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Chapter 844 – Insect Body

"Aren't you afraid of getting beaten for doing this?"

After the truth came out, the monk was extremely angry. This shell was not only made to look like it, but it was also exactly the same.

The appearance of "Longinus" is too sensitive. After all, it is related to the core of such important places as the "Realm Gate". It can be said to be the core of the core. It is indeed not suitable for too many people to know, even the name.

It is best not to be known to the world, especially ordinary people.

If any guy is ambitious, it's almost impossible to guard against him.

"Those who can beat me don't bother to do it, but those who can't beat me...haha!"

Chen Fei sneered a few times to show that he didn't take this to heart at all.

As a member of the lower class of society, he still has three or five relatives who are all around him, but those relatives are quite powerful.

If you can deal with his self-reliance and don't bother to pay attention to him, but if you can't defeat his strong ambition, then you are just looking for a beating, so why are you so polite? Just send him to the countryside and beat him.

"You're going to stumble sooner or later if you're like this!"

Mihaoxuesen shook his head because he hated the iron. He became more and more determined to take Chen Fei as his successor. After a few years of training, he could smoothly hand over the connections he had worked so hard to build, and then he could retire with peace of mind.

, get a good death, instead of letting a strange or even wrong guy take over, and then liquidate yourself with a backhand, MMP's death is good? Just wait to be sacrificed!

He has done too many bad things and will be sacrificed to heaven sooner or later. The monk's heart is like a mirror. Chen Xiaoer, who is ruthless and dares to risk his life, is the best successor.

Although Chen Fei has always been secretly protected by the Chen family, the occasional minor troubles are just regarded as life experiences and tests, just used to sharpen his character. It is far from the time when the big boss needs to take action, and there are still people who will not come forward publicly.

Naturally, the Lin family and the Silan royal family don't have to worry about any big trouble.

But if you walk a lot at night, you never know when you will encounter a ghost. What if you encounter a blind man one day and the situation gets out of control? It's really hard to predict.

The reason why monk Sanhao was sent to Chen Fei's side was probably not the secret intention of the big bosses. An old man like him was suitable for bringing young people to see the world.

"Wait until death is imminent!"

Chen Fei still didn't take it seriously. He had seen a lot of the world, which was far beyond his own experience. How could ordinary people have the opportunity to personally experience the civil war on a civilized planet?

He killed both giant dragons, and Sky Dragon City didn’t even want to cause trouble for him, so no matter how big the issue is, it’s all a matter of Der!


Thief Bald and the waiter broke up unhappy.

However, the two of them returned to the bridge together.

After all, Chen Fei needs to continue to be in charge of the airship and manage the entire tactical cluster.

The monk still stared at him, both for protection and surveillance, and at the same time, he also helped with coordination and communication.

For example, Chen Fei was unable to use the "Space Brand" because he received a shot of a superpower inhibitor. Now, the space alchemy storage device on his left wrist was obtained by Miyoshi Gakusen through his own connections and favors.

, if you follow the formal process, you will definitely want to eat.

Until Chen Fei returned to the bridge, the S-class superpower Yan Ling kept looking at him up and down. Sure enough, he escaped unscathed. He couldn't help but wonder: "Is that insect a parallel import? You gave it to me all of a sudden.

Stabbed to death?"

Experts watch the door, while laymen watch the excitement. As an S-class superpower, she only has a powerful mouth and has no physical strength, so she just watched the excitement.

At least that's how it was in the eyes of Yan Ling, who didn't know the truth. Chen Fei's humanoid mecha didn't send the six-legged monster on the road with its railgun. Instead, it used its cold weapon form to hit it completely. Such a result is simply unbelievable.


Obviously, the railgun's penetrating damage is more fatal, right?

The reality was exactly the opposite, which she couldn't understand and her mind couldn't turn around.

"I have a magic weapon against parasitic species in my hand. If you poke it, your consciousness will be wiped out on the spot."

Chen Fei had no intention of concealing the existence of the "God-Killing Spear". I was afraid that even the "Soul-Keeping Heart Seal" would not become a personal secret, so he casually released the "God-Killing Spear" with an organic polymer guard on the spear blade.

set to avoid accidental injury.

With the authority of an S-level superpower, if you want to investigate, you will find out sooner or later.

If the Slan royal family hadn't sponsored these two high-grade alchemy tools for offense and defense, he would never have given them away so rashly. That would not be reckless, it would be death.

It's enough to suffer a loss once, but you may not have such good luck next time.

"so smart?"

Yan Ling took a breath of air. She wanted to touch the "God-killing Spear", but Chen Fei took it back. He shook his head and refused to touch it. After all, if he was poked, no matter how big the wound was, the consequences would be disastrous.


"That's how awesome it is!"

Chen Fei nodded, can the things given by the Slan royal family be any worse? This is a matter of the royal family's face!

Parasitic species are born with strong mental power, so encountering this kind of weapon is like encountering a nemesis.

If a high-level parasitic species doesn't die after one poke, just poke it twice, completely ignoring defense and injury level.

"Have you brought that bug back? Take me to see it!"

Yan Ling wanted to take a closer look at the six-legged monster insect that almost posed a huge threat to everyone.

If it weren't for the "fighting arena" that restricted the opponent's mobility, and the targeted restraint weapons in Chen Fei's hands, the current situation would have been completely different.

"It should be...in the back cabin!"

Through the artificial intelligence AI "Adam", Chen Fei confirmed the location of the "trophies" he brought back.

All the spaceships are still in the airspace near Midway Island and have not left. The "wormhole cloud" continues to spit out a large number of "fighter bugs". The clean atmospheric environment is the home field of directed energy weapons. Laser beams flash continuously. Those are very similar.

Before the jet fighter-like creatures had time to fly out of the sky over the island and rush above the sea level, they exploded into balls of flames.

It is rich in high-energy reserve chemicals, which are also flammable and explosive, and can easily be detonated directly by laser beams.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The six-legged monster insect that turned into a living dead insect has not been handed over yet. It is temporarily left in a cabin of Flagship No. 2 and is still affected by the previous participants.

A small team of fighting ability users are guarding the battle. Only one breath is left. In fact, it is no different from death. Whether it is a parasite or a host, they are all killed by the "God-killing Spear" in one go. They can be directly declared brain dead or dissected.

Either treat it harmlessly, or you won't survive long even if you do nothing.

In fact, there was nothing good to see, but he couldn't resist this aunt, so Chen Fei took her to the back cabin and saw a miserable-looking six-legged monster.

Being bombarded by particle beams, missiles, focused light energy, armor-piercing incendiary bombs, war energy and magic, etc., the insect's body must have been covered in bruises and looked ugly. Half of its mouthparts were missing, its compound eyes were in tatters, and there were whiskers on its skull.

It disappeared immediately, leaving only a small black stubble of less than one centimeter. Of the three long and narrow membrane wings on the back, only two were less than two feet long, and one was less than six feet. The rest were turned into poles, tough and transparent.

All the wing membranes were missing, and the limbs and carapace were even more horrible to look at. There were also three holes in the body, two of which were on opposite sides, and even the organs were sticking out. It looked very disgusting.

Even without the final blow from the "God-killing Spear", this six-legged monster would not be able to withstand a long-term siege. After all, there are so many ability users watching the battle who will rush into the "Arena" at any time to join the battle.

In this confrontation, the human civilization of Blue Star took advantage of the favorable location of the "fighting arena" and the overwhelming number of people and people.

After all, they are fighting in an unfamiliar away field. As an invader, "Sachari" can hardly gain the upper hand in a short period of time just by relying on these large and small tentative moves. However, it can be expected that as time goes by, the invasion process will progress.

With development, the range of actions of the parasitic species will become larger and larger. If not taken seriously, Blue Star Civilization will sooner or later be overwhelmed by the opponent's hard power.

The six-legged monster, which was jointly fixed by multiple ability users on a rectangular tray, remained motionless. It was crisscrossed with metal and non-metal ropes and fixed components, restricting movement from beginning to end, including the remaining jointed limbs.

It cannot move, especially the mouthparts, which are tightly sealed by transparent special materials. There is no chance of causing trouble. The slightest movement will be discovered.

The metal tool that bound the six-legged monster insect was not made by Chen Fei. There are other metal-based superpowers in the team of superpowers, carefully selected by the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee. In terms of superpower skills,

There will be some overlap with each other, and there will be some differences in efficiency. Some people can do twice the result with half the effort, and some people can do twice the result with half the effort.

The six-legged monster lying on the platform is eight meters long and has a maximum waist circumference of more than three meters. It looks like a thirty-seater bus. Humans standing next to it look quite small.

Without magic, fighting spirit, supernatural powers or professional combat mobile armor, humans would have almost no ability to resist in the face of such monsters.

"Look, this insect seems to be inlaid with gems. I don't know if it's a real gem or a magic crystal."

Yan Ling pointed to some transparent "crystals" on the body of the six-legged monster, scattered in the head, chest, abdomen and joints of the limbs. Some were intact and crystal clear, while others were broken and even stained with mucus that gave off a pungent smell.


"I don't know what kind of material it is made of, maybe it's some kind of keratin. There are so many secrets in 'Sachari', and we haven't been able to figure them all out yet."

Chen Fei shook his head and said he didn't know either.

The information obtained from the Slan King species and the alien parasitic species is simply not enough to cover the entire parasitic species group.

There are too many unknowns, and it takes a lot of time and energy to explore.

"Huh? Those crystals seem to be glowing!"

Yan Ling blinked and found that the crystals on the six-legged monster were even brighter than before. He didn't know if it was his own illusion or the change in ambient lighting.

"Glow? Adam, analyze the brightness of those crystals!"

Chen Fei conveniently handed over the judgment work to artificial intelligence AI. The human eye can actually distinguish very subtle changes in brightness, but it is not easy to concentrate and requires long-term training experience. He left it to "Adam" to identify

But it's just right.

This chapter has been completed!
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