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Chapter 12 Malfoy Confessing Failure

As the saying goes, the more impressive you appear on the stage, the more embarrassed you will be when you exit. Malfoy hadn't even exited the stage yet, but he felt like he had been completely defeated tonight.

"Mr. Scamander." Professor McGonagall came over and asked, "Did you say that Mr. Diggory from the Ministry of Magic checked your box?"

"Yes, I returned to London from Romania this morning." Luo Fu said calmly: "I just walked out of the 7? platform and I met them, saying it was a routine inspection."

"I will write to verify this matter." Professor McGonagall nodded, then looked at Malfoy and said:

"If it is true, and it proves that Mr. Scamander did not lie, we will punish you according to school rules; if it is not true, Mr. Scamander will also be punished!

Do you two have anything else to add?"

Malfoy also wanted to add something about the "little thing" that "his father is a school director and donated 20,000 galleons last year, and will increase the amount this year." However, when Rove looked at him, Malfoy remained silent and did not dare to say more.

Half a word.

"Since no one has any objections, this matter is over." Professor McGonagall said loudly: "All students follow me into the hall."

She whispered again: "Mr. Scamander, after the dinner, you still need to go to Professor Dumbledore's office. He has something to ask you."

"I understand, thank you, Professor McGonagall." Rolf thanked him.

Before Malfoy had gone too far, he overheard this conversation with his ears pricked up. He was stunned... Could this guy also have a background? Was he the principal behind the scenes?


A good show came to an end like this. Under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, the little wizards walked into the hall with unfinished content.

As the face of Hogwarts, this hall does not pay attention to gorgeous decoration, but is full of simplicity and grandeur:

The Greek-style dome is supported by a tall drum base, and the outside of the drum base is surrounded by seven Roman-style Corinthian columns. The columns are exquisite and full of intricately carved patterns.

The huge lighting window makes the hall extremely spacious and majestic. The windows are lined with blazing torches, illuminating the gray-white marble floor.

But they didn't appreciate it for too long. Professor McGonagall led everyone to a small dark room. Everyone crowded in, rubbing shoulders and nervously staring carefully at the tall man in emerald green robes.

A witch.

"The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you sit down, you need to be sorted into colleges to determine which college you will enter."

Many young wizards whispered, but Professor McGonagall just pursed her lips and glanced coldly, and the small dark room fell silent.

"Each college has a glorious history and has produced many outstanding wizards. I hope you will perform well during your studies, bring glory to the college, and win the final college cup.

Once you violate school rules, you will be punished, and in serious cases, you may even be expelled from Hogwarts..."

Rolf listened quietly to Professor McGonagall's lecture, but when it came to the "expelled from Hogwarts" part, not only Shirley and Hermione, but also the honest Neville glanced at him subconsciously.

The young man secretly sighed. He had just come to Hogwarts and was misunderstood. In his previous life, he was a five-star good citizen, the kind who would be ranked high in Gotham.

Professor McGonagall quickly left the room, and everyone immediately regained their energy and started chatting about the branching.

The sorting ceremony is a reserved part of Hogwarts. Even if they come from a wizarding family, parents rarely tell their children about the sorting process.

Everyone was very nervous and tried their best to share what they knew about the sorting methods.

"I heard that we have to fight the troll!" A boy said confidently: "Whoever can defeat the troll will be assigned to the best academy."

"Really? I can defeat up to three adult giant monsters. I wonder if this result can reach everyone's average level?" A black wizard with dreadlocks looked a little melancholy.

"Is the sorting method so simple? I made a special trip to the Hebridean Islands last month for special training and killed a black dragon." A fat man interjected.

"What you are saying is wrong!" Another student retorted harshly: "The sorting ceremony is to go to Knockturn Alley to capture ten dark wizards... My second grandfather's neighbor's second uncle's nephew is an Auror. He

The information is very accurate.”

The more everyone talks about it, the scarier it becomes, from fighting giant monsters to killing fire dragons, destroying Knockturn Alley, and finally having a duel of the century with Dumbledore... Is this a terrifying group of protagonists who have collectively traveled through time?

Walking among the crowd and hearing so many outrageous rituals, Rove thought for a moment that this was not sorting, but selecting the third generation... the Dark Lord!

After wandering around for a long time, he finally found Malfoy. This guy was hiding in a corner with two followers, but he refused to change his ways and went to find trouble with other students.

"So...you are the famous Harry Potter?"

On the train, Malfoy was bitten by a motley rat and failed to meet the legendary Harry Potter. Now he finally found the opportunity.

It's just that he was a little disappointed. The existence that defeated the Dark Lord when he was a baby was just a boy with glasses, an ordinary appearance, and as thin as a chicken?

Malfoy, who came here because of his reputation, was a little disappointed. If it weren't for the fact that the lightning scar on the other person's forehead couldn't be faked, he would have really suspected that he had found the wrong target.

"I'm Harry Potter." Harry pushed up his glasses and asked, "Is something okay?"

"My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

The red-haired boy next to Harry coughed slightly, as if he was trying not to laugh.

"Is my name funny?" Malfoy stared at the red-haired boy, looked up and down, and sneered:

"You don't need to ask to know who you are. You have red hair and a face full of freckles. You have as many children as a rabbit's nest, but you can't afford to raise them...are you the Weasley family?"

The red-haired boy's face immediately turned red.

Malfoy didn't even look at him, turned to Harry and said:

"Harry Potter, you will soon discover that some wizarding families are much better than others. You wouldn't want to make friends with such a powerless, half-hearted person, would you?

Come on, be friends with me, I can help you a lot..."

Malfoy stretched out his hand to shake Harry's hand, but Harry ignored him.

"I think I can tell who the bad guys are, thank you!"

Malfoy failed to strike up a conversation for the first time. He was already angry tonight and became even angrier. He was like a teenager who was rejected by his confession but was unwilling to get back the place.

"If I were you, Potter, I would be very careful." Malfoy said with a cold face and a long voice: "You should be more respectful, otherwise you will end up like your parents!"

"Say it again!" Harry said with wide eyes.

"Oh, you want to fight, don't you?" Malfoy rolled up his sleeves and sneered: "I haven't lost a fight yet..."

"Oh, really, Malfoy?" Rolf suddenly appeared behind him, patted the shoulder of this young man who said he had never lost a fight, and said with a smile:

"I haven't lost before, how about we go out and try?"

(Thanks to "Yixuan" and "Book Friends 20220626112154344" for the reward.)

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