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Chapter 37 I learned from my dad in Hawaii!

When Professor Snape pulled out a sturdy broom-tailed porcupine from the shelf, Rove felt even hungrier.

Porcupine meat is delicate in texture, delicious in taste, and rich in calcium, phosphorus, minerals and other nutrients. It is known as animal ginseng. Whether it is steamed, boiled, fried or stewed... it is a rare and good ingredient!

"Scamander, what should you do if you want to remove the porcupine's quill?" Snape suddenly asked.

The little wizards looked at each other and instantly became energetic. Everyone had heard that Harry Potter was severely humiliated by Snape in the Potions class.

Scamander also offended Snape, so it was inevitable that he would be in trouble, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Luo Fu stood up and said calmly:

"Heat the water to 85°C and scald the burrs all over the porcupine's body against the direction of the burrs until the burrs can be easily pulled out without hurting the skin."

"After pulling out the thick and thin burrs with magic pliers, use the lantern grass wire from front to back to brush out the thorn roots and hairs of the broken thorns."

"Follow the script!" Snape snorted dissatisfiedly. He turned to glance at the little wizards and saw them standing there like the geese, and shouted:

"Why don't you write it down quickly! Do you know how to do it?!"

The sound of taking notes immediately rang out in the classroom. Snape walked to the podium and lowered his voice:

"Today, we are going to prepare a simple potion to treat boils. You need to be careful when brewing the potion. Improper preparation will cause the potion to cause boils instead of curing them."

"So, you need to pay special attention to the cooking steps, and don't let yourself spend this weekend..." Snape's thin lips twisted into a scary smile: "Spend it in the school hospital."

He waved his magic wand, and many words appeared on the originally blank blackboard:

Ingredients: Dried nettles, viper teeth, horned slugs, porcupine quills...

"The ingredients and preparation methods are on the blackboard, and everything you need is in the storage cabinet."

As Snape finished speaking, the door of the storage cabinet opened with a bang.

"But there are no porcupine quills in the storage cabinet. The porcupine quills have to be removed from the porcupine. I need an assistant to help me now..."

Snape tilted his head, his uneven teeth exposed, and grinned into a sinister smile: "Come on, our Mr. Scamander, can't you wait a little bit?"

Potter is just as stupid as his father, so he can be stumped by simple questions, but Scamander is barely good at it, so he has to teach him practical lessons!

To remove the quills from a porcupine, Snape gave Scamander a practical idea.

In the sight of everyone, Luofu slowly walked up to the podium and looked at the porcupine covered with thorns.

Removing the quills of a porcupine may sound as easy as removing the feathers of a chicken, but it's actually not that easy.

Porcupines are covered with arrow-like thorns from their back to their tails, especially the thorns on their buttocks, which are nearly half a meter long and covered with barbs.

If you are not an experienced hand, it is easy to prick your hand. Although it is not poisonous, it will be quite painful.

Of course, Rove is not an experienced veteran, and he has never even cleaned porcupine quills. He just buys finished products from the store, and he is the kind of person whose theory far outweighs his experience.

It's definitely not possible to do it directly.

But he didn't panic.

Glancing at the workbench, Rove turned around and started searching in the storage cabinet. Snape thought the boy was looking for dragon leather gloves and smiled proudly.

He has been hiding for a long time!

Rove quickly found a bottle of leech juice and puffer fish eyes in the storage cabinet. He poured it into a mixing bowl, took out a small bottle, deliberately covered the label, poured half the bottle of liquid, and threw the bottle into the trash can.

Mash, stir well, and pour into water.

Then put the porcupine into the hot water and boil over high heat for one minute.

The porcupine's body suddenly shrank in the boiling hot water, and its quills were ejected directly by the contracted muscles and hit the wall of the crucible.

After picking up the porcupine's quill, Rove put it on the workbench and said with a smile: "Professor Snape, it's done."

Snape frowned. This was a stripping technique he had never seen before. He quickly gouged out Rolf with a threatening look and said, "You didn't follow the steps mentioned before?"

"Professor, you criticized me for being too scripted, so I had no choice but to follow your suggestion and try some unconventional operations." Luo Fe looked aggrieved.

"For quibbles, five points will be deducted from Hufflepuff!"

Snape walked over, looked at the porcupine that had been completely stripped of its quills, and murmured in a low voice:

"Leech juice is an ingredient in shrinking potions. It can indeed shrink porcupines. Coupled with pufferfish eyes... it's a very clever idea!"

This is definitely not a British magical practice, it seems to be a custom in the United States.

"Scamander, who taught you this?!"

"I learned it from my dad in Hawaii," Roof said with a smile.

"What is the other material?" Snape only saw leech juice and puffer fish eyes. The label of the third bottle of liquid was covered by Rolf, so he didn't see it and was very curious.

"Professor, this is an old secret recipe passed down from generation to generation and cannot be revealed casually." Rove lowered his head and did not look at Snape to prevent him from using Legilimency.

Eye contact is very important for Legilimency, so the boy simply closed his eyes.

Snape was a little speechless. You could tell by looking through the trash can, but he couldn't go through the trash can in front of everyone because he couldn't afford to throw away that person!

What's more, he also has severe mysophobia...

The corners of Rove's lips curled up. He had taken advantage of Snape's curious mind, so he deliberately covered the label and threw it into the trash can.

As for the purpose...

Snape coughed hard, and finally said with a straight face and an impatient expression: "Five points for Hufflepuff!"

All the students stared at the podium in shock. Merlin, Professor Snape actually gave extra points to students from other houses!

It's almost like Snape wearing women's clothes, unbelievable.

"Professor, I really can't..."

"Add ten points!"

Luo Fei gave it up as soon as it was good, he grinned and said:

"It's onions, professor, I added onion juice..."


After getting the answer, Snape was satisfied. He immediately changed his face at the speed of light, waved his hand in disgust, and drove Scamander away.

Snape suddenly remembered that Hogwarts had not held a Wizarding School Potions Championship for a long time.

This will happen if we don't communicate with other magic schools and work behind closed doors for a long time.

Everyone took away the materials needed for the potion and began to divide into groups.

Neville wanted to be with Rolf, but unfortunately Professor Snape came over again dragging his robe. He sneered:

"I think, Longbottom, you can team up with Hannah Abbott! Let's see what sparks can come out of these two idiots together."

Without Neville, Rolf was in a group with Shirley. He had brewed a potion to cure boils and had no shortage of opportunities to practice, so he didn't do much and planned to let Shirley finish it alone.

But Shirley is very talented in transfiguration, but not very good at potions.

The girl worked hurriedly for a long time, not only her face turned into a big flower due to the smoke, but she also brewed a large crucible of green liquid.

Shirley frowned and stared at the crucible, feeling that this was much more difficult than transfiguration.

Upon seeing this, Luofu had no choice but to take the porcupine quill and help her brew it again. With such skillful movements, the color of the entire potion quickly became normal.

Rich ingredients, old soup as the base, a lot of spices, and control of the heat are equally important. After cooking, everything will shine...

From a certain perspective, brewing magic potion is very similar to hot pot.

Shirley glanced at Luo Fe quietly, and she noticed that when the boy was brewing the potion, he had a calm face, a focused expression, and his mind was immersed in it without any distractions.

The girl with the ponytail stuck out her tongue and wiped her face when the boy wasn't paying attention.

At this moment, there was a loud bang and the whole classroom seemed to be shaking.

Rolf reacted quickly, grabbed Shirley's arm, pulled her behind him, and hid next to the crucible.

The thin girl felt that her wrists were being tightened, and then she was pushed to the ground by Luofu.

It turned out that Neville and Hannah's cauldron exploded, and the potion in the pot spilled onto the ground and one side of the wall, burning many big holes.

Neville was covered in potions and scabies appeared on his face, but Hannah didn't have much to do because Neville finally stood in front of her.

"Idiot!" Snape roared as he walked over, waved his wand and wiped away the potion spilled on the ground.

Professor Snape had the intention to kill people, and he saw a large pool of potions flowing into his storage cupboard.

His baby is smoking!

This chapter has been completed!
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