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Chapter 907 – Suppression

The Pure Light Bird is so small that even if it reaches the seventh level of human status, it would only be easily recognized if it were not for the eye-catching stream of light that comes with it when flying and the dim rain curtain as a background.

If it were a clear day, it might not be easy for the reconnaissance drones from both sides to capture Xiao Jiu.

"1 kilometer away! Stay away!!!"

The command center of the local sovereignty yelled that this is the data obtained by laser ranging, and the radar is completely useless.

There may be errors, but a difference of a few meters is better than nothing, and there is not much difference.

The Sky Knight sitting in the fully enclosed cockpit also noticed the approaching stream of light visible to the naked eye, and without hesitation pulled the trigger of the rail rapid-fire cannon.

A series of tracer bullets formed a barrage and roared out.

However, the oncoming stream of light moved at an incredible angle, passed through the rain of bullets lightly, and had already rushed in front of the crystal energy jet.

The bird's maneuvering talent surpasses any man-made aircraft, not to mention the blessing of earth-type gravity spells. There is no such thing as overload for Xiaojiu's small body.


Amidst the roar of the airflow and the engine, the slight impact sound from outside the cockpit can be heard very clearly.

Sky Knight Shamoud Yihan’s hair stood up on the spot, holy shit!

What the hell!?

The optical camera on the surface of the aircraft deflected slightly and accurately captured an active little figure, jumping up and down on the cockpit cover as if walking on flat ground... There were several light spots surrounding the body, completely ignoring the high-speed airflow on the surface of the aircraft.

He was so horrified that he gasped for air and lost his soul. "Heroes of the Storm" Shamoud Yihan gave the maximum thrust output, and a cone-shaped shock wave visible to the naked eye was instantly pushed out in front of the nose of the aircraft. The air waves spread and the turbulent wakes continued for several times.

The kilometers are endless.

As soon as it boosted its power, the crystal energy jet disappeared from the sight of nearly a hundred reconnaissance drones from both sides, and was completely blocked by the pouring rain. Although the raindrops were small, as the distance increased, once the number increased,

If there are too many, it will cover the sky and the sun, not to mention that it is like this in the first place.

But looking from a distance, one can only vaguely see an invisible blade with sparks and lightning cutting through the endless rain clouds. A brilliant light shines from high in the sky, and earth-shaking earthquakes sweep across all directions, completely overwhelming the power of nature.


"Unit No. 1, Unit No. 1, what happened? Huh?"

Noticing that his comrades were accelerating without warning, and it was pure acceleration without making any evasive or attacking gestures, Unit 2 was puzzled, Sky Knight Nemalis was in great panic, but when he saw the command center

When the scene was shared through the battlefield data link, I couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The "Heroes of the Storm" vehicle, the Crystal Energy Jet "Low Pressure", was actually approached by a small bird. Even at a hypersonic speed of nearly Mach 8, it could not escape successfully.

The pair of small scarlet paws seemed to be wandering around, jumping around on the surface of the "low pressure" cockpit of the crystal energy jet. They were still looking around leisurely, looking as if nothing had happened, and raised their small light yellow pointed beaks.

A piece of light the size of a sesame seed, peck it gently.


The "Light Mirror Technique" screen suspended on the inside of the cockpit cover shook slightly due to the destruction of the spell array base, and turned into countless light points dissipating in the air. This was just one of the light curtains, and the rest of the light curtains were also affected.

Affected, shaking and streaks appear.

A faint stream of air rushed into the cockpit. Even though he was wearing the air combat individual tactical armor specially designed for the Sky Knight, Shamoud Yihan could still feel the chill that penetrated into his bones and surrounded his neck.

At the beginning of the design of any crystal energy jet, there is no thought of real hand-to-hand combat.

Perhaps even if this time comes, the Sky Knights may already be on the verge of death.

Ding ding ding ding!

The little birds pecked randomly, and the light microscopy array suspended in the "low pressure" cockpit cover of the crystal energy jet collectively shut down, leaving only the three-dimensional display screen, and the pecks seemed to penetrate the cabin cover, and the screen

It left behind indelible black spots, each one the size of a coin, and they were irreparable flaws.

The wide-angle micro camera on the surface of the machine was not spared either. The lens was pecked lightly and it was blinded on the spot.

Unless it is a rough-skinned airship, it is difficult for any individual combat flying weapon to improve its own defense to a very high level. Even a crystal energy jet with a relatively strong surface strength will not be able to do so in a clean environment.

In front of the light bird's pointed beak, there is still a layer of big crispy skin.

The most critical thing is that the protective force field and spell shield covering the body have no effect at all. The Pure Light Bird easily comes into contact with the body, without even triggering any special defense mechanisms.

After a series of dinging noises, the cockpit cover had become riddled with holes and could no longer guarantee a fully enclosed effect.

If it weren't for the individual tactical armor that covered him from head to toe, Sky Knight Shamoud Yihan would have been frozen stiff by the severe cold at high altitude that had penetrated at this moment.

Shamoud Yihan quietly took out the combat pistol he was carrying and was about to aim in the direction of the movement outside the cockpit cover.

At this moment, the cockpit cover suddenly became quiet.

The bewildered Sky Knight has completely lost his ability to observe the outside world and can only obtain information such as the flying altitude, speed and position of the crystal energy jet through the flight control system.

However, without any warning, most of the "low pressure" system modules of the Jingneng Jet were shut down collectively in an instant. The roar of the engine disappeared at the same time, and the comprehensive environmental noise generated by the operation of various functional modules in the cockpit also disappeared, and it fell into a state of death.

of silence.

The next second, the entire cockpit was spinning. The aircraft, which was flying at a speed of Mach 5 per second, lost its balance, forcing Shamoud Yihan to bear the huge overload impact.

"Abandon the plane, abandon the plane, 'Heroes of the Storm', your 'low pressure' has stalled!"


The cockpit cover that turned into a large colander was thrown away by the explosive bolt. Gritting his teeth, Air Knight Shamoud Yihan made a prompt decision and launched the ejection.

The whole person was pressed firmly on the seat, and it took a while before he could barely lower his head and look at the car that was lying on its back and falling to the ground.


The arcing fireball expanded rapidly.

The crystal energy jet had just rushed forward. At this moment, it was already far away from the rain clouds, and its vision was quite clear.

You can see a not-so-wide river running through the desert not far away, and a huge freighter is moving slowly and carefully in the middle of the river.

so close!

Inside the tactical helmet, Sky Knight Shamoud Yihan had a lingering fear on his face.

When the ejection starts, the "low pressure" of the Crystal Energy jet is already less than two thousand meters away from the ground. If you hesitate for a moment, you may miss the safe height for ejection. Even if you successfully escape from the cockpit, you may not be able to open the parachute in time.


A crisp bird song brought Shamoud Yihan back from his dazed state.

A small bird with a black body and golden feathers on its wings was flying around him several times, then easily folded its wings and landed on the tight parachute rope.

Enemies are extremely timid when they meet.

"Go! Go!"

Shamoud Yihan reluctantly waved his hand and tried to expel him, but he quickly gave up as if resigned to his fate.

The difference is only a few centimeters, but it's like a natural chasm.

There is no way. The sky is the opponent's home field. The life of the air knight who has lost his car hangs by a thread. The bird is a sword and I am a fish, and I have no power to fight back.

As long as the little bird pecks off one or two parachute ropes casually, he can go to reincarnation with peace of mind, hoping to find a good family in his next life.

Another crystal energy jet appeared in the sky. "Heroes of the Storm" Shamoud Yihan's teammate, Sky Knight Nemalis, who has the title of "Lightning", finally arrived. His car's name is "Magnetic Tube"

, in conjunction with the driver's earth element talent, there are specially enhanced designs for the body's defense and overload adaptability.

"Hold on, Heroes of the Storm, where's that little bird?"

Nemalis, the aerial knight of Unit 2, scanned the sky and failed to spot the astonishing stream of light. Of course, he also discovered the "low pressure" drop point of the crystal energy jet, with blue smoke rising.

The ejection parachute of his comrades was slowly falling in the nearby sky.

"'Lightning', it's headed for you."


Here comes the little chirping ginseng!

This chapter has been completed!
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