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Chapter 84: Luofu, can the dead be resurrected?

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Professor McGonagall said she didn't like the cat climbing frame, but when he entered the living room, Rove found that the cedar cat climbing frame was already standing firmly by the fireplace.

In order to strengthen the shelf, she also used screws to tighten it on the wall, so it could no longer be disassembled and was returned to the manufacturer.

On the cat climbing frame, there is also a Quidditch magazine and some cat hair... I don't know who dropped it.

Luo Fe didn't dare to say or ask. After all, the threat of dropping out from the vice principal was quite a deterrent.

The furnishings in the entire living room were very similar to Professor McGonagall's office. Rove also saw a small blackboard in the corner, filled with blackboard writing.

Shirley told him in a low voice that it was the content of the fifth grade transfiguration technique.

Since he was here to visit the "left-behind elderly", of course he had to help with the cleaning. Luofu had been to a nursing home in his previous life, so he still understood this process.

But Professor McGonagall kept the room very clean, so there was nothing that needed help.

Fortunately, there was still thick snow in the small yard, so Rolf took Shirley and Hermione to start cleaning up. The three of them also built a long row of snowmen in the yard, and then asked Professor McGonagall to comment.

As a judge, Professor McGonagall eccentrically rated Rolf's snowman as the "ugliest snowman"... As punishment, he needs a talent show.

Rolf took out the whistle given by Shirley and played "Kill That Hogwarts Man"...but the tune was transferred to England, almost sending Professor McGonagall away.

Shirley and Hermione also burst out laughing.

Professor McGonagall also used magic to turn all the snowmen into chess pieces and played wizard chess in the yard.

As a "master" of wizard chess, Rolf confidently wanted to teach Professor McGonagall a lesson and give her a face... Unfortunately, he was retaliated against.

Shirley quickly stepped in and continued playing chess with Professor McGonagall.

As a bad chess player, Luofu gave the girl all kinds of advice while watching, and kept shouting "play here, play here", and had no consciousness of watching the chess without saying anything... The quality of the chess was extremely poor!

Therefore, the boy was quickly disliked by Shirley and Hermione, so he had no choice but to "turn his back on the dark side" and turn around to help Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall didn't care either. She was carrying a heavy burden and could always turn the situation around with her clever moves after Rolf made a bad move.

The two sides were back and forth, evenly matched, and did not make the situation one-sided.

It was approaching noon, but Professor McGonagall had no intention of cooking, and she was not planning to return to Hogwarts. Instead, she left home with a few people and walked towards a corner of the village.

Rove originally thought that Professor McGonagall was going to take them to a restaurant, not to mention a high-end restaurant, but also the Three Broomsticks...

Unexpectedly, I ended up wandering around and arriving at a shabby bar.

At the door of the bar, there is also a dilapidated wooden sign, hanging on a rusty wuwuwuwu, with a severed wild boar head drawn on it, and blood stains seeping into the white cloth wrapping it.

——Pig's Head Bar.

During Christmas, other shops were open, but the door of this bar was locked, with an old "Closed" sign hung arrogantly on the door.

Professor McGonagall raised her hand and was about to knock on the door, but as if she remembered something, she took a step back and motioned for Rolf to knock on the door.

The young man had a bad premonition, but he still braved the bullet and knocked on the locked door.

Sure enough, angry shouts soon came from the bar:

"Look at the sign on the door, idiot! We're closed today! Let's go!


Luofu twitched his lips and looked at Professor McGonagall, with a look of grievance in his eyes... It was not good to deceive his own students like this.

"It's okay, just keep knocking, Rolf." Professor McGonagall comforted her softly.

"..." It's not you who gets scolded for your feelings!

Luofu kept knocking on the door for more than a dozen times, and more than a dozen unrepeated curses came from the bar.

Finally, the door was suddenly opened violently, and an old man came out. He looked extremely gloomy, and shouted rudely at Luo Fe:

"Damn idiot! Are you stupid, or are you deaf? You can't understand people's words, so you just keep knocking! My brain is about to explode!"

The old man is very tall, with wire-like gray hair and a beard. He also wears glasses. Behind the dirty lenses, there is a pair of blue eyes.

Rolf was sprayed with saliva and quickly backed away, hiding behind Professor McGonagall.

After seeing Mag, the old man suddenly calmed down and stopped spitting out the fragrance:

"Oh, sorry, Minerva, I just called you idiots."

"It's okay, I accept your apology on behalf of Rolf, Aberforth." Professor McGonagall said happily:

"I came to see Professor Dumbledore, and he wrote a letter inviting us to come here for lunch."

Aberforth turned and walked towards the bar, muttering angrily, as if complaining that it was not enough for him to serve only one "brother", and now he had to serve several more people.

Professor McGonagall walked into the bar first, followed closely by Rolf, Shirley and Hermione.

The Hog's Head pub, like the Leaky Cauldron, is very dark and dirty, and there is a strong smell of sheep in the air.

Thick dirt accumulated on the windows, barely letting in any light, and some candle stubs were burning on the rough wooden table.

Rolf was a little distracted...Professor McGonagall wouldn't be crazy enough to let them come here to clean, would she?

"Who is this person?" Hermione asked in a low voice, "He looks very unpleasant."

"His name is Aberforth Dumbledore." Rolf lowered his voice: "He is the owner of the Pig's Head Bar."

"Dumbledore?" Shirley noticed this last name, and she was slightly surprised: "Then his relationship with the principal..."

"That's right, the idiot principal you call... is my biological brother." Aberforth suddenly turned his head, stared at the three whispering little guys, and snorted:

"Although I really don't want to admit this disgraceful relationship, Albus is indeed my brother."

Shirley and Hermione both looked at Aberforth in shock. This was the first time they heard that the headmaster actually had a younger brother.

"Is Professor Dumbledore here?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"He's on the second floor!" Aberforth said rudely, then picked up a rag and wiped the bar.

It's just that the rag was dirtier than the floor, and the originally clean bar became darker and darker the more it was wiped.

Professor McGonagall nodded lightly, but she did not go to the second floor. Instead, she looked at the young man and whispered: "Rolf, the principal is waiting for you on the second floor."

Luofu raised his eyebrows, and he had no choice but to walk upstairs alone along the stairs and entered a dilapidated living room.

The living room was covered with worn carpets and there was a small fireplace with a large portrait hanging above it.

In front of the portrait, stood an old man. He did not turn around, but turned his back to the young man and whispered:

"Rolf, I think you have met my brother."

"Yes." Rolf walked towards Dumbledore.

At this moment, Dumbledore didn't know what old past events he remembered, and he murmured with some sadness:

"This is my sister, Ariana. She was only fourteen years old when she died, and she was still a childlike girl."

Luo Fe stood next to the old man and looked at the portrait, which showed a very young blond girl.

"She is actually much more beautiful than she appears in the painting."

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore spoke. His eyes were still on Ariana's face, and he couldn't bear to leave, as if this could bring her back to the world.


After a long silence, the old man suddenly said quietly: "Do you think the dead can be resurrected?"

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