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Chapter 915 - Expanding the base

Those responsible for moving, those responsible for keeping secrets, and those responsible for carrying resources, all three were working together at once, and everyone was very satisfied.

No one is needed to fight the war for the time being.

Thick nuclear winter clouds have blocked the attack of the extra-atmospheric biological space carrier, and it is estimated that they will not dissipate for another decade or eight.

Unless these behemoths enter the atmosphere directly, it will be difficult to defeat Base 1, which is already rooted in the Emerald Star.

Even if it really enters the atmosphere, the star light source that can be borrowed will be greatly reduced, and the combat effectiveness will be directly pulled to a lower level, using one's own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths, which is not a good thing.

Once the industrial technology tree belonging to the Blue Star civilization is fully developed and its war potential is quickly released, if the "Sagali" civilization wants to take back the Emerald Star, it may need to face an all-out war with an intensity no less intense than that of Blue Star, or it must prepare a plan.

Mentally prepare for the complete destruction of the entire planet of life.

The temporary stay at the Emerald Star Base No. 1 is only half an hour. Although he can stay longer, Chen Fei is more worried that if the time is too long, the bridge on the Blue Star side will easily reveal flaws. If Xiaojiu suddenly

What if you don’t want to continue to maintain the light spell “Light Transformation”?

A large amount of materials prepared in advance in the "Space Brand" were neatly stacked in a huge warehouse, weighing tens of thousands of tons, and the total volume even exceeded the maximum load capacity of a giant spaceship.

The main materials are mainly various electronic components and chemical raw materials. Special resources obtained from the abnormal area of ​​​​the Giant Ao star are processed and placed here. All of them are core components. As long as the basic materials are supplied, these materials are enough.

Build ten more No. 1 bases of the same size.

Developing the Emerald Star requires not only quality, but also quantity.

Nearly half of the total reserve materials of "Space Brand" are left on the Emerald Star. It is no exaggeration to describe them as piled up like a mountain. Only by carrying out continuous large-scale basic industrial construction can we gradually expand each branch of the technology tree one by one.

Fill completely.

Even in the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee, no one knows exactly how much material Chen Fei has in hand. Louis Langdon, the president of Louis Industries, the main sponsor, has a tacit understanding with Chen Fei. Such cooperation is not without benefits.

, Lewis Industrial Company is also Chen Fei's most important resource digestion channel. Many abnormal regional resources, together with the Jade Star resources gathered this time, will be transported to Lewis Industrial Company, converted into various products, and even returned to Chen Fei.

time flies.

As the S-class superpower Herseman Brown activated his superpower, the three figures reappeared in the bridge of the Blue Star giant spaceship, and happened to overlap with the virtual image constructed by Xiaojiu using light spells.

After confirming that the surrounding environment was a familiar bridge cabin, the three of them looked at each other and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The first time I sneaked into the Emerald Star, there were finally no mistakes.


The little bird pounced on Chen Fei immediately and disappeared for half an hour, as if it had been chirping every three weeks.

"'Adam', start the Emerald Star interface."

Chen Fei summoned a new three-dimensional holographic stereoscopic projection in a grand manner.

As soon as the interface that was highly similar to "Colonial Emerald Star" appeared, the corners of Miyoshi Gakusen's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The virtual is real, the real is virtual, the real is confused with the false, and the false is confused with the true, making it impossible for people to distinguish.

Even he has never noticed anything strange.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you probably wouldn't have believed that this game interface was actually a real operation. Every building, every vehicle, and every robot on it was real.

"Establish a sub-base plan, set up bases No. 2 to No. 10, and do not stop the two-way double-track railway."

Chen Fei reached out and connected dots on the three-dimensional interface to confirm the location and construction parameters of the sub-bases. The functions of each base were slightly different and required manual adjustment before the official start of construction.

Take one step at a time and look at three steps. It is only a matter of time to expand the branch base. The satellite has completed the remote sensing exploration work in advance. Now we are waiting for Chen Fei's supplies to arrive.

There is no shortage of cement and rails mined and smelted on-site, and there is no need to replenish them from Blue Star. It can be completely self-sufficient. Even if the sub-base has not yet started construction, the construction of the two-meter-wide heavy rail double line has never stopped.

, along the way, I opened caves when encountering mountains, and built bridges when encountering water, spreading farther and farther.

With Base No. 1 as the center, sub-bases numbered from 2 to 10 bloom in all directions. Railways are used to bear the transportation needs of each other, and there is very little road construction.

The long freight train is equipped with multiple railguns at the front and rear sections, which can summon air and land armed support from tactical jets and troop carriers at any time.

When it is close to the base, it can even guide the projectile bombardment of a large-caliber railgun.

The 10 forward bases can cover 600,000 square kilometers of land, and the foundation rooted in the Emerald Star will become more solid.

The robot production line is in full swing, with a production plan of 10 million units. It is mainly responsible for defense and general tasks. In fact, there are not many combat tasks. On the contrary, general tasks are in greatest demand. Without human participation, we can only rely on these robots to complete them.

Production and construction.

In addition, we must continue to sweep away monsters and "breeding nests". How can we allow monsters to sleep soundly on the side of the bed? If we don't eliminate as many as possible, it will be difficult to make people feel at ease.

The nuclear winter caused by Tsar Plus can only affect the "seed nests" and monsters on the surface, but the alien race "Sagali" has been operating the Emerald Star for who knows how many years, maybe ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, or even more than a million years.

The number of "seed nests" distributed throughout the planet is probably like the spread of cancer cells, not just on the surface, but may even penetrate deep into the earth's crust. The real number is unknown, and just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

The advanced base relying on industrial technology is like a "breeding nest". One side is made of steel, and the other side is flesh and blood. They can continuously expand and explode. Combat robots and monsters hurt each other. As long as the supply of weapons and ammunition is available, the battle can continue.

The robot can completely gain the upper hand. As long as the core parts are not seriously damaged, other damage can be restored in a short time by repairing or replacing modular components.

Regarding the Emerald Star Strategy, a new interface has appeared.

A large amount of materials were shipped out of the warehouse and sent everywhere along the railway lines.

Bases No. 2 to No. 10 are marked with progress bars to show the degree of construction completion.

Even without living facilities, the minimum completion time for each sub-base is expected to be 30 days, and the longest is 60 days. The construction of the first batch of sub-bases will be completed in two months, without Chen Fei's help.

If Blue Star could be separated, Chen Fei would be able to complete the construction of all nine forward bases in about half a month with his own efforts. Once there are ready-made reference objects, the most troublesome work would be to restore them.

It just evolves.

But how could the Blue Star sovereigns tolerate Chen Xiaoer appropriating the entire living planet? Who gave you the courage, so they can only do it quietly.

The operation is as fierce as a tiger. Even Miyoshi Gakusen cannot sit aside and watch now. Sometimes he can't help but help come up with ideas. For this reason, the two of them often quarrel, and they are blushing and neck-deep.

Nowadays, this is no longer a game, but a matter of vital interests. How can we tolerate Chen Xiaoer's seemingly unreliable tricks.

This chapter has been completed!
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