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Chapter 15: The master leads him in and sentenced him to an individual

Before treating the injured kelpie, Rolf had to treat Newt first.

Although Newt liked to carry a box of magical creatures around when he was young, he is now in his nineties...

Even though wizards live longer than Muggles, some wizards have only just passed half of their lives at this age and can continue indefinitely, but their bodies are indeed not as strong as before.

It is really dangerous to capsize the boat and fall into the lake like this.

"Are you really okay? Let's go see a therapist."

When Rolf was treating others, he didn't care at all that he was just a veterinarian. Now he would look at Newt's waist, but he felt that he was not professional enough.

"It's okay...little problem."

Newt held his old waist and sat down on the chair. He couldn't help but sigh. He was really old... He had never suffered such a serious injury when he fought against Grindelwald when he was young.

It can be seen that his grandson is still more powerful than Grindelwald.

Newt's eyes, hidden under his thick bangs, flashed with a little pride.

The old man leaned on the chair, looked at the water monster tied to a wooden stake in the distance, and asked curiously: "What's going on with that horse-shaped water monster?"

"I don't know, I found it in Lake Sinoye." Rove also moved a small bench and sat down in the corridor:

"I heard from Horner that the wizard might have smuggled it into the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, but then let it escape... Anyway, it was injured."


Newt stood up and walked towards the water monster. He reached out and untied the reins that Rolf had finally put on.

Without the restraint of the rope, the horse-shaped water monster that should have escaped quickly did not move. Instead, it gradually calmed down under the old man's gentle caressing arm.

It stepped on its brisk hooves, whirled around Newt, and rubbed its head affectionately against the old man's palm.

Newt smiled and stretched out his hand, caressing the water monster's head, and said softly: "Good boy, lie down and I'll help you check your body."

The horse-shaped water monster knelt on the ground meekly.

Even though he had seen similar scenes many times, Luo Fei still found it strange, even outrageous.

Newt seems to have a natural affinity with animals, and can make them put down their guard with just his hands.

There is a reason why Newt can become the most outstanding magizoologist. This ability alone is enough for Rove to study for a lifetime.

Rolf also imitated Newt, with the same movements, the same eyes, the same gentle tone... He also specially selected goblins who were not so aggressive.

Then, before he even touched the goblin's head, it came over and bit his finger hard.

All I can say is that the master leads you through the door and the sentence rests with you personally.

How many years Rove will be sentenced to in the future depends entirely on how much he can learn from Newt.

The more you learn, the harsher the sentence. In the end, life imprisonment in Azkaban is not impossible.

Newt squinted his eyes and examined the injuries of the horse-shaped water monster. There were two wounds, and the arrow wound on the back had scabbed over, so it was not serious.

But there was a cut on the waist that was deep enough to show the bone, and there was even more troublesome venom, which turned the blood into a strange black-green color, making the wound extremely difficult to heal.

The old man slowly stroked the horse-shaped water monster, listened to it neighing, and sighed: "It should be the dwarf who did it."

"Dwarfs?" Rolf was a little surprised. He thought they were smugglers or vampires. The young man frowned and said, "Don't they always dig underground?"

"Yes, it is very dangerous when digging underground rock layers." Newt explained: "We need a magical creature that can drill into cracks to explore the way.

Equus can transform into many animals, and they can squeeze into narrow places, so they have always been a good tool for dwarves to mine."

"Is it illegal?"

"It belongs to the gray area of ​​the law." The old man shook his head and said:

"It's like the Ministry of Magic has long passed a bill banning dragon breeding, but Gringotts has always kept fire dragons in captivity to guard the treasury."

"The Ministry of Magic is turning a blind eye to this. We don't want to repeat the goblin war because of this kind of thing."

Rolf asked curiously: "What are the dwarfs digging for? I heard that the salt mines in this land have long been exhausted."

Newt was silent for a moment and said seriously: "Rolph, I think it's better that you don't know now."


"Because it is different from what you learned in "History of Magic", I'm afraid this answer may confuse your thinking and make you habitually doubt the school curriculum."

Luofu thought for a while and suddenly asked: "Does it involve the wizarding country from a longer time?"

"You already know?" Newt was a little surprised: Who told you?"

"Helena told me." Rolf explained softly: "She said that before Sumer, Assyria and ancient Egypt, there was a wizard civilization."

"Yes, more and more magical ruins show that there was a more brilliant magical civilization in ancient times." Newt said softly:

"It can even be seen from the existing ruins that that magical civilization was far more powerful than it is now."

Newt said in a deep voice: "There is such a ruins deep underground in the British Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic took control of that area and established the Department of Mysteries."

"The dwarfs are actually doing similar things. Of course, this is just my personal guess."

Luofu thought for a while and said: "Helena Ravenclaw told me that her mother's tomb contains those civilized magic books."

"But Helena is dead. She can't take you safely into Ravenclaw's tomb." Newt said seriously:

"Any graveyard of a powerful wizard has powerful protective magic."

"I haven't studied these in depth." The old man recalled:

"I only entered the Lestrange family's tomb when I was chasing Grindelwald.

He also followed a hidden monster and sneaked into the catacombs of the Vatican, where all the popes of the past were buried.

Another time, I went to the Valley of the Kings in Egypt..."

Newtlian talked about seven or eight large tombs, and finally concluded humbly: "I'm not good at this."


"I suggest you ask Nico." Newt smiled: "He is a professional in this area."

"Speaking of Nico Flamel, Professor Dumbledore left the Philosopher's Stone here with me." Rove took out a stone from his pocket.

"But he didn't tell me how to return it to Nico Flamel."

Newt took the stone, glanced at it, and gave it back to Rolf.

"You can give it to Nico at the funeral." Newt took out a letter from his arms and handed it to him.

"What is this?" Luofu looked at the envelope and saw a red circle dot printed on it, with the white mark of N.F branded next to it.

"Invitation." The old man smiled and said, "Nico invites you to attend his funeral. He is in Devon, so we have to go there."

"..." Luo Fe just came back from England, why didn't you tell me earlier!

"By the way, we can also make a bus with Director Auror Scrimgeour." Newt continued: "They have many Aurors, so it should be much safer on the road."


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