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Chapter 170: About the little thing that my divination teacher is my great-great-granddaughter?

Professor Trelawney is an old liar most of the time, but occasionally she will open her third eye and enter the ZRO field.

Although Rolf has never actually met her, he still has a lot of patience and expectations for Trelawney because of Harry's prophecy.

Out of this consideration, Luofu spent a thousand galleons to buy the family heirloom left by her great-great-grandmother.

But he was obviously deceived. The so-called family heirloom was not a prophecy book, nor a magic book...but a wizard novel.

"Merlin and King Arthur's Fall"

"King Arthur and Morgan: The Sea of ​​Desire"

"Merlin Naked Night Battle with Twelve Knights of the Round Table"

Luo Fu flipped through it carefully, and found that almost all of them were series novels about King Arthur and Merlin, and the names sounded very unorthodox.

The most important thing is that the price of those books is marked at the end, and the total price is not even ten galleons.

And Professor Trelawney actually sold Rove a thousand galleons...this damn evil dealer!

Rolf really wanted to rush to Ravenclaw College now and arrest Cassandra, so that in the future, she would not have a deceitful great-great-granddaughter.

Hufflepuff was also flipping through those books. She quickly discovered the problem and couldn't help frowning:

"Rolf, it's not that simple. I have read the book "Merlin and the History of King Arthur"... Hey, why do you look at me like that?"

Seeing Rolf squinting at him with a strange look, Professor Hufflepuff straightened his face and said seriously:

"Don't get me wrong, I confiscated students' funds and looked at them with a critical eye!

The content described in the book is not as bad as you think... It is a book that exposes the corrupt and corrupt life of wizards in the era of King Arthur. It is the true history of early ancient Britain..."

Luo Fu twitched his lips and said that he watched romantic action movies in the island country to criticize the darkness at the bottom of society!

"Anyway..." Hufflepuff coughed and said:

"The books you brought are all sequels to Merlin and the History of King Arthur, but at this point in time, they haven't been written yet."

Haven't written it yet?

Luofu quickly checked and found that the most recent book was published more than ten years later.

Hufflepuff held those books and found them very interesting. She said with a smile from the corner of her eyes:

"Rolf, it seems that the real purpose of the person who asked you to bring the books is probably to let you give these books to someone...that person wants to read the follow-up content."


Luofu was speechless. Asking him to help deliver a few books across a thousand years... was quite a luxury.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems very reasonable. Luo Fu really wants to know the follow-up content of some new novels.

If he knew that someone could travel back from the future, he would also let the other person bring the finale, so that he could have a look in advance.

So, who could this person be?!

Luofu frowned, and he suddenly remembered the scene of his first meeting with Cassandra.

"In History of Magic class, I saw Cassandra secretly reading Merlin and the History of King Arthur.

And the person who asked me to deliver the book was her great-great-granddaughter..."

"Probably Cassandra left a portrait and told her great-great-granddaughter to give these books to you and ask you to bring them over." Professor Hufflepuff marveled and joked:

"Sending books across a thousand years has moved me...Rolf, that Professor Trelawney, isn't she also your great-great-granddaughter?"


"Don't you dare say such nonsense, Professor Hufflepuff." Rolf said helplessly: "Cassandra and I have only known each other for a few hours.

Besides, I have severe autism and social phobia... my hands shake when I say a few words to a girl."

"You gotta do it." Hufflepuff said with a smile:

"When Gryffindor was little, he liked to pretend to be depressed, and then he took the opportunity to seek comfort and wanted to touch Rowena's hand, but she gave him a severe beating.

When he pretended to be sad, he was just like you now."


Luo Fe curled his lips, he had made up his mind to stay away from Cassandra during this period, but he suddenly reacted and said in a quick voice:

"Professor, I used the time turner to go back to Halloween night...but only a few people knew about it, and Professor Trelawney was able to wait for me there exactly.

If Cassandra told her, who told Cassandra?"

Hufflepuff found it even more interesting. She looked at the boy and said with a smile: "It must be you in the future."

"That's right." Rolf nodded: "But why should I tell Cassandra the time and place?

I should want her to convey a message to me in the future, rather than simply sending a few books."

Luo Fu stood up, walked slowly for two steps, stood at the window and looked out the window, he peeled off the cocoon, and said slowly:

"This is the message I am conveying to myself. Take the book and find Cassandra. She can definitely help me...find the location of the Stone of Destiny!"

"Rolf, you are so smart."

Hufflepuff sat on the chair and she continued teasing:

"But you didn't let me deliver this kind of news, but you approached Cassandra and said there is nothing fishy about your relationship?"


Luo Fu sighed, an honest man like him was bullied everywhere.

"Professor, I'm going to Cassandra now."

Professor Hufflepuff glanced at the clock on the wall, shook his head, and said: "It's already curfew time, she should have gone back to the dormitory."

"It doesn't matter, just tell me Cassandra's dormitory number." Rolf said impatiently, "I'll go directly to her dormitory to find her."

Hufflepuff raised her eyebrows, raised the corners of her mouth, and said with a half-smile:

"Rolph, that's the girls' dormitory. Rowena and I cast magic so boys can't get in."

"But looking at how familiar you are, in your era, you went in a lot, right?"

Luo Fu's face was full of surprise, and he exclaimed: "Is there magic in the girls' dormitory, so boys are prohibited from entering? I really don't know about this... I have never been there."

Hufflepuff smiled and said: "Continue to pretend?"

Luofu laughed awkwardly, he had indeed been there once or twice accidentally.

But he only used the Shapeshifting Curse to invade the consciousness of animals and control them to enter... I have never gone in.

"However, Professor Hufflepuff, this rule of yours is already outdated for our time." Rolf said softly:

"I think your gender classification is too crude."

Hufflepuff raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Why do you assume our gender, right?" Rolf shrugged:

"In our time, there were ninety-seven genders."


"I have a friend who has self-identity disorder, is male, and identifies as female," Rove continued:

"Are we not allowed to go in under such special circumstances?"

Hufflepuff's eyes seemed to be filled with amusement, and he said with a half-smile:

"Is this friend of yours mentally gay and likes women?"

Luofu grinned and said, "Yes."


This chapter has been completed!
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