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Chapter 182 Mysterious Island

Gryffindor, one of the four giants, appeared in front of Rove. His first reaction was not as excited as when he saw Hufflepuff, but a little surprised...

Gryffindor was handsome, of course, but his appearance was somewhat similar to that of a friend that Rolf knew well.

Although not as exaggerated as the similarity between Ravenclaw and Helena, the subtle features of their eyebrows are still very similar, especially their ruby-like eyes and hair color.

But the two of them are obviously a thousand years apart!

Gryffindor also looked at Rolf. He stared for a moment and said proactively:

"You must be Rolf... When I returned to Hogwarts, I heard Helga talking about you. She was so proud in her words that all the students in my school combined were not as good as you!

I didn’t believe it at first, but when I rushed to the Kingdom of Nadia, I heard that you had sneaked into Legnac’s treasury, surrounded by a group of fire dragons, and almost killed him… You are really good!”

Gryffindor gently rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger. He looked at the boy and joked:

"A student as outstanding as you is not sorted into Gryffindor? It doesn't make sense. What is the Sorting Hat doing?"

After the man finished saying this, he laughed and strode over. He patted the young man on the shoulder and picked up the sword again.

The hilt of the sword was inlaid with jewels, shining brightly, and the moonlight reflected brightly on the shining sword.

Gryffindor waved his sword and boasted:

"What a great sword... When I found it, it had been broken into several pieces and the blade was badly damaged.

I thought it couldn't be repaired, but Legnac told me that a broken sword can be reforged!"

"Legnac wanted to keep this sword for himself." Rolf said softly: "He also specially made a fake sword to deceive me."

"Goblins can't restrain their greed. This is why the ancient wizards felt dissatisfied after creating them and created us again."

Gryffindor pursed his lips and smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, you two. I've already warned Legnut and they won't cause any trouble again."

"But Legnac will spread rumors that you stole his sword." Rolf reminded:

"This rumor will spread widely among the goblins. In our time, the goblins would still think so."

"Whatever they say, goblins are inherently hostile to wizards." Gryffindor didn't care. He put down his sword, sniffed and said:

"It smells so good. I've traveled all the way and I'm so hungry now... Can I have some of your venison?"

"Of course, we are all full, Professor." Cassandra said.

"Well, then I won't be polite to you two little guys."

Gryffindor was sitting by the campfire. A silver knife appeared in his hand and he cut a piece of leg meat from the deer. After tasting it, he praised the deliciousness and said with a smile:

"How can we have meat but no wine?"

Gryffindor took out a flat crystal flask from his waist. After opening the cap, the strong aroma of wine overflowed. He took a big sip in a leisurely manner and said:

"You two, come and have a taste too!"

Seeing Gryffindor's enthusiasm, Rolf couldn't refuse. He took the small wine bottle, raised his head and took a sip. There was a mellow feeling on the tip of his tongue. After entering his stomach, his internal organs felt even more comfortable.

Rolf took another sip before passing the wine bottle to Cassandra who was eager to try. The girl also took a big sip and her face turned red instantly.

"Does it taste good?" Gryffindor blinked and said:

"I went to Greece and drank all the way. I tasted more than a hundred kinds of wine, and this wine is still the best."

Cassandra took another sip and quickly asked: "Professor Gryffindor, where did you buy this wine?"

"I didn't buy it." Gryffindor said proudly:

"I got it from the mermaid tribe in the Mediterranean. Those mermaids are all masters of wine making.

They also raised a strange magical animal. As long as it is put into new brewing water, in just a few days, it will have a mellow taste that has been stored for several years."

"Wine bug?" Rolf asked.

"Rolf, you actually know about the wine worm?" Gryffindor said in surprise: "I also went to the mermaid tribe to know that there is such a magical creature."

"A friend told me." Luofu smiled and replied:

"Her name is Myrcella, she is a golden two-tailed mermaid, and she comes from the tribe you mentioned."

"You have a wide range of friends." Gryffindor tsked: "The mermaids in that tribe are all stunning... That friend of yours is also very beautiful, right?"

Luofu hummed, and suddenly remembered something. He inquired: "I met Myrcella when I was treating her... Professor, do you know about greyscale?"

"I know." Gryffindor tore off a piece of venison, threw it into his mouth, chewed it slowly, savored it, and said slowly:

"A bloodline curse that is only inherited from the maternal line in the golden two-tailed mermaid family."

Cassandra pricked up her ears and asked curiously: "Are there any symptoms of this curse?"

"All female mermaids will have gray scales appear on one part of their body when they are fifteen years old, and then they will spread around." Luo Fu explained.

"That's right." Gryffindor nodded: "The infected skin will harden, become cold, like stone, and eventually cover the whole body.

I went to the mermaid tribe this time and saw a lot of mermaids like this. They are worse off than dead."

Luofu hesitated and asked curiously: "Do you know the cause of this curse?"

"I have checked many ancient books and records, and also asked about some magical creatures with long lifespans... I have done a lot of research.

There is a saying..."

Gryffindor gently stirred the bonfire and added dead branches to the fire. The dead branches burned and cracked, making a crisp crackling sound.

"There is an island guarded by three mermaid siren sisters. The eldest sister of the three sisters, Parselope, fell in love with the ancient Greek wizard Odysseus."

"When Odysseus's ships left the island, Palserope followed them."

Gryffindor looked at the flames with bright eyes and said:

"The three siren sisters once swore to stay on the island forever to protect a treasure, but Palserope broke their oath and was cursed forever.

After Palselope died, the curse continued to her descendants, which is... greyscale!"

Luo Fu pondered for a moment and asked:

"Where is that island?"

"There have been many records in human history." Gryffindor said softly:

"Homer's epic says that Odysseus encountered the island in the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Italy."

Luofu thought for a moment and said, "That means it's in the Mediterranean?"

"No." Gryffindor shook his head and said:

"King Arthur was seriously injured in the Battle of the Fence. He was sent to the island of Avalon by his sister Morgan for treatment."

"Avalon is also called the Blessed Island, which is the island where Odysseus encountered. However, the record of its location in the document "Vita Merlin"...is located in the southwest of Greenland."

Luo Fe was a little stunned. There was a huge difference between the Mediterranean Sea and Greenland.

"Wizards from other regions have also recorded it." Gryffindor continued:

"Nordic wizards call it Valhalla, also called the Hall of Valor;

Wizards in the Middle East are called the Garden of Eden; classical records in East Asia say they are Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou. Ancient emperors once sent sorcerers to the islands to find the elixir of immortality... and so on, and there are many more."

Luo Fu had a dull look on his face, and finally said: "So, where is that island?"

"No fixed abode." Gryffindor said in an erratic voice:

"It is always floating in the vast sea. Occasionally, someone will land on the island, and when they come down again, it will disappear.

No one knows where it will end up!"

This chapter has been completed!
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