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Chapter 4 Miss Granger, don't you want everyone to know?

Since ancient times, wizards who can be called magical zoologists have been excellent veterinarians.

Just like a physicist, he must have a lot of mathematical knowledge; the fortune teller on the bridge must be good at applying film; the bath guy in the bathhouse must also be good at cupping...

Although the original owner of Rolf's body cannot be called a magizoologist, he was born in this kind of family. His ancestors have dealt with magical creatures. Naturally, he has been exposed to it and has a family background... He traveled through time and inherited the memory.


Therefore, Rove is really a veterinarian who can treat Leif's ADHD.

But Leif didn't think he was sick, especially when he heard that he was going to have an operation. He was so frightened that he quickly fell to the ground, crooked his paws, rolled his eyes, and stuck out his tongue to pretend to be dead.

But I was really greedy, and occasionally I popped out my tongue to roll up a freeze-dried one, and twitched my mouth slightly to swallow it secretly.

Seeing this funny scene, Shirley couldn't help laughing.

Hermione rolled her eyes, seeming to despise this "hard-nosed" gluttony.

Even Neville, the master, couldn't bear to look directly at him, it was really embarrassing.

At this moment, the sharp whistle sounded, and the Hogwarts Express vibrated, making a "dirty" trill, and slowly drove out of platform 9?.

Roff turned his head and looked out the car window. He saw the calm water of the Thames River flowing in the distance, with a light mist covering the river.

Against the backdrop of the sky, the towering Tower Bridge looks like the two masts of a ship, disappearing hastily into the rolling water.

The young man held the back of his head with both hands and looked up at the clear sky after the rain, which looked like it had been painted with a beautiful glaze color.

The few people admired the scenery for a long time, but did not wait for Malfoy to find trouble. Instead, they waited for the sales witch to arrive first. She pushed a cart full of food, opened the door of the compartment, and asked with a smile:

"Children, do you want to buy some food? The train will not stop at the platform and will arrive at Hogwarts very late."

Neville stood up, touched his pocket, and sat back down.

Facing everyone's gaze, he blushed and explained awkwardly: "I... didn't bring any money... my grandma was afraid that I would lose my wallet... so she didn't give me pocket money."


"Then how do you eat?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Grandma told me in the morning that the owl would bring lunch." Neville sighed, and now he only had a pitiful Knut in his body.

Hey, wait... Where is the bronze Nat he secretly hid in his pocket?!

Seeing Neville rummaging through his pockets, Rolf and the others exchanged glances... Mrs. Longbottom is really good at reading people!

"It's okay, Neville. Let's buy some snacks to fill our stomachs first. You don't have to pay." Rolf smiled at the three of them and said, "You can pick whatever you want. Don't be polite to me."

The young man waved his hand, as if he was proudly announcing: He will foot the bill today!

Hermione's mood immediately improved, she happily dropped her pen and book and jumped towards the sales witch's cart.

Since meeting Luo Fu, she has suffered several defeats and has not been able to regain her face. Since he is so generous and treats people, don't blame her for being evil!

Hermione, who was rattling her little abacus, picked through the cart and took a lot of snacks. After finishing the selection, she signaled with her eyes to Shirley, don't be polite and give him a good meal.

Shirley didn't get up, her slender ponytail swayed slightly, and she said softly: "No, I've brought food."

Rolf also picked a lot of snacks. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Hermione whispering to Shirley. He almost wanted to laugh. He suppressed his laughter and asked, "Have you chosen? Don't want to take more?"

"Ah...that's so embarrassing!" Seeing that Rolf was so polite, Hermione felt a little embarrassed, but she didn't hesitate in her hand movements and was 'forced' to help Shirley choose some pastries.

Satisfied, she sat on the chair and eagerly opened a pumpkin pie.

Rolf held a pile of snacks, tilted his head, looked at Hermione and said: "Now that you have got the things, just pay. What are you waiting for?"

The girl who had swallowed half of the pumpkin pie whole was completely confused: "Huh?"

"We made a bet before, could I find 9? The entrance to the platform... The bet was one Galleons, how could we forget it so quickly?"

Holding half of the vanilla magic wand in his mouth, Luo Fu showed a 'shocked' expression on his face:

"No, no, you don't want to default on your debt, do you? You don't have any gambling products?!"

Hermione almost choked on the pie, she glared angrily, "You big-headed idiot!"

"Then pay." Luo Fu sat on the bench, crossed his legs, and winked at her, as if to say:

Miss Granger, you don’t want everyone to know about your embarrassing incident outside the platform...

This undoubtedly hit Hermione's weakness, and she was defeated first, biting her lip and saying: "You are so cruel, Garlic!"

Neville was dumbfounded. Granger didn't seem to be easy to talk to, but he was so obedient in front of Rove...paying the bill when asked?

He is indeed the boss I like!

Hermione quickly took out a Galleons from her pocket, and the sales witch happily found seven copper Knuts: "Thank you for your patronage!"

I bought so much food, but it didn’t even cost one Galleung. The Wizarding World is truly a bargain. You know, according to the exchange rate, one Galleung is only about five pounds.

Shirley was struggling with her "food". The girl didn't lie. She did bring lunch, but it was said to be lunch, but it was actually just a few slices of meager bread, placed in a clean bamboo food box.

The bread was too hard, so she took a big gulp of water and swallowed it with difficulty. When she raised her head, she found the handsome boy looking at her.

Shirley was embarrassed for the first time. She hesitated for a moment, raised the bread in her hand, and said with a smile: "Would you like to eat it?"

After hearing this, Luofu was not polite. He took a piece of bread from the bamboo food box, chewed it carefully, and put a bunch of snacks on the ponytail girl's washed white jeans.

Shirley hurriedly caught the food and was about to refuse when Hermione gave her half of the snack.

She said angrily: "You're welcome, if you don't eat, someone will eat it all, so you can't give him any advantage!"

Hermione said, and glared at Rolf who was slowly opening the chocolate frog... It's all her money!

Shirley was a little at a loss, but she couldn't refuse anymore because her "lunch" was divided between Rove and Hermione.

Rolf ignored Hermione's vicious look. He glanced at his watch and asked, "What about you, Neville? It's already half past twelve. Your grandma won't forget to bring you food, right?"

Neville tried his best to stretch his neck and looked out the window, hoping to see an owl delivering "takeaway", but unfortunately he didn't even see any feathers.

He murmured, and finally scratched his hair and said, "It's really possible. Last time she went to the Dumbledore Research Society, she said she would bring me food, but she forgot about it in the end."

"Dumbledore Institute?" Hermione exclaimed and asked, "What is that?"

Shirley bit into the shiny pink coconut sorbet and pricked up her ears curiously.

"A society composed of old witches with an average age of seventy-five." Rove explained:

"They are all Professor Dumbledore's 'hardcore' female fans. My aunt Queenie is the president of the American branch. She is ninety years old."


"Come on, Neville, eat a chocolate frog." Rolf gave him some more snacks and said with a smile. "It's someone else's treat anyway. If you don't eat, you won't get it for free."

Hermione's face was stiff, and she took a hard bite of the bread Shirley brought. However, she obviously underestimated the hardness and hit her two front teeth. It was so painful that she almost shed tears.

I don't know who made a slight laugh. The girl immediately raised her head and began to stare at death, especially staring at Luofu, as if she would blow his head off if he dared to laugh.

Luofu pinched his thighs and tried not to laugh anymore... He couldn't laugh. If he laughed now, he would be dead!

He is a professional...no matter how funny he is, he will never laugh...probably...

This chapter has been completed!
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