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Chapter 30 Rove's Greenhouse

Ron's misfortune made the little wizards completely wilted. They no longer dared to cause mischief and everyone worked hard to loosen the soil.

But digging soil is physical work, and for the little wizards who have never been exposed to this kind of work, it can be called torture. By the end of get out of class, they left the greenhouse covered in sweat.

Rolf did not leave, but took the initiative to stay and help Professor Sprout clean the greenhouse.

Seeing that Rolf hadn't left, Neville also stayed to help.

Hermione, carrying a heavy schoolbag, followed the Gryffindor students hesitantly, but skipped back after a while.

"I left something behind!"

She poked her furry little head, like an old hen pecking at food, and pretended to lower her head to search, and soon joined the cleaning team.

Then Rolf had to think that the "thing" she left behind was probably him and Neville.

In fact, there is no place to clean. In addition to returning the shovel and wooden sticks, the biggest task is to check whether the rhizomes of the pitcher plants are injured.

This was the first time that Professor Sprout met a young wizard who was willing to stay and help after class, which made her somewhat gratified and touched.

Professor Sprout looked up at the blond boy and asked with a smile: "Rolph, how is your grandfather Mr. Scamander doing?"

"It's good. He discovered the cat fox, which was long thought to be extinct, deep in the Albanian forest." While inspecting the pitcher plants, Roof raised his head and said:

"He is busy all day now helping this ethnic group to multiply and grow."

"As expected of Mr. Scamander!" Professor Sprout said with admiration, showing the look of an older schoolgirl admiring her senior fellow student:

"I always thought he was the greatest magizoologist in the world."

"My grandfather will not admit this statement, professor." Luo Fe took out a wooden stick stuck in the pitcher plant cylinder and grinned:

"He'll tell you...he just did a little bit of work."

"Mr. Scamander is always so humble, but this is precisely the most outstanding quality of our Hufflepuffs!" Professor Sprout exclaimed:

"Although sir was expelled back then, in my heart, this was not his loss, but Hufflepuff House's loss!"

Professor Sprout was probably a professional Newt player. Rolf blushed a little when he heard this. Is this the same autistic and taciturn old man he saw every day, who liked to tell cold jokes and always had some wonderful metaphors?

Professor Sprout walked to a pitcher plant, looked down, and found that the juice inside was gone. She whispered:

"Which guy took it away? It couldn't have been done by our Hufflepuff students, right? It's impossible. My students are all honest and loyal, and they couldn't do such a thing..."


Hermione and Neville, who were picking up sticks on the side, glanced at Rolf. Hermione tried hard to hold back her laughter. She opened her mouth and said silently:

"Professor Sprout means that you are dishonest..."

Luo Fu rolled his eyes at her and quickly changed the subject: "Professor, what just happened outside? I see you ran out?"

Professor Sprout became a little annoyed when she mentioned this matter. She said irritably: "Recently, a group of quails always appear in the Forbidden Forest, harassing my greenhouse and stealing some herbs!"

"It couldn't have been raised by Hagrid, right?" Rolf doubted.

"I thought so at first, but when I asked Hagrid, he said he didn't raise any, and he didn't know why." Professor Sprout shook his head and said, "Those group of quails probably ran out of the depths of the Forbidden Forest.


The witch obviously hates the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest. After all, they threaten her cute herbs. Professor Sprout insists that Hogwarts should build a wall to isolate it from the Forbidden Forest.

Luo Fu thought thoughtfully, he had never seen such an arrogant Yu, so he could lure him into his box.

"By the way, I see that your rock lovegrass seems to have withered a lot?"

"Since the summer vacation, those rock lovegrasses have been infected with anthrax wilt disease. I have tried various methods but can't kill them." Professor Sprout looked sad.

Lovewort is a perennial herbal magic plant native to Greece. It can be used to treat wounds and heal. The effect is somewhat better than that of white fresh grass. It is very precious.

Sprout paused for a moment and sighed: "Professor Snape is not an expert in herbal medicine, and I haven't found a good way yet. If we still can't find a treatment, these rock lovegrasses may all die."

Plant diseases are like this. When severe, they can easily lead to the extinction of a certain species.

Just like bananas, a few decades ago, the banana variety eaten all over the world was basically the banana variety called Big Mac, not the Chinese banana now.

Big Mac bananas are much larger than Chinese bananas, and taste sweeter and more delicious. However, due to the infection of Fusarium oxysporum, Big Mac bananas have basically disappeared since then.

"Professor Sprout, I actually have a way to treat rock lovegrass." Luo Fu chuckled and said, "This plant disease first appeared in Central Asia and then spread to Europe."

"The people over there started researching solutions a long time ago. My grandfather and I discovered a magic potion made from Hokrapu juice, which can be used to kill this germ."

Hermione, who was listening to the conversation between the two not far away, raised her eyebrows. She remembered that she and Rolf had argued about the purpose of Hawklap on the train!

"Has it been verified?" Professor Sprout asked hurriedly.

"Yes, we have also submitted a paper to the International Journal of Wizarding and Potionage, but it is still in the review stage. You know, for top journals like this, review is very slow." Luo Fe laughed.

"I can make some for you recently. Would you like to try it first?"

"Okay!" Professor Sprout folded his sleeves and asked with a rich smile: "Do you have enough raw materials? If you are short of anything, you can get it from me. If nothing else, there are plenty of herbs!"

"There is no need for the herbs, but I am short of some seeds, Professor." After going around in circles, Luo Fu finally revealed the true purpose of his trip.

"I'd like some herbal seeds, is that okay?"

"No problem, tell me which seeds and I will get them for you."

Professor Sprout thought there were only a few seeds, maybe a dozen at most, but little did he know that Rolf took out a piece of parchment fifteen or six inches long from his arms.


Luofu handed over the A3-sized parchment. Even though it was filled with densely packed names, he actually collected many seeds when he was in Romania.

What Rolf needs are some seeds that are difficult to buy outside. After all, the Ministry of Magic requires approval procedures!

Professor Sprout looked at the list on the parchment, drew it with his wand, and said: "Some of them can't be given to you, just like the devil's net, which is too dangerous for you."

Well...Rolf collected devil's nets, and they were indeed used for fighting.

He can spawn and control plants, but ordinary vines are too weak to attack. There is no devil's net, and the Whomping Willow is more powerful.

But it doesn't matter. Luofu remembers that there is a devil's net in the restricted area on the fourth floor. If he goes there one day, wouldn't it be all there?

After finishing cleaning the greenhouse, several people said goodbye to Professor Sprout and walked towards the auditorium.

"What do you want the seeds for?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Many herbs can cure magical animals. It's too expensive to buy them yourself, so it's better to grow them yourself." Luo Fu explained.

For example, Lycopodium cylindrica can treat bacillary dysentery and acute enteritis; Shiwei can treat acute and chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, etc.; Dryopteris spp. and many of its close relatives can treat liver leech disease, etc...

If he kept going to the store to buy finished herbal medicines, Luofu's small fortune couldn't afford it, so he had to learn from Professor Sprout and build a greenhouse by himself to cultivate herbal medicines.

"Then where are you planting?" Hermione glanced at him suspiciously. She had been curious about this question for a long time.

It couldn't be planted in his precious little suitcase, right?

Rolf did not answer, but looked at the round-faced boy and asked: "What's the matter, Neville?"

Neville hesitated to speak and stammered: "Rolph, can you give me some seeds?"

"What do you want the seeds for?" Hermione asked in surprise.

Neville blushed a little, murmured for a while, and finally scratched his hair and said: "I like those magical plants very much, and I just want to... I just want to plant them in my yard in the future, so that I can see them every day."

"Of course!" Rolf patted Neville on the shoulder and encouraged: "If you like herbs, just plant them. It's a good thing to be interested.

But the seeds won’t last long, and you don’t have anywhere to plant them now. I’ll ask an owl to give them to you when you come home for Christmas.”

"That's great." Neville said gratefully.

"So, Neville has no place to farm, but you have room?!" Hermione came up to Rolf, looked into his eyes and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Luo Fu smiled and said mysteriously: "You will know later."

"Humph, forget it if you don't tell me, I don't want to hear it yet!"

When walking up the steps of the auditorium, Hermione stamped her feet several times and glared at Rolf. This glare was just a habitual gesture and had no lethality at all.

"I'm going to find Shirley! I'll never talk to you two again!!"

She waved her hands like a big white goose, fluttering, running up the stairs, and soon disappeared.

Rolf sighed.

This little girl...

This chapter has been completed!
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