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Chapter 933 - Come on big

"Everyone, go into your respective jobs and establish a new project. We need extremely powerful elemental annihilation bombs! Assume that the target is a biological space carrier with a total length of 7 kilometers!"

The blood of Mino Heaton, the head of the elemental annihilation weapon research and development team, began to boil as soon as he was sent back to the giant spaceship of Blue Star by an S-class space superpower.

He wanted Chen Fei to know that the opponent was not fighting alone. The mission of the entire elemental annihilation weapon research and development team was to assist the opponent in destroying all opponents and annihilating the enemy directly from this world.

A dozen people rushed out of the bridge in a hurry, passed through the cabin neatly lined with Nestle shelves, boarded the waiting traffic vehicles, and rushed to the work cabin where the elemental annihilation weapon research and development team was, screaming all the way.

As soon as he rushed into the work cabin, Mino Heaton clapped his hands vigorously at everyone to attract the attention of the team members.

"Everyone, please pause what you are doing and open the shared and synchronized taboo document. The password is **********. Please pay attention to the uppercase and lowercase letters and the interweaving of simplified and traditional Chinese characters."

Numbers, uppercase and lowercase English letters, commonly used symbols, plus simplified and traditional Chinese characters, this encryption method is simply incredible. The number of passwords for each digit exceeds 40,000, and there are 1.6 billion two-digit passwords.

Because each additional digit of the password is multiplication, this encryption method is usually used for very important files. If you want to use an exhaustive brute force method, use the commonly used password digits (8-11 digits)

, the probability of success is no less than asking 10,000 monkeys to randomly type out "Notre Dame de Paris" written by Shakespeare (actually the author is Victor Hugo, the French Shakespeare) on the keyboard. It is better to let the monkeys type out the contents of the file.

Knock it out.

"Half a year!"



"Get started!"

The researchers were startled at first, and then burst into cheers. The hands that pointed at the "forbidden documents" began to tremble, as if Pandora's box was about to be opened, which might release hope, but it was more likely to release the devil.


Technology comes from hobbies, and only fanaticism can reach the top. Every member is a fanatical technician.

No matter which field, no one who engages in technology has the best, this team that was separated from the headquarters of Lewis Industries also came here with a trump card.

The power of elemental annihilation weapons is basically controlled at the tactical level. It is not that there has been no in-depth research on the strategic level. It is just because the actual combat environment of elemental annihilation bombs is mostly in the atmosphere. Tactical-level applications are more than sufficient. If strategic-level bombardment is needed,

To meet the need of killing, nuclear weapons are more capable of doing the job.

On the other hand, once an overly powerful strategic-level elemental annihilation bomb explodes in the atmosphere, it may cause serious and irreversible damage to the planet itself.

For example, if the human civilization of Blue Star doesn't care about the Emerald Star and wants to overturn the table and scatter them, just let the S-class superpower Herseman Brown throw an elemental annihilation bomb into the core of the Emerald Star.

It doesn’t need to be too big, an ordinary tactical level is enough, and then... there’s nothing else.

If a planet suddenly loses its core, the consequences will be catastrophic. The planet's rotation will slowly stop, its gravitational field will disappear, and it will be dragged out of its original orbit by the gravity of the star. If it cannot reach the Roche limit of the star, the mantle layer will

Without the ability to spontaneously generate a new core, it is basically impossible to escape the fate of disintegration and complete disintegration of the star.

By then, all the "breeding nests" and the biological combat weapons of Shenma will be destroyed. Even the biological space carrier outside the atmosphere may not be able to escape this disaster. The alien "Sagali" civilization will be completely destroyed.

Losing this life planet that is extremely precious in the entire universe.

The elemental annihilation weapon research and development team that came to the giant airship held the taboo document content, which contained the technical documentation of the strategic-level elemental annihilation weapon, and was updated simultaneously with the headquarters of Lewis Industries.

Although they are separated, the technical reserves are the same. There is almost no big difference in personnel and research resources between the two sides. It is also because Chen Fei does not have other research teams here, so the resources are more generous.

Chen Fei, who was fighting a "protracted battle" with the Pure Light Birds on the Emerald Star, heard the latest news from the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" about the elemental annihilation weapon research and development team. These explosive experts seemed to be planning to make a big news.

"Mr. Heaton, what will happen if the core of the elemental annihilation weapon uses super star crystal and dragon core?"

Although elemental annihilation bombs are widely held in Blue Star civilization and can even be used in most air service bases, the core of their technology is still firmly in the hands of Lewis Industries, and even Blue Star sovereigns cannot


Chen Fei is one of the only people outside of Lewis Industries who knows the secrets of elemental annihilation weapons. Of course, he still knows nothing about the actual technology. He knows it, but he doesn't know why.

After receiving the distant message from the Emerald Star, the head of the elemental annihilation weapon research and development team was shocked on the spot, and replied with his eyes twitching: "Mr. Chen Fei, do you want to blow up the entire Emerald Star?"

He really wanted to create a big one, and he only planned to destroy those super big guys outside the atmosphere, but he never thought about dying together.

The main core materials of elemental annihilation weapons include crystal energy blocks and monster cores. Crystal energy and elemental energy are triggered in a special way and create a violent conflict reaction, which shapes the elemental annihilation power and amplifies it in a geometric progression simultaneously.

, ultimately destroying everything.

Not many people know the secret. If Louis Langdon, the president of Louis Industries, was not a reborn person and brought the technology of elemental annihilation weapons from the previous life to this life, I am afraid that the Blue Star human civilization in this life may not discover elemental annihilation.

Weapon opportunity.

Without elemental annihilation weapons to fight against the invasion of the "Sagali" civilization, the Blue Star civilization in this life would probably be even more miserable than Louis Langdon's previous life.

"Huh? Is it really possible?"

As an outsider, Chen Fei just asked casually, but found out from Mino Heaton's reaction that using super star crystals and dragon cores to make elemental annihilation bombs was not only feasible, but also the power exceeded the strategic level. It was absolutely

It's a foul level existence.

Even a huge planet like the Emerald Star can be directly destroyed (actually it cannot be done, but even if it successfully collapses one-tenth, it is enough to cause fatal damage to the star and earn the title of "Star-Breaking Bomb"). If it is thrown to

Go up to the main star of the "Sachari" civilization... Hiss! You can have this!

"Are you crazy?"

Mino Heaton was speechless.

Chen Fei only has one dragon core in his hand (which has been transformed into dragon crystal), and it has been used to create a super computing unit "planetary level computing node". Where are the extra dragon cores that can be used to create that kind of super elemental annihilation?


Wouldn’t the dragon clan go crazy over this?

This chapter has been completed!
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