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Chapter 52 Prison robbery

All living things have three processes: birth, death and reproduction.

But the Dementor is an exception. It is immortal and transcends life and death. No one has even seen how it reproduces.

The British Ministry of Magic's statement is that dementors are like fungi, born out of thin air in the most rotten and darkest places, but the fact is...

Except for the island where Dementors were first discovered, the world has never heard of a wild Dementor being born anywhere.

"Contrary to the rumors." Newt sat on the cage, looked at the forest in the distance, and said softly:

"The place where dementors were born is extremely clean. A wizard even once commented that "dementors are the purest creatures in the world."

"Who said that?" Luofu asked curiously.

"Extis." Newt said softly: "He was the first wizard to discover dementors. He settled on the island where dementors were discovered and built a fortress to study them specifically."

"Later, Extis suddenly disappeared, and no one knew where he went." Newt said solemnly.

"disappear suddenly?"

"Yes, it disappeared suddenly." Newt said with certainty: "All Extis's things are still on the island. His clothes, notes, and gold are all still on the island."

"With the disappearance of Extis, the magic he cast near the island failed, and the Ministry of Magic finally became aware of the island and the dementors on it."

"The Ministry of Magic also discovered that Extis left various documents." Newt whispered: "I worked in the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures and accidentally came into contact with some of the documents."

"Later, in order to study the Dementors, I went to Azkaban."

"Last Christmas last year, I was on the Orient Express and heard Mundungus mention it. He said he met you in Azkaban." Rolf said suddenly.

"Mundungus? Haha, I did meet him." Newt smiled and said:

"At that time, he also helped me a little, allowing me to avoid the dementors and observe on the island."

"What did you see?"

"I saw..." Newt rubbed his eyebrows and recalled:

"In the center of the island, there is a small lake. The water is extremely clear. Then a man emerges from the bottom of the lake, just like bubbles floating up from the bottom of the water."

"But not long after he landed ashore, the man quickly aged, his cheeks rotted away, leaving only empty eye sockets on his face, and a big hole appeared in his mouth... In the end, he looked exactly like a dementor."

Luo Fe was a little surprised. It sounded very similar to the corpses that had been preserved intact in tombs for thousands of years. When exposed to fresh air, the corpses quickly oxidized.

"What's under the lake?" the young man asked curiously.

"I don't know either." Newt shook his head and said, "I was quickly discovered by the Dementors, and there were Dementors guarding me there."

Luofu fell into deep thought, so where is the bottom of the lake where the dementors were born?


Swept across the entire sea area.

The strong wind carried the sea water and rolled it away, one wave after another, surging wildly.

A black carriage was flying hard over the sea. The strong wind howled by and rocked it violently like a ship in the sea.

Seven Thestrals pulled the carriage, their hairs crackling in the wind, and although there was no wizard to direct them, they still flew steadily towards the small island in the distance.

Their target is Azkaban!

Sitting in the carriage were four wizards: three Aurors and a criminal.

The criminal's hands and feet were chained, and his body was also tied with magic ropes.

As long as he tries to use magic, even the slightest magic fluctuation, the rope will immediately shrink and strangle him alive.

The prisoner was sobbing, screaming like a baby, and yelling that he didn't want to go to Azkaban, which made the Auror beside him extremely irritable.

"Shut up, Peter Pettigrew!" Koopa shouted loudly: "If you cry again, I will cut off your lower body and feed you to the night.


Peter was so frightened that he immediately shut up and didn't say a word or whimper, but his nose kept sniffling.

"Don't scare Peter, Cooper. According to my observation during this period, this guy is really timid." The tall wizard on the side whistled and said with a evil smile:

"If you ask me, he needs a few slaps and a good whipping, and he will be completely quiet."

Peter was so frightened that he didn't even dare to sniffle.

"You really have a strong taste, Dane." Cooper looked at Peter again and sneered:

"Peter Pettigrew, you will be imprisoned in Azkaban until your bones turn to gray. You deserve it, right, Delis?"

Cooper looked at the short-haired man who had been silent since setting off.

Delis nodded slightly and said, "That's right."

At this time, a bright flash of lightning passed through the window and illuminated the entire carriage, brighter than the sun on a sunny day.

Cooper approached the window and looked out the window. He said loudly: "I hate heavy rain!"

The thunder drowned out his words and Delis's voice, and there was another flash of lightning in the distance, dazzling.

For some reason, Cooper caught a glimpse of green light through his glasses.

Just as Cooper was about to turn around, a hand grabbed his hair, pulled his head, and slammed his head into the wall. The impact was so violent that he could hardly breathe.

Koopa's wand was knocked off, and a black rope tied him tightly like a silkworm chrysalis.

He fell to the ground, his pupils dilated.

It turned out that Dane had been killed by Avada Kedavra on his seat, his face full of horror, and his death was horrific.

But it wasn't Peter Pettigrew who made the move, he was still firmly tied to his position, the one who made the move was... Delis!

Everything happened so fast that before Cooper could react, he saw Delis opening the car door and dragging him out.

Cooper stretched out his feet and tried to hook the chair with all his strength, but he tried too hard and his feet just brushed against the smooth seat surface.

Delis dragged Cooper outside the carriage. Below was the vast sea. Cooper was hanging in the air and couldn't breathe.

"Why?" Koopa yelled, "Delix!"

"Shut up!" Delis scolded: "If you scream again, I will cut off your lower body and feed it to the Thestrals!!"


Delis raised his wand and pointed it at Cooper. After a flash of green light, his body fell downwards and fell into the sea.

Delis returned to the carriage, raised his wand and pointed it at Peter.

Peter stared straight at Delis. He wanted to vomit, but couldn't. He dug his nails deeply into his arms, trembling all over and sobbing violently.

Delex's appearance changed suddenly and rapidly, as if the time had come for the Polyjuice Potion.

The white light of lightning illuminated the room, and Peter saw the face clearly. He was so frightened that he couldn't breathe. His whole body was dumbfounded and his breathing was rapid.

"you you……"

The man put Cooper's wand into Peter's hand and whispered:

"Remember, go all the way east...to the Albanian forest...to find...the Dark Lord!"

"He's waiting for you!"

(Brothers, this chapter was from yesterday. I have been reviewing it all night long... I asked the editor in charge to release it this morning. I'm sorry.)

This chapter has been completed!
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