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Chapter 86: The worlds number one Rolf blows!

After the herbal medicine class, a group of students were admitted to the school hospital due to bee and billywig bites.

In addition to the Herbology class, in Snape's Potions class, the twins threw large dung eggs into the cauldron of the Slytherin students next door, causing several people to be injured by potions.

There is also a transfiguration class, where a student turned his arm into a chicken paw, but could not change it back...

It was only the first day of school, and as if everyone had made an appointment, they tried their best to cause a teaching accident, so that in the end more than twenty students were sent to the school hospital.

Malfoy, who was lying in the school hospital, was happy.

He was originally lonely and cold, but he didn't expect to welcome Potter, whom he had longed for... I have to say it was an unexpected surprise.

He originally wanted to leave the hospital tonight, but now that he has a bed partner, he doesn't want to leave. After all, sleeping in the Slytherin lounge is not as fun as sleeping here?

Malfoy planned to sneak up on Potter in the middle of the night and give him a surprise.

Madam Pomfrey was very unhappy, and she kept using words like "incompetent" on her lips, but she didn't know who she was talking about.

But again, it’s just a teaching accident, it’s not like a student died, so there’s nothing worth making a fuss about.

At least in Sirius' eyes, this is not a big deal.

On Tuesday morning, on the way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Sirius met a group of Hufflepuff students and joked:

"Students of your generation are still too delicate. When I was in school, it was common for students to get injured. In the most serious case, more than a hundred people were hospitalized, and even the Minister of Magic was alarmed..."

"More than a hundred people?" Hannah stared at Sirius with pale and frightened eyes: "Did Death Eaters break into Hogwarts?"

"That's not true." Sirius raised a slight smile and said, "That day was the Quidditch final, Gryffindor beat Slytherin."

"The fouls on both sides were too serious. Six players were shoveled off their brooms and four had their legs broken.

The two sides finally got into a real fight, causing students from the two colleges to fight, injuring more than a hundred people. Afterwards, even Professor McGonagall was so angry that she was hospitalized."

"Professor Black, who won the final game?" Susan asked curiously.

"Slytherin won." Sirius shrugged and smiled: "Of course, Gryffindor won back the next year."

James was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team at the time. His leg was broken in the final, resulting in the final loss of the game.

But it was after that game that Lily changed her mind about James for the first time, and went to visit him in the school hospital. Then in seventh grade...the two started dating.

It can only be said that although James lost the game, he won his life.

Sirius described the scene that year with great interest, and the students also listened with interest.

They soon arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

At this time, a group of Ravenclaw students stood at the door of the classroom. Peeves blocked the door, preventing them from entering the room.

Peeves was seen holding big dung eggs, dropping them from the ceiling and exploding above everyone's heads.

The little wizards around were screaming and pushing each other, trying to leave this place of right and wrong as quickly as possible.

"Peeves, are you so bold that you even dare to cause trouble in my class?" Sirius asked.

Peeves was so startled that he almost fell from the air. He steadied himself in time and hovered two meters above the ground.

"Hey, it's Sirius Black. I almost didn't recognize you. The ghosts of Gryffindor said you were back, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Well, long time no see, Peeves, you still like to play pranks so much."

"Hehe~ This is my job." Peeves grinned and said with a bad smile:

"When will you return to your old career? After you bad guys graduated, no one would play pranks with me, and I was bored for several years... Now only Wes and the twins are interesting."

The students all looked at Sirius in horror. They didn't expect that he was actually the same person?

Sirius showed a nostalgic smile, shook his head and said:

"Sorry, I am a professor now and will no longer participate in such boring tricks. Now get out of the way, I have to go to class."

"A boring trick?! You actually said that Peeves' great career was a boring trick?"

Peeves' eyes widened, and he suddenly became angry and shouted:

"Black, you have forgotten your original intention and started collaborating with the despicable professors."

Peeves seemed very disappointed and kept throwing all the prank weapons on his body towards the ground.

Professor Sirius sighed, took out his wand, turned to the students and said:

"I have nine ways to deal with Peeves. Now I will teach you the first one, a small spell... Take note of it. This is the first lesson I teach you.

If anyone is afraid of Peeves again, let’s not call him my student.”

Sirius raised his wand and said: "Kaio Turava!"

Peeves suddenly swelled up, and his body instantly became round, as if full of gas.

Then, there was a loud bang, and his whole body shriveled up like a popped balloon.

Under the influence of the airflow, Peeves flew out, spinning rapidly in the air, like a top. He hit the wall hard, bounced and fell to the ground, bounced up again, and landed again... over and over again.

After Peeves hit him more than ten times in a row, he ran away in a panic, yelling a lot of curses and curses.

The students all applauded.

"How wonderful, Professor Black!" Justin whispered.

Sirius nodded gracefully in thanks, smiled and said, "Let's go, it's time to enter the classroom."

In the crowd, Luofu was treating the wound of a yellow bird with a broken wing. When his hand touched the opponent's wing, the wound disappeared instantly like ice and snow melting.

Luo Fu let go of his hand, but the oriole did not flap its wings and fly away. Instead, it stopped on the young man's shoulder, chirping sweetly and sweetly.

Shirley took some food from her pocket and fed it to the little bird that refused to leave. She whispered:

"The new professor seems much more reliable than the previous two Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Of course." Rolf said with a smile: "Sirius learned the Animagus in the fifth grade, and he is a genius after all. Quirrell How can Lockhart compare to him."

Shirley suddenly wondered: "If he and Professor Snape really fight, who will win?"

Luofu really thought about it carefully and said:

"If we really take action, I'm still more optimistic about Professor Snape.

When they graduated, the two might still be about the same strength, but Sirius spent twelve years in Azkaban, and the gap gradually widened."

One is locked up in prison and is tortured by dementors, but his strength will still decline; the other has been studying magic at Hogwarts for more than ten years, and his strength has steadily increased...

Even if they were comparable back then, they are not the same now. This is an irrefutable reality.

Shirley was convinced. She thought about it and suddenly said:

"But if there was a fight, Snape and Professor Black combined wouldn't be able to beat you."

"Shirley, that's it, you've gone too far." Luo Fu couldn't help laughing and said, "If it were someone else, I would even think it was a curse."

The girl with the ponytail tilted her head, stared at the boy's handsome face, and said seriously: "But I really think so."

Rolf tilted his head slightly, with a smile on his lips. Shirley had the potential to become the "number one Rolf player in the world."

After the students lined up to enter the classroom, they suddenly found that this familiar classroom had become very different, and all the desks had disappeared.

Sirius, who had just been thought by Shirley that "Snape alone could not beat Rolf", now looked down upon the group of young wizards in front of him. He said seriously:

"I have seen your teaching progress in the past two years, and I must say... it sucks, it sucks, it sucks, it sucks."

"But it's not your fault, it's the two idiots who delayed you for two years and made your Defense Against the Dark Arts class stagnant for too long."

A group of third-year students can't even do the most basic disarming spell... can you believe it?

If Snape hadn't helped with the teaching and taught many useful things, Sirius wouldn't have dared to think how weak the current group of young wizards would be.

Sirius believed that if the top ten wizards in their year were summoned to fight, even if the students of this year united, they would be able to completely defeat them.

Of course, the prerequisite is to remove Rolf...a monster who can kill werewolves at the age of thirteen is certainly not included in the reference range.

"Although your situation is very bad, you still have a chance to make up for it." Sirius looked around and said loudly:

"Today is a practical class, or in other words, for the next year, you will only have practical classes."

“The best way to learn something is to practice it, whether it’s Defense Against the Dark Arts or anything else, the principle is the same.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts, what you need next is not a quill, but a wand."

(Thanks to "Give me a bottle of wine and give me a cigarette" for the tip)

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