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Chapter 129 Dumbledore urges marriage

Peter Pettigrew, who had lost his arm, fled in embarrassment with Voldemort, but Rolf did not pursue him.

On the one hand, don't chase after the poor criminals. The most important thing is...the magic power is under the manor. If he follows it, the power will be "cut off".

This is where the importance of mobile power comes into play.

If Luo Fu could refine the magic stone and charge himself with wave power every time he fights, how could he go nowhere in this vast magical world?!

Of course, we can only think about it. After all, alchemy is difficult, and refining the magic stone is even harder, at least not what Luo Fe can make now.

When Rolf was fighting Voldemort, he also discovered something. He consumed a lot of magic power, but it was far less than one percent of the stock.

Even so, Nicoyou felt it was not enough and was worried that all the magic power would be consumed before the elixir of life was taken.

It can be seen that the daily energy consumption of the entire manor is really terrible.

So here comes the question...where does the magic power required to operate Hogwarts Castle for thousands of years come from?

Hogwarts Castle has a strong magical magnetic field, various ancient defensive magics, constantly moving stairs and a magical Room of Requirement.

The energy consumption of this ancient school is not a small amount, but according to Dumbledore, no one has ever replenished the magic power.

It can only mean that Hogwarts has an unknown source of magic power.

Of course, this is not what Rove should be thinking about now. His top priority is... enjoying the remaining Christmas vacation.

Nico opened most of the rooms in the manor to him, and Rolf took Shirley to visit and play around every day.

The manor, which combines classical and Baroque architectural styles, has a complex internal structure, like a maze.

The living room, bedrooms and corridors are also filled with precious art collections.

The magic well containing the primordial soup to simulate the origin of life; Nico's seven golden coffins; the pool built with magic stones... are also places that must be visited.

The various alchemical items invented by Nico are also of special interest.

What Rolf likes most is a mirror, which can completely record all the dreams he has while sleeping.

His first reaction was to take this mirror and use it with the Spring Dream Spider.

The Spring Dream Spider is a strange magical creature. When people fall asleep, it will weave a small colorful web on the wizard's head, and people will enjoy the beautiful spring dream in their dreams.

Coupled with the mirror that records dreams, it can only be said to be too much punishment!

The day before school started, Rolf and Shirley reluctantly returned to Hogwarts, and the students who had taken the express train all day also returned to school.

In the Great Hall, Rolf was about to walk towards the Hufflepuff table when he was blocked by the menacing Hermione.

She ran to Luo Fu, grabbed his arm tightly, pulled him to the corner, and said in a low voice:

"You and Shirley went to Mr. Nico Flamel's house for the holidays?!"

"Yes." Luofu nodded and asked curiously: "How do you know?"

"I wrote to you and Shirley during the holidays, but the owl couldn't find you two. I was worried that something was wrong and I thought something had happened!" Hermione put her hands on her hips and hummed:

"I wrote to Professor McGonagall again. She said that you went to Mr. Flamel's manor."

Rolf was a little moved, looked at the angry Hermione, and said with a smile: "Sorry, I couldn't reply to you in time."

"Am I angry about this?" Hermione puffed up her cheeks and glared:

"You two went to Mr. Flamel's house and you didn't even call me!"

"You and your parents went skiing, and you weren't at Hogwarts." Rolf spread his hands and said helplessly:

"I can't write you a letter and ask you to go back to school quickly."

Rolf stayed at Hermione's house during the summer vacation and almost demolished the house. During the Christmas break, he received another letter asking him to leave...

Hermione's father could probably carry a knife and kill him from London to Hogwarts.

Even though she said that, Hermione still regretted it so much that she wouldn't have gone home if she had known it!

Looking at the girl who was stamping her feet in annoyance, Luo Fu couldn't laugh or cry:

"Hermione, I will call you next time... Shirley and I also brought you a gift, an alchemical item made by Nico."

Hearing what the young man said, Hermione felt a little better, but her eyes were still a bit resentful as she said:

"You two finally have some conscience."

Luofu smiled and said nothing.

"By the way, why did you remember to go there?" Hermione asked curiously again.

"Nico came to see me. He has something to do." Rolf lowered his voice and said, "Anyway, we met Peter Pettigrew."

"Peter?" Hermione asked with wide eyes, "Isn't he dead?"

"Yes." Luo Fu nodded and said, "So it's very complicated. I'll tell you the details tomorrow."

Halfway through what he said, Hermione's curiosity was aroused. If she didn't hear the whole story, she would definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

Rolf couldn't help but laugh and said: "The dinner is about to begin, how about you sit at the Hufflepuff table and I tell you slowly?"

"Okay." Hermione agreed, but when she raised her head, she saw a group of witches staring at her.

Hermione's face turned red and she was defeated first. She raised her fist and waved:

"Rolf, come to the auditorium early tomorrow."

Rolf walked to the Hufflepuff dining table and sat down on the chair. Then he saw Neville, Hannah and Susan gathered in front of a copy of the Daily Prophet, where they were ticking.

"What are you looking at?" he asked curiously: "Is there any news today?"

"Big news!" Hannah looked up and said mysteriously:

"Myron Wagtail, the lead singer of The Weird Sisters, suddenly announced today that he has a daughter."

Luo Fe was stunned and said: "When did Wagtel get married? Hasn't he always been single?"

"It's a hidden marriage." Susan sighed: "I have been his fan for ten years and have liked him for many years. I always thought he was single and I felt like a scumbag for no reason."

"Yes, my heart is broken." Hannah sighed.

Neville asked bluntly: "You have liked Wagtail since you were three years old?"

Hannah and Susan both rolled their eyes at Neville.

This news also received heated discussion among professors.

Dumbledore, sitting at the staff table, said softly:

"Even Wagtel has a daughter, so it's time for you to solve the problem of being single."

Everyone is slandering you, you are an old bachelor yourself, and you are urging others to get married.

"Professor Dumbledore, where have you been during this holiday?" Sirius asked curiously.

He left the school on the day the vacation began and did not come back until today. The professors were curious about the principal's movements.

"I went to Austria to meet an old friend."

The corners of Dumbledore's mouth were raised in a faint smile, and even his lenses were shining.

Everyone looked at each other, and it could be seen that Dumbledore was very happy.

They became even more curious about this old friend.

Combined with Dumbledore's remarks urging marriage, could that old friend be...


(Thanks to the boss "I just love to wade in Langshui" for the tip)

This chapter has been completed!
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