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Chapter 114: The Agreement between Rolf and Shirley

The injuries on Airwing Bird were far more serious than Luof thought:

It was covered in dried blood, with wounds from its head to its abdomen, and the whole thing was almost split in half by a heavy blow from top to bottom.

"The muscles are necrotic and the wounds are gangrenous. Even the maggots are unwilling to come near the affected area." Nymeria sighed softly: "I sucked it with leeches, but all the leeches died..."

Rolf peeled off the herbs Nymeria had applied, looked at the blackened wound, and frowned:

"There is black magic on it that is preventing the wound from healing. The rotten flesh must be cut off first."

Luofu stretched out his hand, and without his reminding, the girl with the ponytail had already taken out a bottle of purple potion from the box and handed it over.

It was an anesthetic potion made from Psychedelic Solitaire and Qingcao. It was extremely potent. If given to a wizard, it would most likely cause memory loss, but magical creatures like the Airwing Bird were just fine.

Shirley moistened a soft cloth stained with herbs with alcohol, wiped the wound of Airwing Bird, then took a needle as thick as her arm and pricked it near the wound of Airwing Bird.

The Airwing struggled to break away, grinning, but Nymeria hugged it tightly and murmured comforting words, finally calming the Airwing down.

In less than thirty seconds, the air-winged bird was paralyzed and fell to the ground. Only its eyes were still open, its sapphire-like beads stared straight into the sky, and its tongue was crooked, giving people a feeling of hopelessness.

déjà vu.

Luofu took out a sterilized scalpel, passed the blade across the airwing bird's wound, and cut hard.

The abscess ruptures and oozes yellow, turbid pus, like rancid milk.

He continued to dig downward, and soon blood and pus gushed out. The blood flowed on the ground, and the hot blood steamed hazy in the cold air, like a flame.

Rolf cut open the carrion, and the dragonhide gloves were soaked in bright red. Seeing Nymeria's worried face, he comforted her: "Seeing blood is a good thing."

When Shirley dipped the Airwing with pieces of soft gauze boiled in the potion, squeezed it, and wiped away all the pus, the bucket of clear water had turned into a muddy soup that would frighten any normal person at a glance.

Luofu applied a light green ointment to Airwing Bird's wound, then wrapped it with a bandage, and then said softly:

"That's it for tonight. The follow-up is still very troublesome. I will take Airwing back to Hogwarts for treatment slowly.

Nymeria...as a deal, you need to divine for me where the wizard who rescued Peter is."

Nymeria nodded. She quickly lit the bonfire and threw in the sage and fragrant mallow. A rich grassy scent instantly emitted from the flames.

Rolf and Shirley stood nearby, watching Nymeria dance.

Luofu still stared at the flames without blinking for a long time, until his eyes were dry and tired, and he could not see anything from the flames.

It seems that he really has no talent for divination.

Of course, after 100% taming Nymeria, you can get her prophecy talent.

However, it would be very difficult to ride such a strong Ocean horse, let alone completely tame it, to gallop on it.

"Are we going back to Hogwarts tonight?" Shirley asked softly.

"Looking at Nymeria's condition, it won't be over in a short time. She won't go back to school tonight." Rolf sighed and said with concern:

"Are you sleepy? If you are, go to bed early. There is a bed in the black box. You can go there and sleep for the night."

"I'm not sleepy at all!" Shirley wrapped her fingers around her slender ponytail. She blinked and said softly:

"Rolf, I want to see the night view of the Forbidden Forest. Can you...can you accompany me?"

"Okay." Luofu nodded.

The two of them returned along the original path one after the other. After walking for more than ten minutes, they walked out of the cave and stood on an open platform, looking into the distance.

Above the head is the bright starry sky, so clean and beautiful that it can make the heart of anyone who is so busy that they forget to look up feel trembling.

The brilliance of the stars shines on the mountains, dotted with gray-green forests, and further away are the snow-covered mountains, and occasionally the cry of a snow owl can be heard.

Shirley was mesmerized by the sight. She looked at the starry sky and murmured softly: "It's so beautiful."

From the corner of his eye, Luofu looked at the ponytail girl's smile, nodded and said, "It is indeed beautiful."

Shirley turned to look at Luo Fu, with a bright smile and said: "Luo Fu, have you ever seen a more beautiful scenery than here?"

"Of course." Luof thought seriously and smiled: "Climb to the top of Khufu's Pyramid and overlook the ancient Egyptian buildings and the Nile River under the bright starry sky;

Standing on the statue of Christ on the top of Corvado Mountain, overlooking the world of mortals;

Lying on the ancient dome of Sophia Cathedral, gazing at Constantinople..."

"Have you been to all of these places?" Shirley looked surprised.

"I haven't been to all of them." Luo Fu shook his head and said, "But I heard my grandma describe it. She once accompanied my grandpa to see those scenery.

I will definitely see all those beautiful scenery one day.”

The girl with the ponytail opened her hazy, watery eyes and said with envy: "It's really good."

The two stood on the top of the mountain and watched the scenery for half an hour. The temperature became colder and colder.

Luofu said softly: "Shirley, it's time for us to go back."

"Stay a little longer." Shirley's voice was as thin as silk, with a hint of coquettishness: "I want to watch the sunrise."

Luofu laughed, stretched out his fingers and scratched the bridge of the ponytail girl's nose, and said: "The sunrise is still several hours away, and you are so sleepy... Go to bed early and be obedient!"

Shirley held out two fingers and bargained: "Then hold on for another twenty minutes?"

Luofu shook his head in disapproval.

Shirley didn't give up, she retracted a slender white finger, still holding her index finger up, and said softly: "Ten minutes?"

Rolf continued to shake his head.

Shirley curled her index finger and said, "Five minutes?"

Luo Fu was stunned by this subtle movement. He couldn't help laughing, nodded and said:

"Okay, just five minutes, hurry up."

"Then let's go back." Shirley tilted her head slightly and said, "But I can't walk anymore."

Luo Fu smiled and knelt down and said, "Come, I will carry you."

Shirley lay contentedly on Rolf's back, and he carried her, who was not heavy, and slowly walked forward along the cave.

Shirley naughtily breathed into Rolf's ear, and then said in an inaudible voice:

"Rolf, when you go to see those scenery, can I go with you?"

Luofu hugged Shirley's tight thighs with both hands, and said in a gentle voice: "You are my little assistant. If you don't follow me, who will?"

The girl with the ponytail didn't say anything, she just hugged Luofu's neck tightly and lay on the boy's shoulder. She felt very warm.

The two quickly returned to the cave. Nymeria stood by the campfire, chanting softly in a strange tone, and the ruby ​​in her throat flickered brightly and dimly.

After seeing Rolf carrying Shirley on his back, Nymeria whispered:

"Scamander, the wizard who saved Peter Pettigrew...is dead."

(Happy New Year’s Eve and New Year to all my book friends!)

This chapter has been completed!
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