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Chapter 28 Nepenthes

As a qualified doctor, your handwriting must be smooth and graceful, and it must be written in a flying and dancing way, so that patients cannot understand it, otherwise they will think you are unprofessional and a liar!

Although veterinarians deal with animals, they deal with wizards, and their handwriting must of course be elegant.

While Luo Fu was prescribing medicine for Mrs. Loris, many students came around. Seeing the scrawled handwriting on the note, a "knowledgeable" guy immediately expressed his approval and praised his superb medical skills.

Look, this is called professionalism, he definitely can’t find the other party!

After Filch thanked him profusely, he took the potion and left. Rove then announced that Celia's Magical Animal Shop was officially opened.

On the train, he just mentioned that today he was going to post advertisements on the bulletin boards in the lounges of major colleges.

Gryffindor has Hermione, Ravenclaw has Shirley, Slytherin has Malfoy... There is no need to go deep into other houses, there are people to help promote it.

Of course, Slytherin is more dangerous. After all, Snape is not a good person, so he can only wrong Malfoy and hand out small cards from dormitory to dormitory.

The eldest brother's store opened, and his younger brother Neville responded immediately and sent his pet Leif to take care of the business.

Luo Fu was very happy. He was still thinking about the magic called "Giant Tongue Whip". Combined with the "Magic Replenishment" of Bag Spider, it was a magical combination!

Luofu took the toad that was struggling fiercely and wanted to escape, and put it into a small cage made of vines.

"Look at how happy Leif is. Neville, just leave it to me and you can rest assured. I will definitely cure Leif's ADHD so that he will always be by your side and will not run around when nothing happens." Rolf promised.

At this moment, an owl flew over, crossed over the Great Hall to the Hufflepuff table, and dropped a red letter on Neville's head.

Neville, who was quite happy just now, suddenly became extremely happy and sad, and he cried out:

"It's over, my grandma sent me a howling letter! She must be angry that I didn't go to Gryffindor, but came to Hufflepuff..."

As soon as the smoking red letter appeared in the auditorium, many students started laughing with schadenfreude. Every time someone received the roaring letter, it was the happiest time for them.

At the Gryffindor table, Harry asked curiously: "What is that? I see everyone is very excited."

"Howling letter! Trust me, Harry, you don't want to know what it is." Ron shook his head and said:

"The roaring letter will amplify a person's voice dozens of times, and the voice can be heard hundreds of meters away."

Although it is not very harmful, it is extremely insulting and will directly cause the social death of the recipient.

"My mother used to make howler letters, for George and Fred!" Ron recalled with a look of fear:

"The two of them were playing pranks at school, and Professor McGonagall wrote home... My mother was gloomy all day, and at dinner, the porridge was burnt.

My father and I didn't dare to say anything and just ate the burnt porridge. My mother often told me not to be like Fred and George..."

"My stupid brother, it's not a good habit to speak ill of people behind their backs like this." George suddenly appeared and put his arms around Ron's neck.

"Yes, do you really want us to reveal what you have done?" Fred shook his head and said with a smile:

"Who was still wetting the bed when he was seven years old? Is it because of the ghoul in the attic? Poor old carrot, how can he climb into your bed even if he has trouble getting down from the attic!"

"When he was nine years old, he got hemorrhoids and left a lot of blood in his pants. He pulled his mother and told her that your period was coming!"

George and Fred's voices were so loud that all the students at the Gryffindor table heard them, and even Harry couldn't help laughing.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!!" Ron yelled, rushing towards the twins to fight them desperately.

At this time, the four corners of the roaring letter had begun to smoke, making a beeping sound like boiling water. If it was not opened in time, it would explode directly, making the sound louder and more harsh.

Many little badgers stayed away from the dining table, and Neville looked panicked and asked Rolf for help: "What should I do?"

"Look at me."

Rove opened the small black leather box and entered the box with the struggling Leif and the Howling Letter. Then he covered the box and turned the button.

Many experienced students think that Scamander has gone crazy. In a small, confined space, the power of the explosion will double, and a small box can blow you to the sky!

But what puzzled everyone was that as time passed, the roaring letter didn't seem to explode at all, and no sound came from the box... Could it be a squib?

"Rolf can always make something happen that is beyond my expectation." Fred clicked his tongue in surprise.

"Yeah, if we had had that box at that time, we wouldn't have been bombarded with shouting letters from mom," George said.

"It's more than that." Indian-born Parvati Patil interjected:

"My sister in Ravenclaw said that in their transfiguration class in the morning, only Scamander and Swinton completed the tasks assigned by Professor McGonagall. Scamander was really good."

"Our dormitory has already discussed that we will form a group to go to him to treat pets this weekend." Lavender smiled stupidly.

Ron, who had been subdued, sat back next to Harry. He listened to the chat of several people and suddenly remembered Scabbers in his pocket.

"Should I also go and see Rolf? Banban is already so old. If the price is cheap, I can give him a full body maintenance." Ron thought to himself.

At the end of lunch, Luo Fe received a lot of reservations. He found that he seemed to be a little busy alone and needed a capable female assistant.

You don’t need to be pretty, but you must be capable!

In the afternoon, Herbology was taught with the Gryffindor students. After all, he was the Head of House. As soon as the little badgers finished their meal, they left the castle and walked through the vegetable field towards the greenhouse.

Professor Sprout stood at the door of the greenhouse. She was wearing a small purple felt hat and a patched hat on her flowing hair. There was a lot of mud on her clothes.

She had just driven away the Yu, and she was holding a fork in her hand, which made her look like Runtu.

When the students were almost here, Professor Sprout said loudly:

"Children, today we are going to the No. 1 Greenhouse, but before we go in, I have something to tell you. This is something you will have to keep in mind in the next few years!"

"Don't touch magic plants at will. Most of them are fragile and weak. Of course, some plants are poisonous and aggressive... Any plants are forbidden to be touched at will unless I give permission. Do you hear me?"

"heard it!!"

Professor Sprout took a large key from his belt, opened the greenhouse door, and led everyone in.

The place where they were standing was an open space, with magical plants growing directly in front of them.

A warm breeze blew by, filling the air with the fragrance of earth and the smell of freshly applied dragon dung fertilizer.

Under the leadership of Professor Sprout, the students walked through a row of mushrooms about the size of their heads and came to a strange-looking plant.

The plant is about one meter tall, has broad leaves, and has a covered vase-shaped fruit at the end of the leaves.

"Does anyone know what this is?"

Sprout had just finished speaking, and before many people could hear what she was asking, Hermione, who was standing not far from Rolf, had already raised her hand high.

"Miss Granger?"

"This is Nepenthes crimson. It has a unique organ for absorbing nutrients - a pitcher." Hermione recited fluently:

"The insect pitcher is cylindrical in shape, with a slightly enlarged lower part and a lid on the mouth of the pitcher. It is named after its shape like a pig cage."

"Very good, two points from Gryffindor!"

Professor Sprout blinked, pointed at the liquid in the vase-like structure of the pitcher plant, and smiled:

"The liquid secreted by this crimson pitcher plant is a very sweet and harmless juice. It is one of the raw materials for Bee Honey. I have tasted it before and it tastes delicious."

Hearing what she said, the little wizard wanted to taste it. Professor Sprout turned his back as if he was looking for something. Immediately, a group of students reached out and dipped their hands into the juice.

"It's so sweet, Harry, try it!" Ron licked his thumb.

"Indeed, this is my first time eating something so sweet." Harry whispered.

Ron found many black granular objects floating in the juice. He picked up several of them and tasted them and found that they were very sweet, like jelly beans.

Harry also took a few pills.

Neville was about to taste something, but Rolf slapped his hand away.

Seeing Rolf's actions, Hermione, who was originally very curious, rolled her eyes and immediately gave up.

Justin raised his hand and asked: "Professor Sprout, what are those black pearl-like things floating in the juice?"

"Oh, it's Hu Meizi's feces." Professor Sprout then turned around and said with a grin:

"Nepenthes have evolved a unique sap that attracts animals to taste it, and the animals' feces can be used as fertilizer for the pitcher plants.

Look at its shape, does it look like a toilet? Isn’t it amazing?”


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