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Chapter 90: Sirius is the most powerful person

Bezoar, also called bezoar, is a stone taken from the stomach of a cow and has a strong detoxifying effect.

There is a similar universal antidote in the magical world, which is the tears of the phoenix.

Of course, the effect of bezoar cannot be compared with Phoenix Tears, but it can be regarded as a cheap substitute for civilians.

Therefore, when Snape asked Rolf to take the potion brewed by Hannah, he cleverly asked Shirley to add bezoar to it to offset the negative buff in advance.

Rolf decided to take the potions class with him in the future, otherwise he would be asked to take Neville and Hannah's potions every time... It was really scary.

That's not a Potions class, it's a Poisons class!

Soon Saturday came, and Hufflepuff ushered in the Quidditch tryouts for this school year.

After the graduation of old captain Truman, the team has many vacant positions and needs to add some fresh blood.

As the new captain, Cedric organized the selection of young wizards early in the morning, and the old team members also had to participate in the selection to show fairness and justice.

But again, don't use your interests to challenge other people's careers...unless it's for sex.

Although the players on the college team cannot be considered professionals, they have been training and playing games for many years, and their strength is several levels higher than that of ordinary students.

Not to mention someone of Rove's level. To use Charlie's words, he is more than good enough to play professionally now.

Although this statement is suspected of being a commercial blow, it is undeniable that Rove's skills are indeed very good.

He can't be called an offensive kaleidoscope, but he has very solid elbow skills. He can skillfully control the ball with both hands, has sharp breakthroughs, and when shooting... he can even volley with precision and power.

Luofu's playing skills left a deep impression on the students who participated in the selection, especially the female students.

After going through the formalities, the boy helped Cedric organize students to conduct test flights.

But those female students participating in the selection were not focused on Quidditch at all. When they saw Rove, they deliberately bumped into him, which looked like a collision.

There was also a witch who pretended to fall off her broom and Rolf had to save her.

Once the first person shows up, the other girls will imitate her and follow her "diving", pure Lin Daiyu in the competition.

After rescuing a dozen witches, Rolf couldn't stand their entanglement any longer, so he rode his broom back to the Hufflepuff Stand, where he unexpectedly saw Sirius.

Sirius was chatting with Neville, giving him psychological counseling and helping him recover from Snape's torture.

Luofu walked over and asked softly: "Sirius, why are you here?"

"Help Gryffindor spy on the military situation and see the selection situation in your college." Sirius leaned back and said with a smile:

"But after watching for a long time, I only saw you there attracting bees and butterflies, cuddling with a group of witches."

"Don't talk nonsense." Luofu sat on the chair and said with a smile: "Sirius, it's really immoral for you to slander an honest man like this. Don't talk nonsense in the future, it will be bad if others hear you."

"Who are you afraid of hearing?" Sirius said with a bad smile: "Rolf, do you have a girl you like? Who is it? Tell me quickly and let me laugh!"

Luo Fu narrowed his eyes with a smile, shook his head and said, "No."

Sirius looked unbelieving. He saw it clearly every day in class, and he was just short of being paid to pursue CP.

He pointed at the young man and said with a smile: "Not honest at all."

"Sirius, do you have someone you like?" Rolf asked back:

"You are at this age, why are you still a bachelor? Do you have too high expectations? Don't worry now, you will regret it later. Look at others, they are so much younger than you... They have three children..."

Sirius was stunned.

Luo Fu's set of quotations for urging marriage almost made him depressed. He never thought that even though his parents were dead, he could still be urged to get married.

In fact, it's no wonder that Sirius is the only one who seems to have the attributes of the evil star in this year's class.

Sirius, Lupine, Peter, Snape, Barty Crouch Jr.... are all single.

You can live a few more years without getting married. As long as you get married, people will disappear soon. Look at James, Neville's parents, and Lupin in the future.

This "curse" is comparable to Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

As for who did it, it was probably a single person who couldn't get enough of it.

"Okay, let's not mention this matter." Sirius changed the subject and said: "I have good news and bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?"

Luofu raised his eyebrows and said, "Bad news."

"I bought the latest model of Nimbus 2010 for the Gryffindor Quidditch team." Sirius beamed with pride and said proudly: "Gryffindor has new equipment this year...it will definitely win the championship."

This is indeed not good news, and Rove did not expect that since Malfoy last year, both colleges have started a big money-making model.

"What about the good news?"

"The good news is..." Sirius smiled: "I ordered a Firebolt for you."

Luofu shook his head and refused: "No need, Firebolts are too expensive, I have my own broomstick."

"You don't have to be polite to me, Rolf." Sirius laughed heartily, put his arm around the boy's shoulders and said:

"I will never be able to spend all the gold of the Black family in my lifetime. Just tell me what you want and I will buy it for you."

"..." Well, Sirius is really a millionaire.

Why isn't he a "little Tianniang star"? If she were a rich woman, Luo Fu would have to accept everything Luo Fu said.

"Speaking of which, I really have something to ask you." Luof thought for a while and suddenly said: "Do you know the Marauder's Map?"

Sirius was stunned. He didn't expect that Rolf would mention this name. He nodded and said:

"Of course I know, that's the map James and I made."

The Marauder's Map is a magical map that shows all the information about Hogwarts.

It not only shows the user every classroom, corridor and corner in the castle, but also the hidden secret passages and the locations of everyone.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Sirius raised his chin and thought: "That map should be in Filch's office."

When they left school that year, they deliberately let Filch take it away as a gift for future students.

Rolf shook his head and said: "It is no longer at Filch's place, it was taken away by someone else."

"Who took it?"

"Wes comes twins."

"I thought it must be them." Sirius laughed and said: "The pranks they played are really like our style back then."

The twins took away the Marauder's Map, and there was no way that Rolf would ask them for it, after all, it wasn't his thing.

But the Marauder's Map is very useful. It can correctly identify every person, regardless of whether the person is an Animagus, whether he has taken polyjuice potion, whether he has used an invisibility cloak... the name will be displayed on the map.

"Sirius, I want you to help me make another Marauder's Map." Rolf stated his purpose.

"If Peter shows up on the map, we can find him immediately."

Sirius suddenly said: "It is indeed a good idea."

"I'll give it a try, but this map was made by the four of us back then, and now I'm the only one... It might take some effort."

"It's okay, you are only responsible for the guidance. I will find someone to make the specific map."

Rolf was sitting in the stands. He looked at Shirley and Hermione appearing in the distance and said with a smile, "I also have good friends who can help."

At this moment, Sirius was silent.

I just miss my friends a little bit.

Sirius shook his head to dissipate his sadness. He suddenly turned his head, pointed at Shirley and Hermione, and grinned:

"Rolf, who do you like?"

Luo Fu rolled his eyes and said: "Get lost."

This chapter has been completed!
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