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Chapter 854 - Delivery to your door

12 hours ago…

Chen Fei's parents woke up early, and someone rang the doorbell to deliver express delivery.

But this was the first time I saw an empty-handed courier boy. Due to special reasons, he needed to pick it up himself.

It was the weekend, and the eldest son Chen Shi and his wife Sima Xin took their baby to their parents-in-law's house to have dinner. They heard that the waiter had sent a large parcel to the family, so they were curious and drove a private car with their parents to follow them.

Behind the courier's vehicle, we headed to the public airport in the suburbs to pick up the goods.

Entering the public airport through a special passage, on an apron, the old Chen family saw a small sky patrol ship with a total length of 42 meters and a cabin width of 7.5 meters. It had a murderous and fierce appearance.

It looks a bit strange, not like a serious cargo spacecraft.


Jingguangque Xiaojiu did not follow Chen Xiaomei back to school, but stayed at home. This was Chen Fei's original arrangement.

The school has its own security force, so there is no need to worry about Chen Meng's safety. On the contrary, it is the parents at home who need such a morally minded little bird who can fight and carry to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The number of Pure Light Birds introduced to the local area has exceeded 5,000. Even if an emergency such as the "wormhole cloud" occurs again, it will be able to cope with it.

At this moment, the little thing is jumping in the palm of Chen Fei's mother, Yu Xiaoyi. It has become the heart of the old Chen family. The baby's family status is second only to the old family, and has successfully surpassed Chen Xiaoer.

Just as the courier boy led a large family to the tarmac, several neatly uniformed crew members came out of the small sky patrol ship. They looked at the head of the family, Chen Haihai, and one of them handed over a signature document with both hands.

"We are the flight crew of Dassault Aerospace, responsible for transporting Mr. Chen Fei's express package, please check it!"

The receipt document has the Dassault Aerospace logo on it, which means it is shipped directly from the manufacturer. There are no middlemen and no one will cut it off halfway.

This crew is only responsible for driving this small sky survey ship to its destination. After signing for it, it no longer takes care of it.

After all, the order was only for this surveyor, which did not include a driving crew and was limited to door-to-door delivery (arrival at the city airport).

"The express delivery? Where is it? Have you taken it out?"

His father, Chen Hai, glanced at the document, then looked up, down, left, and right beside and behind him, but he didn't see anything like a packing box.

Where's the express delivery?

The crew member who handed over the document turned around and gestured to the small surveyor.

"This T-42E assault ship is your express delivery, well, the whole thing is!"

Then the entire Chen family, including Baobao, became Spartan.

The "local specialties" that Chen Xiaoer sent home were beyond the realm of possibility. This time, they were truly something that could transcend the horizon in every sense of the word.

The military assault ship that just came off the production line is still fresh and warm. Although it is not loaded with offensive weapons, the transformation from military to civilian is not complete. The main system is still a fully functional military standard, and in some hidden corners, it still retains

There are combat and defense function modules.

"Xiaoer, are you crazy?"

The eldest brother Chen immediately thought that the second brother was crazy. He actually sent something like this to his home. It was some kind of assault ship. Do you want the whole family to go to the battlefield?

Probably, maybe, it should not be allowed, no matter what, it will not be allowed.

The sister-in-law who was holding the baby felt numb immediately. This brother-in-law was so powerful that he brought all kinds of things to the house.

The baby opened his mouth wide and expressed his opinion.

"Ah, ah, ship! ship! ship!"

I thought it was a new big toy!

It’s indeed a bit big!

"What is the waiter thinking about?"

Mother Yu Xiaoyi wished she could drag her second son back and ask him to understand.

Is this something that ordinary people can play?

"This... everyone, is this assault ship really okay? Is it okay?"

Chen Haihai's hands were trembling a little, and he didn't dare to pick up the document. He just acted like a common man and received a military-style surveyor. There is something wrong with such a thing no matter how you look at it!

He wondered if the wrong goods had been sent.

What Chen Xiaoer actually sent back was something else.

"Please rest assured that this is a civilian assault ship. To be precise, it is not an assault ship. It is just a civilian passenger ship. It is not equipped with a weapon system. It retains armor, reconnaissance modules and military communication modules. The procedures are complete.

, please feel free to use it.”

The crew member who submitted the signature document is also the temporary captain for this flight.

Since Dassault Aerospace can send this military-to-civilian surveyor to the first sovereign territory and park it at a public airport, all the corresponding procedures and registrations are complete. As long as professional crew members are hired and the public airport is connected

After signing the logistics agreement, you can use it normally.

Compared with pure civilian passenger carriers, this small surveyor that still retains some military performance has almost no other shortcomings except higher energy consumption. Naturally, there is no problem at all if those military functions are downgraded to civilian use.


"Is it really possible?"

Chen Hai didn't quite believe his ears. Today was not April Fool's Day.

Military aircraft can actually be owned by ordinary people.

"Chen Fei's phone number didn't go through!"

The eldest brother, Chen, was dialing the second brother's communication number, but no one answered. He didn't know what he was busy with at the moment.

(Signal blocking, intelligence blocking, unauthorized communication numbers, only access but no access.)

"Of course there is no problem. From now on, sign your name and it will be yours."

The crew members of Dassault Aerospace also brought out champagne, paintballs, and table tennis to liven up the atmosphere.

The old Chen family is pleased to propose a small assault ship, no, a civilian sky patrol ship. What a joy to congratulate! What a joy to congratulate!

"This is fixed!"

There was no other way. As the head of the family, Chen Hai had no choice but to bite the bullet and sign.

Because if he doesn’t sign, these people won’t leave!

Before signing, Lao Chen read the receipt document carefully. It was not a commercial contract involving the amount of money. It was just an acceptance confirmation document. There were also a lot of after-sales service terms, including airworthiness registration and flight permission.

Everything is done, and you can apply for a temporary route two hours before departure.

After sharing the celebratory champagne with the Chen family, the temporary crew members of Dassault Aerospace left neatly, leaving only the courier boy who took the Chen family to the public airport tarmac.

To be precise, the other party is not only a courier, but also a staff member of the airport logistics department. After so many years of work, this is the first time he is responsible for handing over a small sky patrol.

After the temporary crew members left, it was the "delivery boy"'s turn again. He took out a document and said to Chen Haihai, the head of the old Chen family: "This is the ground handling service package of the public airport. Among them

The berth rental is included, and if you need crew and air crew, we can also introduce you to them.”

Seeing that everyone in the old Chen family was still confused and still unable to calm down, the staff member of the airport logistics department knew that his service work had just begun.

The small sky surveyor has already entered the airport, and all the procedures are complete. It is impossible for the owner to drag it home, not to mention that it is not easy to find a place to put the more than 40-meter-long hull.

Now that it's here, it can only park here and, like other private aircraft, receive berths, maintenance, supplies and other related services from the public airport.

Private aircraft have always been a thing for wealthy people. Seeing the charging standards of public airports, the old Chen family collectively gasped. This is not like the three melons and two dates of private car parking spaces in residential areas. It is simply not worth it.

It is not an expense that ordinary people can afford.

This small sky survey ship looks quite majestic, but for ordinary people, it can neither buy nor maintain it. Even if it just parked at the public airport and didn't go anywhere, the daily expenses incurred would be higher than that of the boss Chen

Yes, the monthly salary is high, but this does not include flight costs and ground maintenance costs.

"How can you be so expensive? It's too expensive!"

Yu Xiaoyi started to feel dizzy when she saw the amount on the charging standard.

The little bird in my hand flapped its wings and flew to the small sky surveyor. It jumped up and down curiously and even lowered its head to peck. It couldn't move its small pointed beak. It was just for fun.

Just a son.

When I saw the little blackbird at home flying onto the sky patrol ship, the baby in my sister-in-law's hands also opened her hands, howling for the ship, and probably wanted to climb up.

"If it doesn't work, find a way to sell it!"

The eldest brother Chen was guessing whether Chen Fei had received debt repayment from someone else. It was not impossible to think so.

"That's all we can do. We can't afford this thing."

As soon as Chen Hai finished speaking, the patrol ship on the tarmac suddenly disappeared into the sky.


The little bird flew back again, landed in Mother Chen's hand, and calmly combed its feathers.

Chen family: "..."

Staff of public airport logistics department: “…”

This chapter has been completed!
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