloud", all the reconnaissance equipment with AI autonomy disappeared, and there was not even the slightest echo. Even if it was dragged in, it didn't take long to be torn apart.

The torn communication cables were spat out by the "wormhole cloud", and the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft also disappeared.

I'm afraid that if someone drives a car bravely into the "wormhole cloud", the result will probably be the same.

Although they tried their best, Blue Star Civilization still found nothing and was unable to gain any understanding of the world on the other side of the "wormhole cloud".

Chen Fei received the order to set off, piloted the No. 2 flagship and the "Snow Mountain" large armed magical spacecraft, and took the able observer group, the command and logistics team of the Global Joint Defense Committee to the desert peninsula.

Since the second batch of "wormhole clouds" appeared on Blue Star, they did not appear in their original positions, which means that there is no fixed space weak point in Blue Star's atmosphere. The opening of "wormhole clouds" is to some extent

There is a certain degree of randomness, and it is generally within a certain range and does not appear outside the atmosphere.

Therefore, the observation camp which was just built not long ago lost its meaning of existence. After all, it is better to study the traces of possible "wormhole clouds" than to directly study the last "wormhole cloud" deliberately preserved.

I am afraid that the Blue Star Civilization and the "Sagali" all know the real reason why the "wormhole cloud" over the desert peninsula has survived.

Standing on the bridge of the No. 2 flagship, Yan Ling looked down at the observation camp and saw a large group of black uncles driving shabby vehicles and rushing into the camp area cheering all the way. Soon the vehicles collided with each other.

The black uncles were tearing at each other and even showed their bright machetes, and the camp suddenly fell into chaos.

“What a shame this camp is!”

Yan Ling looked regretful.

There really was no room for two ounces of sesame oil in a dog's belly, and the good-looking camp started to suffer all kinds of disasters.

As soon as the two airships took off, the various facilities left in the camp were "taken over" by the local sovereignty. It was almost foreseeable that before long, the clean and tidy camp area would be filled with fishy smells.

Not long after the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee issued a notice to evacuate the observation camp, the new ruling team of Malinke's long-standing sovereignty was immediately established without any delay.

It is incomprehensible no matter what, how few camp buildings and few remaining supplies can allow the still quarreling parties to end their quarrels, quickly reach an agreement, and form a new sovereign government.

This incredible act is completely different from the previous farce. Is this guy serious?

Just like throwing a chicken leg bone into a pile of fighting beggars and quickly forming a gang of beggars for this bone, they are obviously sovereign, but their vision is so small that they only focus on such a small profit, so that

Outsiders were shocked to see it.

Some of the small sovereignties in Africa are like weasels laying waste to rats, each litter is worse than the next. It is like the time when colonization was just ended. Although freedom and democracy were gained, the economy suffered an avalanche. It was really hard to see.

Monk Mihaoshi accompanied Xin Xin and explained: "This is the land under the sovereignty of Malinkai, and they will use it to build a new capital."

He knows these short-sighted Africans very well. The slightest scrap of food can make them desperate. There are even many examples of picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon. He knows the consequences but still does it. There are only two real reasons.

The first is laziness and the second is greed. As long as you are more diligent, you will not have such an ugly eating appearance.

"There's not much left anyway."

Chen Fei didn't care, as all the materials that could not be accommodated by the space alchemy storage instruments were loaded onto the two spaceships.

In addition to the "Snow Mountain" itself being a heavy transport ship with a huge carrying capacity, the No. 2 flagship is still not as big as the "Snow Mountain" even though its length has increased a lot. However, the magic array engraved on the ship's body combined with superpowers can actually carry

The quantity is no less impressive.

Therefore, almost all the materials that are small in size but high in quality are placed on the No. 2 flagship.

The command team and logistics supply team organized by the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee have never left the cabin of the No. 2 flagship. Even after entering the observation camp, they have not moved. Now it seems that this is a foresight, saving a lot of money for the transfer operation.

of working hours.

From the time the transfer order was received to the time the two airships took off, it did not exceed 12 hours.

Not long after Flagship No. 2 and the "Snow Mountain" left, billowing smoke rose from the observation camp, buildings were set on fire, and the chaos continued and intensified.

This chapter has been completed!
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