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Section 897 – Expulsion

“Against paternalism!”

"Against monopoly!"

"Greedy bastard! Don't monopolize the Giant Star!"

"Only the porridge officials are allowed to light lamps, and the common people are not allowed to set fires!"


Wuyangwuyang, tens of thousands of people gathered outside the separation wall of the giant spaceship, holding banners and vertical signs, waving unknown small flags, and even wearing specially customized T-shirts. It was actually quite serious.


Although the crowd was furious, no one rashly took a step closer.

After all, the airship really dares to fire a cannon. One shot of justice with a caliber of 600 caliber will affect many people. It is a map cannon anyway. Every one of them will die early and be reincarnated.

As for the Persian sovereignty, because its own investigation team entered the abnormal area without notification, the result was self-defeating and the initiative was handed over to others. Now they can only watch Chen Fei in the giant airship occupy almost the entire abnormal area, entering

If you don't go, you'll have to stare outside. There's really no chance at all.

It has to be said that the S-level space ability "Isolation" is indeed a foresighted move.

In contrast, the anomalous areas of Mercury and Ordovician were not so easy to manage. Thousands of adventurers swarmed in, and the local sovereignty was completely powerless, unable to prevent and unable to stop them, so the situation was completely out of control.

Especially the latter Ordovician anomaly area, because it does not have the same requirements for personal abilities or diving equipment as the water god, the entry threshold is relatively low, so it has become a paradise for adventurers, and every inch of the land has been dug.

The ground is three feet tall, and the outer area is full of pits and pits, almost comparable to mature soil that has been cultivated for hundreds of years.

The most valuable abnormal area is still the Giant Ao star where the entire planetary body is basically a living thing, and what can be developed is only a small part of the behemoth, not all of it. The size of the "Giant Ao" exceeds human imagination.

The myths in the Classic of Mountains and Seas are even more exaggerated countless times.

Although many good things were indeed discovered in the anomaly areas of Mercury and Ordovician, not many of them fell into the hands of the sovereigns, not even as much as the anomaly areas of Giant Ao which were dominated by one family.

The mining was carried out in a leisurely manner, and after sitting in rows and dividing the fruits, the fruits were distributed in an orderly manner. Although I couldn't eat a fat bite, I still saw the smell of meat.

Quite a lot of specialty resources have gone into the pockets of private individuals or various shady organizations, and they have made a lot of money. Whether anything extremely dangerous has been leaked out, only God knows.

"Hey! I'm disgusted!"

Chen Fei saw multiple optical images with a nonchalant look on his face.

There are a bunch of talkers outside, and there is no real warrior. If he dares to climb over the separation wall, he may give him a high look and reward him with a Cloud Explosive Bomb on the spot as encouragement.

The monk, whose face was full of expressions, drank herbal tea and said nonchalantly: "What you did is amazing! People will naturally hate you if you eat alone."

The charcoal fire in the charcoal stove was not lit at all, it was just a show, and the green tea was brewed coldly with tap water instead of hot brewing.

The monk, lying flat and arrogant, no longer even pretended to be elegant.

Although the anomalous area of ​​​​Giant Ao is blocked by a fortress-like gate, the exploitation of internal resources has never stopped. Except for Chen Fei, who kept most of it for himself, the rest was distributed to Lewis Industries and Blue Star Global United Defense.


As for the sovereignty of Persia, after the fortress-style gate blockade, it didn't even gain anything, and it was only slightly rewarded by the global joint defense committee.

With so many sovereignties joining forces to exert pressure, the Persian sovereign has no chance to turn against Chen Fei who monopolizes the resources of the giant planet. The current monopoly situation itself is the product of multi-party checks and balances and compromises. If it were anyone else, there would be sovereigns who would express dissatisfaction.

Therefore, Chen Xiaoer's card is really clever.

"Haha, monk, let me lend you my head!"

Chen Fei was not polite at all.


The cold tea cup in the monk's hand dropped in shock, and he turned his neck mechanically.

"'Adam', use Sanhao's avatar to project to the outside world, and tell those guys outside to get out of a hundred miles away. Any trespassers will be killed!"

As if he had been hit hard, Miyoshi Gakusen was further confused. His reading comprehension was wrong, and there was such an explanation for borrowing a human head.


You can kill people without nodding your head, but you are pushing their heads into the cesspool!

The next second, on the left and right sides of the giant airship, monks with fluttering robes and a dignified figure were projected respectively. It was none other than Miyoshi Xuesen. He exhaled with a solemn expression and spoke loudly, like spring thunder on his tongue, deafening.

The roaring sound swept in all directions.

"Namo Amitabha, everyone get out of here a hundred miles away. Anyone who doesn't get out will be killed!"

Again, another big blame was taken. The bad guy was still the Sanhao monk. The real culprit, Chen Xiaoer, never showed up from beginning to end.

If you have any grudges or complaints, just go to the monk.

Hey hey hey!

The hairs on the back of S-level space superpower Herseman Brown stand on end, and his eyes wander back and forth between Chen Fei and Miyoshi Xuesen.

As expected, birds of a feather flock together, and I quietly moved three steps further away at the same time. Compared with these two people, I was just a naive fool, who had never seen the darkness in the world.

The side shell of the spaceship is like a city wall. The hatches are opened one after another, and the huge magnetic rails poke out.

The rows of gun ports are reminiscent of the multi-deck gun groups of the sailing battleship era. The number is more than that of any sailing battleship, and a single cannonball can instantly tear apart any ship in the sailing era. If the left and right sides

A wave of volleys was fired at the same time, and within a radius of five kilometers, it was like a hell, with almost no living creatures left.

This is only the number of railgun groups, and does not include missile nests, laser cannon groups, Phalanx groups and particle beam cannon groups. Without such terrifying firepower output, where would Chen Fei have the confidence to follow the parasitic species?

Their main combat weapon in outer space is a biological space carrier with a total length of about seven kilometers (must include the "transfer" of the pure light sparrows and S-class space-based superpowers, otherwise it will become a fishing boat).

The tragedy of the PK giant gun battleship, after all, the size is there).

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The noisy protest quickly became silent as the thick and long electromagnetic acceleration track appeared.

The crowd looked at each other, and they finally remembered that this was a war weapon equipped with every inch of armor.


"Open the door and release the dragon!"

Chen Fei snapped his fingers, and the belly hatch of the giant airship across two ridges opened wide, and a ferocious beast fell down.


The deafening roar of the dragon instantly spread throughout the countryside.

"Dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon!"

"It's the killing dragon!"

The scaled wings vibrated high, and the huge body rushed directly into the sky from the hills. There was a crisp explosion, and the sonic boom cloud that appeared instantly when the speed of sound was exceeded rolled over the surface of the body covered with sharp scales from head to tail.


There was another dragon roar, and a second ferocious giant with a cold light all over its body also rushed into the blue sky.


I don't know who shouted.

All the heroes who surrounded the giant airship, the "pig monkeys" of the 18th Route, only hated their parents for missing a leg at this moment. They didn't even want the guys in their hands. They dispersed like birds and beasts and ran for the road.

The numerous artillery groups were not even as threatening as the two "golden dragons" that suddenly appeared.

"Gold dragon? Is there a gold dragon on the ship?"

A terrifying roar was faintly transmitted to the bridge, and Herseman Brown, an S-class space superpower, looked at Chen Fei in disbelief.

Is there another trump card?

And there are two ends!

The Killing Dragon is definitely qualified to be used as a weapon, but it is also unruly and notoriously difficult to discipline.

Except for the Slan royal family of the Firmament Star, almost no one can make them obedient, not even the Lord of the Firmament. Once these evil dragons become crazy, they will dare to rebel against the Dragon King of their own clan and go to Nimad Sky Dragon.


Almost all the energy of the dragon clan law enforcement team is spent on suppressing these guys, so the danger can be imagined.

If the metal dragons can unite, the threat level will probably be higher than that of the parasitic species. The "Halo" plan of the Lord of the Sky is amazingly brilliant. It kills three birds with one stone. One of them has sealed the alien race "Saga"

"Li" invasion channel, secondly, it simultaneously imprisoned all adult metal dragons, and thirdly, it opened up the largest communication channel between Firmament Star and Blue Star.

Chen Fei shook his head and corrected: "It's the latest concept weapon designed by Lewis Industrial Company, the X-D-005 dragon combat mobile armor. It's not a real mechanical dragon."

Now he owns two mechanical dragons. Although they look scary, they pose zero threat to the biological space carriers of the parasitic species and can only be used to intimidate and bully the weak.

If there really is a gold-type dragon on the spaceship, the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee will not hand over the Ark plan to him under any circumstances. The nearly 3,000 human seeds may be collectively used up in less than a day (you can refer to

Imagine a husky who dismantles the house and replaces the household items with human bodies).

"It's just like the real thing!"

Herseman Brown's eyes were fixed on the flying posture of the two mechanical dragons on the three-dimensional holographic projection screen, and he kept sucking in the cold air.

If he hadn't heard Chen Fei say that, he wouldn't have believed it was just a bionic combat mobile armor.

"Because enough data has been collected."

It is not easy for Chen Fei to collect the action model of the gold-type dragon to build an action database. Because of this, the posture of the X-D-005 dragon-type combat mobile armor can be so lifelike that it looks like the real thing.

Herseman Brown asked: "Is it related to the firmament star?"

He guessed that Chen Fei obtained relevant data from the Slan royal family through the Chen family and the Lin family. This path was the most feasible and would not be very difficult.


Chen Fei answered noncommittally.

Not many people know how far his relationship with the metal dragons has reached. After all, no one would (dare) ask the gold dragons.

After speaking, he pointed at a spot around the giant spaceship on the electronic map and gave instructions to "Adam".

"Fire a 600mm caliber anti-explosive bomb here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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