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Chapter 930 - Test Explosion

"The mutants are at war with the monsters in the breeding nest."

Chen Fei glanced down and immediately judged the situation on the ground.

As a front-line combatant in eradicating mutants, he was naturally able to easily tell the difference between mutants and monsters.

The appearance of biological combat weapons is more stable and consistent, while the mutants are grotesque and can look like anything. The former is directional cultivation and has stable combat effectiveness, while the latter is exhaustive evolution. The strong ones are extremely vicious and the weak ones are vulnerable to attack.

, but those who survive in the end are often quite ferocious beasts. As long as their reproductive capabilities are not bad, the mutants can be on par with the monsters in a short period of time.

As originally planned, the previously released mutants began to compete for living space with the biological combat weapons cultivated by the alien "Sagali" civilization, and a fierce conflict broke out between the two populations.

"The number of mutants seems to be at a disadvantage. Do you want to help them?"

S-class superpower Herseman Brown used the artificial intelligence AI "Adam"'s annotation on the three-dimensional holographic stereoscopic projection and related data to prompt that the mutants and monsters who were fighting were fighting to the death, with no intention of escaping.


Chen Fei looked at him and said, "Are you going to help?"


Mr. Brown was suddenly speechless. If he went down to help, he would probably be attacked by both sides at the same time. After thinking about this, he quickly shook his head and said, "Forget it, I can't help."

His S-level superpowers are not combat-type. If they continue, they will only be a waste of energy. What's the point of throwing a group of monsters into the sky?

The monsters that are biological combat weapons are not recognized by their relatives, and the mutants are also not recognized by their relatives.

At the tactical level, monsters and mutants are the same existence, but based on technological maturity, monsters are controllable, but mutants are not.

If Blue Star human civilization is given enough time to accumulate, the mutants will sooner or later become real biological combat weapons like those monsters.

"Don't worry, the mutant is not that weak!"

The military contractors who are fighting on the front line of exterminating mutants have the best say in this regard, and it all comes from Chen Fei's personal experience.

The wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze blows again. If the mutants are really that easy to eliminate, Blue Star does not need to have so many air service bases. Even so, the battle with the mutants is still extremely dangerous, and an alarming number of air service bases have been destroyed.

It is not uncommon for military contractors to be swamped by a wave of mutants and annihilated as a result.

Not to mention, the headquarters of the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee, Habraf City, is rooted in the hinterland of the Oceania continent where mutants are overflowing. It will be harassed by mutants at all times, and outbreaks will occur every once in a while.

A catastrophic tidal wave of mutants.

"The destination has been reached, prepare to release the experimental bomb!"

Chen Fei began to officially enter the topic, extracting from the "space imprint" a new type of elemental annihilation bomb that the elemental annihilation weapon research and development team had just completed trial production.

Although the detonation mechanism is not as strict as the mass-produced version, there are still all the unlocking steps, but there is no backdoor password that requires final confirmation and authorization from the command center.

The new type of elemental annihilation bomb is placed in the warhead of a missile in advance. When combined, it is commonly known as the "dragon-killing bomb". It has an effective range of 180 kilometers and has sufficient range to avoid the annihilation radius.

The object used to evaluate the test explosion results is the shallow super-large "seed nest" directly in front of the small airship, 150 kilometers away. There is no more suitable living target than this.

The missile loaded with the new elemental annihilation bomb in the warhead and the loading box automatically sank into the inner deck of the airship and successfully unlocked. Then the missile fell in a horizontal attitude. After falling more than ten meters, the rocket propulsion engine automatically ignited, and the missile exploded.

The hot expanding airflow pushes the missile roaring forward, and the aerodynamic control surface on the surface of the projectile is constantly fine-tuned to correct the flight attitude and lock onto the target.

A distance of 150 kilometers can reach the target in a matter of minutes for a missile that frequently rushes at several times the speed of sound.

On the small airship, the naked eye immediately noticed a slight flash of blue light on the horizon, and then it almost illuminated the large clouds. The power of annihilation like silk only lasted for a few breaths, and the blue light was like a tide.

As quickly as it receded, the sunlight that had been surrounding for a long time finally broke through the snow clouds and sprinkled on the earth. Looking out, almost half of the field of vision was illuminated, no longer groggy, as if a miracle had come.

The power of the elemental annihilation bomb not only covers the "seed nests" on the surface of the earth, but also affects the clouds in the sky that throw countless snowflakes. In order to fully release the power of the new elemental annihilation bomb, the detonation position is located 500 meters above the ground.

meters height.

With the height of the clouds, it was originally within the annihilation radius of the elemental annihilation bomb, and a huge hole was directly annihilated in the sky. The area was not even inferior to the size of the "seed nest" that was wiped out in smoke on the ground. Even if it is a nuclear weapon,

It is almost as powerful as this, and the elemental annihilation bomb is more efficient and leaves no residue. It will neither release electromagnetic storms nor cause the consequences of mutants. The damage to the environment is relatively minimal.

Of course, if someone were to use elemental annihilation bombs to cleanse the surface of the planet, that would be a different story.

With the hum of engines, more than ten reconnaissance drones rushed back to the test explosion point after the air blast.

The original rippling lake surface disappeared, and a huge abyss appeared on the surface.

The lake shore has been expanded by hundreds of meters, and the annihilation of elements will also cause local high temperatures. The thick snow will melt into liquid water, and countless water flows will converge into waterfalls and fall into the abyss.

The picture captured by the drone flying above shows that the life-producing liquid inside the "seed nest" is only about one or two kilometers deep at the bottom, and the rest has been completely annihilated. The honeycomb on the inner wall of the biological tissue

Most of the hatching rooms in this shape have also been violently impacted and are in a state of fragmentation.

Because the original core floating island on the top was destroyed immediately, although a considerable part of the "seed nest" still remained, it had completely lost its vitality and could not be restored. As time went by, under the influence of bacteria and radiation,

Under the influence, the remaining biological tissues will continue to rot and decay, or become food for the mutants.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters near the "Breeding Nest" were also affected. Including the individuals still in the incubation chamber inside the "Breeding Nest", the total damage caused by the elemental annihilation bomb was at least more than 100,000. At the same time, it also caused

There is nothing we can do about taking away some of the mutants who are fighting with the monsters.

"The power is increased by more than three times."

Through the data fed back by the drone, Mino Heaton, the head of the elemental annihilation weapon research and development team, rubbed his hands excitedly. The test results of the new elemental annihilation bomb exceeded expectations, and their hard work was not in vain.

"It's time for us to leave!"

Anomalies occurred outside the atmosphere, and Chen Fei did not put too much energy into the experimental results of the new elemental annihilation bomb.

This chapter has been completed!
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