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Chapter 51 Dumbledore: Are you here and still want to leave?

From a certain perspective, Lockhart, like his predecessor Quirrell...are both actors with superb acting skills.

The difference is that Quirrell is a ruthless man who can sneak into Gringotts and has a fragment of the legendary card "Dark Lord" on the back of his head, but he deliberately pretends to be weak.

Lockhart is a weakling who relies on other people's stories to package himself and pretend to be strong.

Quirrell is more like using a shoebox as a computer case, looking stretched out, but inside is a high-performance computer; Lockhart is a computer with a gorgeous appearance, but inside it uses a graphics card that has been used for mining for two years at full capacity.

The two are completely opposite extremes.

However, Lockhart couldn't even deal with a group of elves. He was grabbed by his legs and hung from the chandelier on the ceiling... To be so weak was indeed beyond Rove's psychological expectations.

It seems that Lockhart is not only a mineral card, but also a washed mineral card.

The students were standing by the windows, looking at Lockhart in disbelief. There were more passing little wizards watching the teaching accident, and some even took photos.

The chandelier swayed from side to side and made a clanging noise under the shaking of the elf. Finally, it could no longer hold up and fell down with a loud bang.

Lockhart also fell to the ground. His head first made close contact with the ground, and then his legs were in the air. Finally, he slumped to the ground, his head tilted, and he fainted instantly.

Luofu opened the door and walked into the classroom. The group of elves rushed towards him one after another, but he snapped his fingers, and from the bathroom not far away, a large jet of water rolled up and flew towards him.

The magic from the horse-shaped water monster allows Rove to easily control the nearby water flow.

"Prison of Blue Waves!"

The boy raised his arm, and the water column flew towards the elves, eventually turning into a crystal clear water ball, wrapping them all in it.

The students who were watching applauded vigorously, and some students in the crowd shouted loudly:

"Scamander, come and be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Luo Fu was shocked. Who wanted to harm him and used such vicious methods?

The unconscious Lockhart was sent to the school hospital again.

This was the third time she saw him within a week of the start of school. Even though Madam Pomfrey was well-informed and had seen all kinds of patients... she still couldn't bear it.

You might as well live in the campus hospital?!

Madam Pomfrey even suspected that Lockhart might have liked her, which was why he was hospitalized repeatedly like this on purpose.

Boy, you successfully caught my attention!

But after Lockhart woke up, the first thing he did was cry and shout that he wanted to resign, and immediately left Hogwarts.

Madam Pomfrey had no choice but to report the matter to the Headmaster.


Professor Dumbledore came to the campus hospital alone. He saw the busy Madam Pomfrey in the corridor and said hello:

"Poppy, how is Lockhart?"

"I've been crying all afternoon. I just gave him a mild sedative, hoping to calm him down." Madam Pomfrey said curiously:

"Dumbledore, what happened? Why is Lockhart hospitalized again? I asked him why, but he refused to tell me."

"This was a teaching accident. Professor Lockhart failed to control the elf he brought and was attacked in class," Dumbledore explained.

"Merlin!" Madam Pomfrey covered her mouth and said, "Why not cancel such a dangerous class?

Albus, since it’s so difficult to find a teacher for this class and it’s so dangerous, why not change it to medical care…”

Madam Pomfrey suddenly brought up this plan again. Dumbledore had a headache and said quickly: "I'll think about it. I'll go and see Lockhart first."

The Headmaster opened the door and walked in. Madam Pomfrey still kept smacking her lips, complaining that Defense Against the Dark Arts was too dangerous and Lockhart was too incompetent as a professor.

Dumbledore walked into the room. He looked at the hospital bed, his face was calm, and he said in a deep voice: "Professor Lockhart, are you okay?"

Lockhart was lying on the hospital bed, secretly eating chocolates sent by fans and writing replies to his enthusiastic fans. Even though he was injured, he still loved his fans so much.

Lockhart thought Madam Pomfrey was coming, so he quickly stuffed the chocolate into the quilt. When he saw it was the principal, he sat up straight, covered his bruised face, and said loudly:

"Professor Dumbledore, I want to resign."

"Of course." Dumbledore approached the hospital bed. He waved his wand and conjured a chair. After the principal sat down, he said softly:

"I also received your resignation letter."

"Professor Lockhart, I completely agree with your resignation." Dumbledore took out the letter from his arms and smiled: "I will convene an impromptu school board meeting in the afternoon to discuss this matter at the meeting.

Since you are so determined, we have to figure out the issue of compensation."

"Compensation? For me?" Lockhart was stunned for a few seconds, but after thinking about it, it was reasonable. After all, he was injured at work, and the school should compensate him.

I didn’t expect that Hogwarts did quite well in terms of humanistic care.

"No, no... you will pay the school." Dumbledore leaned on the chair, crossed his hands and said:

"You applied to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. The contract is for one year. Now you have only worked for less than a week and are leaving. You have to pay liquidated damages!"

Lockhart curled his lips when he remembered that this seemed to be the case. He didn't care about the small amount of money.

"I'll give it to you!"

"Also...when I invited you here, you said that you must buy your book as a textbook, and each student bought seven copies."

"The school board believes that you must return these books to the students." Dumbledore said calmly: "Return them at the original price."

Lockhart swallowed. His books were extremely expensive. Seven books cost forty Galleons. There were hundreds of people in a school, and all the books cost tens of thousands of Galleons.

If all of them are withdrawn, the publishing house can kill him!

Lockhart was a little confused: "I'm afraid..."

"I must remind you, Professor Lockhart." Dumbledore said softly:

"The school directors are all from powerful pure-blood families, such as Lucius Malfoy. I think you have also read the newspaper. Mr. Weasley has been suspended for inspection."

"So if you resign, you will definitely be forced to refund your money, even if you bring trouble to the Ministry of Magic."

Lockhart's face was pale and his hands were shaking.

"And..." Dumbledore continued.

"More?!" Lockhart said in shock.

"Yes, according to the agreement, you must publish a statement in the Daily Prophet." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and said:

"Let me tell you the reason for your resignation, such as being unable to deal with elves... Otherwise, resigning for no reason will have a negative impact on our school's subsequent recruitment work for Defense Against Dark Arts."

The corner of Lockhart's mouth twitched. Does Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts recruitment still need his influence?

"Professor Lockhart, if there are no objections, I will go through the resignation procedures for you now?" Dumbledore said in a gentle voice.

Resign... quit!

At this moment, Lockhart really wanted to cry. How could he feel that he had been deceived into a pyramid scheme? It was nothing more than that!

"Professor Dumbledore, I've thought about it carefully." Lockhart stammered: "I still won't resign..."

"That's great, I really don't know how to thank you!" Dumbledore held Lockhart's hand and said with a smile:

"Hogwarts needs excellent teachers like you. I believe you can shine in the Defense Against the Dark Arts position...

This time next year, you will definitely not regret tonight’s decision when you look back on it!”

Lockhart: "..."

"Then I'll go first, good night!"

Dumbledore stood up and walked towards the outside of the hospital, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Now that you're here, you still want to leave?

What do you think of the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor?!

Even if he agrees, Tom Riddle...'s curse will not agree!

This chapter has been completed!
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