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Chapter 835 - The appearance of the cluster

The military combat airships that are currently blocking Midway Island are a temporary team. They rely on their distance advantage and firepower advantage to continuously bully the monsters on the island. However, compared to the tacit cooperation, they are definitely not as good as the artificial intelligence AI "Adam".

"A unified control of the airship combat cluster.

After a while, Chen Fei got a response.


There are no more than two reasons for agreeing. The first reason is that the combat cluster controlled by Chen Fei is not enough to cause too much trouble to the Blue Star Civilization. Speaking of trouble, it must be the alien race "Sagali".

As a parasitic race, under the noses of so many sovereigns and capable people, Chen Xiaoer will definitely not be able to cause trouble even if he wants to. The second reason is that the command center wants to see that Chen Fei has some of the blood of the Cangqiongxing civilization in his hands.

What exactly does the airship cluster look like?

Releasing the airship combat cluster requires enough space, and Chen Fei definitely cannot commit such a big death inside the No. 2 flagship.

He put on the "Dragon King" assault mobile armor, flew out of the No. 2 flagship, and came into the air.

Now Henghai Tactical Weapons Group has officially begun mass production of this combat mobile armor and provided it to the military's active troops. The development data all comes from Chen Fei.

The two parties still maintain a close cooperative relationship to this day. On the one hand, they pirate freely and take money even if they are not paid. On the other hand, they can harvest a large amount of actual combat data with peace of mind for the development of new mobile armors.

In terms of the degree of close cooperation, it is far more in-depth than the "Masasaurus" single project between Chen Fei and Northern Ordnance Industry Group.

The next second, a huge spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky.

The air flow surged, and even the "Dragon King" assault mobile armor that released it was pushed away. Without the maneuverability of the combat mobile armor, Chen Fei would have been directly hit by this sudden air wave.

Fly away.

This is within the atmosphere. If in the vacuum of space, large-mass objects will exert a weak attraction on small-mass objects. The greater the mass difference, the more obvious this weak gravitational field will be. When it reaches the level of a planet-level celestial body

, it will become a real gravity.

The first one to appear was Flagship No. 1, with a total length of 80 meters. It was the first-generation version of Flagship No. 2. It had been sealed for nearly two months, and now it has finally been seen again.

Chen Fei threw hundreds of energy points on the spot and began to expand and upgrade. After a few breaths, the No. 1 flagship, which showed modular expansion on the surface of the ship, finally stabilized. It was about the same size as the No. 2 flagship, with a total length of

With a height of 120 meters, not only the volume and weight have increased, but the internal structure and various functional modules have also changed a lot.

When the energy points should be used, not a single one should be spared, especially for Chen Fei whose combat power relied heavily on external objects. Upgrading the external combat power immediately would have immediate effects.

That is to say, he, in a spaceship manufacturing factory, simply cannot afford this kind of real-time upgrade. After all, in reality, industrial rules need to be followed, and there is no way to upgrade when you say it, or transform when you say it, like in the game.

Immediately afterwards, 12 coordination ships and two auxiliary ships appeared one after another, guarding the No. 1 long ship, forming a flying formation in a battle formation.

The collaboration ship and auxiliary ship also carry 52 large tactical drones, 64 tactical jets, 4 tactical bombers, 24 landing craft, 60 combat mobile armors and 500 combat robots.

This is the original appearance of the airship combat cluster in Chen Fei's hands, instead of the polished commander like Flagship No. 2. If Lewis Industries had not replenished a batch of combat units in time, Chen Fei's "space brand" would have been sealed by the supernatural inhibitor.

I'm afraid I can only show off my courage.

If it had not been notified in advance, this sudden appearance of the airship combat group would probably have to face the sovereign airships on the spot as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Compared with the airships of Blue Star Civilization, the appearance and style of the airship combat cluster covered with "energy-gathering shells" are completely different. After all, the technology used by the latter comes more from the light wings sponsored by the Slan royal family.

The design concept of the ship is nothing more than relying on high-capacity "super star crystals", and there are no long light wings on the outside.

In a blue star whose elemental energy activity is far less than that of a firmament star, there is actually not much difference whether it has light wings or not. Just this layer of "energy-gathering shell" is enough to absorb the elemental energy from the atmosphere.

Basically better than nothing.

The maneuverability of this spaceship cluster mainly relies on crystal energy, magic arrays and Chen Fei's special skills, as well as the multi-threaded parallel operation of the artificial intelligence AI "Adam".

"Eh? Is this Xiao Chen's spaceship? It's really interesting!"

Standing on the bridge of Flagship No. 2, Yan Ling, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, looked curiously at the dark spaceship.

Not to mention this murderous fleet of spaceships, the storage space that can accommodate this fleet is already amazing.

If it is not impossible to transfer, or even if it is transferred, it may not be able to maintain the original capacity, Chen Fei may not be able to keep the "space imprint" on his hand.

In the face of sovereign will, personal interests and personal abilities are not worth mentioning at all.

Louis Langdon, who gave Chen Fei this great gift, may have considered this a long time ago and deliberately made the "space imprint" into a binding mode.

The "doomsday prophecies" have been confirmed one by one, and the sovereigns have recognized to a certain extent the existence of Chen Fei's suspected "variable" in the "doomsday prophecies". However, how much influence can this "variable" have on the future? Even

The prophet Louis Langdon himself does not know, but no matter how bad the future direction is, it will not be worse than the end of the world. In addition, Chen Fei himself is extremely suitable for the battlefield and shines in the civil war of the Sky Star. All the

People would rather believe that he has something than believe that he doesn't have it. They removed him from the front line of the battle and threw him into the interstellar quota trade between Firmament Star and Blue Star to serve as a human transporter.

To be honest, such a porter is also a good job, and the income is not much worse than working with military contractors and growing mushrooms.

"External objects are all just floating clouds! The true power of a person with superpowers lies in himself, not in external objects."

Sanhe Xuesen felt sad that Chen Fei had gone astray as a demon heretic. He should think more about his own abilities and develop more abilities instead of focusing unnecessary attention on those messy things.

Just like being poked by a shot of superpower inhibitor not long ago, and being knocked back to his original shape on the spot, the Shenma airship combat group, everyone wanted to eat.

The monk forgot that any person with superpowers would be knocked back to his original shape after receiving a shot of superpower inhibitor, and even he himself would be no exception.

The reason why he thinks this way is purely out of jealousy. Otherwise, how can he be said to be a sinister person? He really can't see the good in others at all.

There is no essential difference between Miyoshi Gakusen, who uses his private ninja team to develop A-level dark-type abilities, and Chen Fei, who uses various constructed combat weapons. The reason why the two are so in love is that birds of a feather flock together.

"Sanhao, you and Xiao Chen are dueling, who will win?"

Hearing the monk's gloomy soliloquy, Yan Ling would not tolerate the bald thief. He seemed to be asking casually, but in fact it was full of ridicule.


This sinister monk immediately shut himself down.

No one with a little bit of brains would take the initiative to provoke a combat airship, especially an established combat formation.

Are you duel? I'm afraid I'll die in the next second.

No matter how powerful a ninja with dark powers is, he can't withstand a crazy 600mm heavy artillery shell, not to mention that the opponent also has more than one elemental annihilation bomb.

"A huge energy reaction has been detected, and there are high-energy rays!"

The airship combat cluster had just been released and was still being upgraded and debugged when Chen Fei received a notification from the command center.

Not only the No. 2 flagship, the battlefield data link connects various system modules of all combat units in real time, all integrated together to form a combat system with data sharing and no dead ends.

The single regime rule and the highly centralized Sky Star civilization forced the Blue Star civilization to complete global integrated military cooperation in the shortest possible time, making operational cooperation between various sovereignties possible.

However, the political structures of the two civilizations are completely different, making it normal for politicians from both sides to complain. One side mocks the other side as being backward, feudal, and authoritarian, while the other side mocks the small planet and its many governments. It seems like a win-win cooperation, but in fact it is just a mess.

Inefficient loose sand.

"All combat units, retreat 5 kilometers!"

Another order came from the command center, not only to Chen Fei's airship combat group, but also to the airships and surface ships of various sovereignties.

Even if the distance is 5 kilometers, the output firepower of the airship and surface hull can still cover the island.

This chapter has been completed!
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