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Chapter 186 Death of Ravenclaw

Barrow woke up in a daze, feeling severe pain in the back of his head, as if someone had stepped on him hard.

He carefully raised his arm, gently touched his scalp with his hand, and racked his brains to remember how he got the injury. When he turned around, he caught a glimpse of Helena not far away.

The memory finally took shape again... Barrow remembered that he had just had a manic episode, killed Helena, and injured his own head!

"Helena...I don't want to kill you!"

Barrow looked extremely painful. He squatted on the ground, hooked his scalp with the fingers of his hands, and seemed to be smiling but not laughing, and crying but not crying. He looked like he was crazy.

Barrow suddenly picked up the dagger that killed Helena and stabbed him in the stomach. He soon fell to the ground, his body twitching, and bright blood gushes out of his chest.

Luofu's figure slowly emerged, looking at Barrow with a complicated expression. He did not expect that this man would really commit suicide.

He was also prepared to help Barrow look decent if he didn't commit suicide.

Of course, Rolf had no sympathy for Barrow, nor was he moved by his so-called love... He would kill someone who couldn't get his love. This kind of person is terrible.

Rolf kicked Barrow's body away and away from Helena. He squatted down again and helped Helena check her body.

Helena's body was still warm, but her heart had stopped beating and she was completely dead.

When Rolf saw Barrow killing Helena, he almost couldn't help but save her.

But he was still hopeless!

If Helena survives, Cassandra's prophecy will be fulfilled, but history will be completely changed.

In terms of the long river of history, it may only be a small stone thrown upstream, but the small ripples produced are enough to have a huge impact on the future of the downstream.

People or things that may appear in the future may disappear because of this, and many people and things that may not appear may also appear.

After all, the power of the butterfly effect is terrifying!

Rolf didn't want to use the time turner to go back a thousand years later, only to find that Sydney, Hermione, and even Dumbledore had disappeared.

This is also the reason why Luofu doesn't want to stay here any longer and wants to return to his own time as soon as possible. The longer he stays, the greater the butterfly effect will be.

As Dumbledore said, those who play with time will inevitably be bitten by time!

Rolf didn't want to end up like Peter.

Of course, although he couldn't save Helena at this moment, it didn't mean that he couldn't make a difference.

For example, this corpse in front of me.

Luofu lifted Helena up and gently took off her light blue satin robe, revealing a pair of breasts as delicate as peeled lychees.

Between the undulating peaks, there is a black wound, which was stabbed by a dagger!

"Helena, I'm here to save you too, so don't mind it." Luofu said softly: "Anyway, you will show me many times in the future!

Besides, if I’m to blame, it’s because Barrow was so tricky with his stabs!”

After reciting it silently several times, Luofu placed his palm on Helena's bulging wound and stroked it gently.

"Healing Hands!"

This magic comes from unicorns, and when you caress the wound carefully, it can speed up the healing of the wound.

The black wound, under Luofu's touch, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Rolf helped Helena put her clothes back on, then waved her wand and put her into a body bag.

He was going to take Helena back to Hogwarts to see what Professor Hufflepuff could do to preserve this fresh corpse until a thousand years later!

Rolf didn't know if this would be useful in resurrecting Helena in the future. Now he could only do his best to obey fate.

Rolf picked up the fake crown that he had prepared and threw it into the hollow tree. As expected, it would become Tom's Horcrux!

After doing all this, Rove did not leave immediately, but stood there and thought about what Barrow said:

Slytherin prepares to kill Ravenclaw!

According to records in the history of magic, Ravenclaw died of illness, which is what Barrow said to Helena.

But Helena once told Rolf that she had also heard another theory... Ravenclaw was killed by other wizards during a battle with others.

Is this rumor true and the murderer is Slytherin?!

Rolf hesitated on the spot, his mind kept thinking about Ravenclaw chatting with him by the death well, and finally caressing his forehead.

The boy was hesitant, but finally decided to go to the southwest corner of the forest that Barrow mentioned.

Luofu packed up his things, stood up from the ground, and after checking the direction with his wand, quickly flew towards the distance.

He had been flying for about an hour and was wondering if he was going in the wrong direction when he suddenly felt a violent earthquake.

Luofu flew high into the sky and looked into the distance without any obstruction of his vision.

He has the dynamic vision of a Hippogriff and can see things very far away.

More than a hundred miles away, in the flying dust, there was a huge magical creature with a vague outline. It seemed to be suffering great pain, roaring to the sky, and countless forest birds flapped their wings and flew away.

In an instant, countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and the magical creature disappeared into thin air.

Luofu looked up and saw a sea of ​​clouds rolling in the sky. At this moment, not only him, but all the Muggles and wizards in the Balkan Peninsula could not help but look towards the sky.

Thousands of miles of sea of ​​clouds rolled and drooped slowly.

This scene is like the sky falling to the earth!

Flashes of lightning and thunder continued to seep out from the bottom of the cloud sea, so much so that Luofu had to lower his flying altitude for fear of being hit by thunder.

In the distance, a golden light suddenly rose from the ground, pulling out an extremely long golden light reaching into the sky, illuminating the entire Balkan Peninsula like daylight.

Rolf was unable to open his eyes after being stabbed, and it took him a long time before he could adapt to the environment.

When he looked up again, there were no clouds in the sky, and there was only a vast, boundless ripple above his head, surging in all directions.

Luo Fu was like a group of fish at the bottom of the lake, looking up at the ripples on the mirror-like lake surface!

Soon, two more figures suddenly landed on the ground at the same time, as if two meteorites smashed into the ground!

The earth shook!

Rolf's face was filled with astonishment. Is this the battle between Ravenclaw and Slytherin?

It can be affected even hundreds of kilometers away!

But after this shock, the whole world became quiet, as if the battle was over.

Luofu's face turned pale and he immediately flew away into the distance. After a long time, he landed on the edge of a huge pit.

Here, all traces of trees and creatures have disappeared, leaving only a huge circular pit that goes from outside to inside, from white to gray, from gray to black, and from black to red.

The diameter of this huge pit is much larger than the range of Voldemort's self-destruction!

Luofu took off again and finally landed in the center. He searched for a long time and finally found the familiar figure.

Rowena Ravenclaw.

She lay quietly on the ground.

Like Helena Ravenclaw... dead.

(Thanks to the boss of "The Little Evil of Babel" for the tip.)

This chapter has been completed!
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