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Chapter 989 - The rain stops

Chen Fei has no interest in dealing with the remnants of civilization on this planet. He doesn't care at all about ruins, dungeons, etc. If there is really something worth paying attention to, this planet will not be like this. It is conceivable that it was originally

Too much wasted.

The first contact between two civilizations often begins with a war. Even if there are survivors of this planet's civilization, they are only two or three kittens at most, and they may not be able to withstand the random gunfire of the exploration team.

Adam: 143 combat robots were lost, 14 vehicles of various types were lost, and 3 sets of construction machinery were damaged.

Every four hours, the artificial intelligence AI will report to Chen Fei a cumulative report of operating losses outside the protective force field.

The native organisms are better able to adapt to the geological and climatic environment here, so the project of the "Sky Curtain" project cannot be stopped for a moment, and the humans involved in the operation have retreated to a safe area in time.

But robots and construction machinery are still working hard to ensure that progress is not delayed as much as possible by this sudden acid rain.

Damn acid rain!

This caused considerable losses to the robots dispatched abroad.

Although the robot itself has a waterproof design, it is difficult to withstand the penetration of acidic water vapor for a long time. Sooner or later, it will come into contact with sensitive parts inside the robot. The most prone to failure are often various sensors.

This kind of damaged electrical circuit cannot be repaired at all, it can only be replaced. Once one is used, the inventory will be reduced. Before the relevant industries recover, we can only pray that they will not be consumed too quickly.

Fortunately, the resources prepared by Lewis Industrial Company for Jade Star could be diverted. Otherwise, with such continuous losses, Chen Fei would have to temporarily stop work and accumulate trouble.

The reason why he did not agree to Deputy Mayor Huang Xiulun's proposal before, and Chen Fei was personally responsible for the canopy light-transmitting sheet made of nitrogen-producing aluminum, was mainly to leave some spare capacity in case of unknown situations in unfamiliar environments, in case the need arises.

time, but was caught off guard.

What's more, relying solely on his special abilities will take a long time, and future daily maintenance and replacement will also involve some of Chen Fei's energy.

Therefore, when you are the boss, you must not work yourself to death. Zhuge Wuhou's management style is definitely a dead end. History has proved that Zhuge Liang exhausted himself to death. The country of Shu, with its declining talents, failed to survive in the end. You

You can't do all the work, you have to give others a chance to practice.

Having said that, this long-term disconnected management method seems to have a faint sense of familiarity.

However, in Chen Fei's eyes, all members of the "Wall of Sighs" operation team are all top-notch social beasts. Even the lowest academic qualifications are at least above graduate school.

There are no serious undergraduates, but there is only one, well, it’s Chen Xiaoer himself! How shameful!

Where can you find a talented team with such a luxurious lineup in society? There is no such thing!

The artificial intelligence AI "Adam" assisted Chen Fei in breaking up all the people from various sovereign organizations based on their professional skills. After reintegration, they were organized into various departments of "Atlan". The most powerful one was machining.

, professional categories such as information management, industrial design, molecular chemistry and electrical automation, as well as clinical medicine, astronomy, psychology, geology and other majors. Even basic subjects and non-production subjects can still find the direction of demand.

, despite the nearly 20,000 people, once it is broken down, talent is still scarce.

Infrastructure is the most important industry, and it can be easily managed by any individual. This traditional talent requires no elaboration.

Even after the war, many blocks were razed to the ground, but most of the urban functions of "Atlan" can still be restored to their original state, and the planned population capacity of the entire city is capped at 3 million people. The "Wall of Sighs" action force

This small number of people is like pebbles thrown into a pond, far from being crowded.

If everyone is unable to return to Blue Star and has to stay here to reproduce and reproduce, at least within ten generations of the population, there is no need to worry about housing problems, just live happily. Maybe within a few generations, "Atlan"

Several more satellite cities will appear nearby to share the gradually increasing population.

All kinds of complicated situations gathered in the Central Building. In addition to the city management committee and various city management departments that assisted in decision-making, Chen Fei's fifty-person staff team followed the trend and added another fifty people, who were manually processed and screened.

Submit important information to Chen Fei for decision-making.

At the same time, the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" is another parallel line, and it is also like a big network, including everyone in the ubiquitous surveillance system in the "Atlan" city.

Such trivial matters as falsification, lying about military information, and ineffective work cannot be hidden from the two lines of parallel processing. The hundred-person staff group and the AI ​​"Adam" will automatically make up for each other's shortcomings, even if there is a very small probability of omissions,

The trouble it can cause is also quite limited.

Therefore, after a week, Chen Fei, a real rookie mayor, finally managed to figure out a set of management methods, and the operation of "Atlan" became smoother and smoother with everyone's hard work.

An acid rain lasted for 71 hours, with the rainfall reaching 1200mm. Just like after a typhoon passed by, the arid wilderness has turned into a vast ocean, and all the ravines and caves were filled to the brim. The moment the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed, a continuous patch of land formed.

The stagnant water was like a mirror, reflecting the pale pink sky.

In order to withstand this heavy rain, the energy reserve of "Atlan" dropped to less than 40%. If the rain continued for another four or five days, it would be enough to destroy this sea city from Blue Star.

"The rain has stopped!" x2

Chen Fei, who likes to overlook the entire city and the wilderness in the distance when he has time, heard two voices in his ears, one male and one female.

He turned his head and looked at the S-class superpower beside him, and couldn't help but laugh: "Mr. Brown, your voice sounds like a sissy!"

Herseman Brown's mouth twitched and he said, "You must have heard wrong! Look back!"

I really want to throw this rookie up to 10,000 meters in the air and let him fly even higher.

Chen Fei turned around and saw a young woman wearing a small suit.

"Huh? You are..."

The artificial intelligence AI "Adam" pops up the other party's identity message on the AR visual aid interface in a very unsightly manner.

Okay! Miss Ginny from the American Federation, now 20 years old, of the Angsa tribe, single, blood type B, mental A-level superpower, IQ 171, height 182, weight 97, body measurements *****,

Virgo, not Virgo, wait, why is such irrelevant information also marked? Is this dog AI so serious?

"Adam", who is inferior to dogs, finally one day has the honor to be called dog AI. Before that, its status, no, its authority was not as high as that of the dog system.

So far, "Adam" has not been able to figure out what the dog system is. Just like the characters in the virtual world, they cannot understand the entire world at all, let alone gain detachment.

The girl with long silver hair said with a smile: "I am Ginny. From now on, I will be your secretary, responsible for everything in work and life."


Chen Fei and Herseman Brown looked at each other.

Thirty-six Strategies for Beauty?!

Although I was mentally prepared for it, I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend!"

Chen Fei had no intention of accepting this routine, it was not fun at all.

If he accepts it, then the next tricks will be one after another. With his little ability, he will not be able to withstand them.

This chapter has been completed!
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