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Chapter 91: Brother, do you want to apply for a card?

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After the advent of the Statute of Secrecy, the complete decoupling of wizards and Muggles once brought many problems to the wizarding world.

The most typical one is travel.

Apparition is of course very convenient, but this magic is not that easy to learn. Many wizards cannot get the certificate... just like Muggles cannot get their driver's license.

The use of Floo powder requires a fireplace, but not all places have fireplaces, and not all fireplaces are connected to the Floo network... Hogwarts is not connected, and outsiders cannot use Floo powder to enter the campus.

Therefore, a vehicle that can carry wizards to anywhere at any time needs to be developed urgently.

The Ministry of Magic has also made many vehicles, such as taxi-style broomsticks, Middle Eastern flying carpets, or hanging baskets under the Thestrals...

Various tricks emerged in endlessly. It was not until the 19th century that the Minister of Magic, Dugald MacPhail, imitated the Muggle "bus" and launched the wizard version of the Knight Bus... This problem was solved.

As long as the wizard raises his wand into the air, he can wait for the Knight Bus anywhere!

Of course, many wizards do not admit this, especially those from pure-blood families. It is more uncomfortable for them to admit that they imitate Muggles than to kill them.

Therefore, the Muggle bus must have been stolen from wizards... It can only be said that if wizards steal first, they will be punished if they steal again!

At the gate of Hogwarts School, Rolf and Shirley stood there, bored, waiting for the bus.

At this time, Hagrid appeared on the road leading to Hogsmeade. He was walking drunkenly, followed by a tall man who was also drunk.

Hagrid saw Rolf and Shirley from a distance. He waved his hand and said loudly:

"Why are you two little guys here?"

"We are waiting for the bus to go to Diagon Alley." Rolf also waved: "Hagrid, why do you drink so much?"

"I drank at the Pig's Head Bar this morning." Hagrid scratched his hair a little embarrassed and said, "I met an old friend, so I drank a little more."

Both Rolf and Shirley looked at the tall man. Hagrid patted the man on the shoulder and introduced enthusiastically:

"His name is Robbie Coltrane. He was a good friend of mine when I was in school..."

"Hello." Luo Pi also greeted slightly drunkenly.

"Let's go to my house and drink." Hagrid put his arm around Robby's shoulders and said, "You two little guys... I'm leaving first."

Rolf and Shirley looked at Hagrid and Robby's backs in the distance, and both waved their hands and said:

"Hagrid, goodbye!"

In the distance, there was an ear-splitting roar.

A bright purple three-decker bus drove from a distance. It passed through the forbidden forest, and the trees jumped on both sides.

The car finally stopped at the school gate. A skinny young man wearing a purple uniform, with protruding ears, and a face full of acne opened the door, jumped out and said:

"Knight Bus is at your service. I am Stan Sunpack, the conductor of this bus, and I can take passengers wherever they want to go...excluding the bottom of the sea, of course."

Neither Luo Fu nor Shirley said anything, but looked at the car in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Sampac asked: "Isn't it the bus you called?"

"I called you, but..." Luofu turned his head and asked with a strange expression: "Is your car safe?"

"Of course it's safe!" Sampas patted his chest and vowed: "We haven't had any traffic accidents for a week."


"There is a large pool of blood in front of the car. It has not solidified yet. It looks like it was just hit." Luofu reminded.

Sampac let out an "ah" in surprise, and hurried forward to check. Seeing him howling, he said, "Earn, did you hit something again just now?"

The driver, Ern Plan, was an older wizard who wore glasses with thick lenses. He stuck his head out of the car window and said sleepily:

"It seemed to be a centaur, all black. He shouted that we were not allowed to leave the Forbidden Forest. That was the centaur's territory...I didn't see the details clearly. I was too sleepy at the time, so I bumped into him accidentally."


Rolf raised his eyebrows, why did the description look so much like Bain? He wouldn't have had a car accident in the Forbidden Forest, right?!

"Forget it, never mind, they're just centaurs." Sampac muttered, "Where are you two going?"

"Diagon Alley." Rowe dug into his pocket and asked, "How much is it."

Sampac stared at the two of them, but the faces of the boy and the girl were hidden in their scarves, so they could not see their faces clearly. He smiled and said:

"If you pay one galleons and seven sycolas, you can get milk and bread. If you pay two more cicos, you can get cheese and omelettes... If you apply for a card..."

"It's a lot cheaper, right?" Luofu said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, your tickets are discounted every time." Sampac stared at the boy's wallet and quickly replied: "As long as you top up..."

"Then I won't apply for a card, and I'll let you earn more. You guys have worked hard, so I can't take advantage of you." Luofu took out the ticket money, threw it to Sampac, and quickly walked into the car with Shirley.

Sampac was in a mess in the wind, and he had prepared a lot of speeches that he had not yet said... he did not follow the routine!

There were various chairs on the car, as well as scattered wizards. Because of the sudden stop, they all got up from the ground.

Someone's luggage slipped to the other end of the carriage, and the frog eggs, cockroaches and custard in the bag were scattered all over the floor.

There was also a wizard who was eating breakfast and milk was poured all over him.

Luofu took Shirley to the third floor of the car. There was no one here, so the two of them found a seat by the window and sat down.

Rove took out two seeds from his pocket and handed one to Shirley.

The girl with the ponytail took the seed strangely. Just as she was about to ask, the seed suddenly sprouted, and under Rolf's control, the vines wrapped around the girl like tentacles.


Shirley was stunned for a moment. She raised her fist with a blushing face and waved: "What do you want to do?"

"Seat belt." The seed in Luo Fu's hand also began to sprout, wrapping the boy around the chair. He explained:

"When this car is driven, it will be like a roller coaster. The chairs are not fixed and will move around."

"If you don't secure the chair to your body, you will fall... I have ridden in this car before and am very experienced."

"Okay." Shirley said obediently, and allowed the young man to control the vines and wrap her up without any resistance.

Luofu took out two herbs from the box, took one and put it in his mouth.

This time, there was no need for the boy to explain. Shirley also picked up the herbs, put them in her mouth and chewed them carefully.

Shirley is better than Hermione in this regard. She is not harsh or stubborn, and is always obedient.

The girl looked confused and asked, "What's the use of this?"

"Glycyrrhiza nicotianae." Luo Fu smiled and said, "It can prevent motion sickness and retching... Anyway, enjoy this roller coaster ride."

Before the boy could finish his words, the whole car suddenly shook violently, then moved forward quickly as if being blown by a strong wind, and was far away from Hogwarts in an instant.

(Gropie Coltrane, who played Hagrid, passed away today and went to Twilight Zone to accompany Professor Snape...a moment of silence.

Thanks to Mr. Robbie Coltrane for giving a perfect interpretation to the fluffy, warm, honest and loyal Hagrid.

Chapter 2 will be posted around 12:30.)


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