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Chapter 889 - Muddy Waters

The secret of the superconducting crystal was finally leaked. A large consortium immediately offered a very high purchase price for it, attracting more and more people to flock to the abnormal areas within the sovereignty of Persia. The popularity even exceeded

There are two other abnormal areas.

In the new town surrounding the giant spaceship, breathing equipment that can adapt to the atmospheric environment of the giant star has become a hot commodity, which has also caused the price of special breathing equipment throughout the Blue Star to rise significantly.

In recent times, various companies that produce respiratory equipment have been almost overwhelmed by investors from all over the world. Because of the sudden wealth of listed companies, the stock price is like taking an aphrodisiac, and the candle chart is straight up.

Qingtian's market value has been rising by the daily limit, and shareholders are smiling and watching their wealth skyrocket.

However, the two secrets of nuclear reaction crystallization and laser crystallization were still firmly in Chen Fei's hands, and the communication team that was in full online communication was very tight-lipped and did not add fuel to the fire and cause a greater sensation.

There is no doubt that the news of the superconducting crystal was leaked from the Persian sovereignty investigation team, so the responsibility has been traced. The entire investigation team is under investigation to see who is the audacious guy who dared to reveal such an important secret.

In order to clean up this mess and prevent it from eventually getting out of control, the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee sent experts who are good at business operations to operate the black market transactions and recover all the lost crystals as much as possible, not only deliberately suppressing the price of extremely dangerous nuclear reaction crystals

, and also proactively released a considerable number of fake products.

One side secretly purchased genuine goods, and the other side secretly sold fake goods. After going in and out, the situation was finally stabilized.

As long as the garrison of the Persian sovereign is ineffective for one day, it is inevitable that a large number of specialty crystals in the abnormal area will flow into the underground trading market. After all, some things should be left unblocked rather than blocked. The Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee has no way to directly interfere in the internal affairs of the sovereign, so it can only use this method.

There are many ways to remedy it, but the many methods used are breathtaking, and you are worthy of being a professional.

The three abnormal areas opened up by the parasitic species in some unknown way are really three good places. They are all areas where it is difficult for the first-class sovereign of Blue Star Civilization to intervene directly. If they appear in the first-class sovereign's homeland, I am afraid that even the waves will not be there.

A flower will be set off, the Shenma garrison will guard and steal, and the "gold diggers" and "adventurers" will take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and nothing will happen at all.

However, these three Feng Shui treasures were delivered to the door for no reason, which makes it difficult to guess the true intentions of the parasitic species.

After sending off the Louis Industrial Company armed escort team that came to extract crystal samples, Chen Fei clicked on the AR visual interface again and began to pay attention to the progress of the Emerald Star mission.

At the same time, various robots that can move freely in the special environment of the "Giant Star" without breathing equipment have begun comprehensive collection in abnormal areas within the territory of Persian sovereignty, trying to get as much as possible before other uninvited guests go crazy and steal.

Collect these specialty crystals and continuously send them to the giant spaceship.

To be clear, the giant airship is the biggest local snake around the abnormal area, and it is also the backstage of the largest black market. Who dares to dissatisfy a ton-level thermobaric bomb or a 600 mm caliber anti-explosive bomb or a particle beam concentrating fire or an elemental annihilation bomb?

, teach the other person to reincarnate directly, whether he will be a human or an animal in his next life, only God knows.

The first batch of minerals from the Emerald Star have been produced, and their abundance is the highest quality and richest even in the Blue Star.

Now the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" has completed the AI ​​replacement operations in various units, greatly increasing the execution efficiency of various tasks.

In the online state, the efficiency of the "Adam" and "Cybertrom" derivatives in performing fixed tasks is almost the same, but once the latter's derivatives lose contact with the main body, the operating efficiency will be greatly reduced.

At present, the mineral resources within a radius of 1,000 kilometers near Base No. 1 have been proven. In addition to the open-pit or shallow mineral belts that are extremely easy to mine, there are even rich reserves of high-quality coal. It is simply the perfect place for industrial civilization.

The Emerald Planet is rich in plant resources, which have been accumulated for countless thousands of years. It is not surprising that there is a large amount of coal. Moreover, there has never been an industrial civilization on the entire planet, and various resources have not been mined. Mineral veins can be seen almost everywhere.

Compared with the Emerald Star, the resources on the Blue Star's surface can no longer support the next industrial civilization. If a future civilization like today's human civilization appears again, it will have to go down (deep in the earth's crust) or up (in space).

Obtain the resources needed to maintain the development of civilization.

In addition to mineral problems, Base 1 on the Emerald Star also faces energy problems. Once the reserve energy is exhausted, the entire base will come to a standstill. Fortunately, coal has been discovered. Even if there is no coal, it can still be used as fuel and firepower by harvesting plants.

Although the energy efficiency ratio of power generation is not high, it is also a very economical energy source.

Even though the surrounding natural resources are abundant, we still cannot take it lightly. If the parasitic species drives a group of monsters to attack again, the battle will not only consume a large amount of reserve materials, but also consume crystal energy that cannot be replenished in large quantities for the time being.

The atmospheric environment of the Emerald Star has completely deteriorated, and black-gray "dirty snow" falls from time to time in the sky. Nuclear winter has arrived, everything is withered, and even the largest living planet is about to be struck by nuclear weapons and strangled.

The planet's ecological environment has begun a domino-like chain of comprehensive collapse, which will not only cause the death of countless monsters and "breeding nests", but even parasitic species will find it difficult to survive in such a harsh environment.

This is the attacker's advantage. It is easy to destroy but difficult to build. It would take at least tens of thousands of years to deliberately cultivate such a living planet, but it only takes less than an hour to destroy it.

On Chen Fei's AR visual aid interface, there is not only the mission interface of the Jade Star, but also other interfaces, such as the crystal energy jet research and development interface, the meat mushroom industry management interface, the giant star resource collection interface, and the independent laboratory

Interface...and so on, there are more than a dozen items in total. With his ability, he can only maintain a certain degree of attention, and cannot operate in parallel with multiple threads like AI.

Therefore, Chen Fei is responsible for setting the direction, and the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" is responsible for execution. The two parties cooperate happily.

Adam: Discovered high-performance semiconductor crystals, whose overall performance is 19% higher than silicon carbide and 21% higher than gallium nitride

"Enter it in the file, compile the experiment report, and don't submit it for now."

Chen Fei was not as surprised as he was at first. Obviously, superconducting crystals and nuclear reaction crystals were of higher value.

Today is the era of integrated optical circuits and nitrogen-based circuits. Although silicon semiconductor integrated circuits have not been completely eliminated, their market share has become larger and smaller than before. The research field is even declining, and researchers naturally cannot compare.

Integrated optical circuits and nitrogen-based circuits are very popular.

Adam: Discovered the catalytic medium for the homogeneous combination of organic and inorganic substances.

Another special catalyst material has been discovered. It is in the form of crystals and can release certain rays to promote the fusion of different materials at the molecular level. The key lies in homogeneity, and its application fields are quite wide.

The independent laboratory located in the abnormal area does not only study one sample at a time, but conducts parallel experiments on five materials at the same time. Because of its location, it does not matter even if there is an experimental accident and it is blown to pieces.

Now the only one who studies the materials immediately is Chen Fei's independent laboratory. The Persian Sovereignty's investigation team has stopped working immediately. The Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee will not trust these guys who are not tight-lipped and would rather leave Chen Fei alone.

I don't want to play with them, and I don't want to let these guys who can't control their mouths come into contact with those crystals.

This chapter has been completed!
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