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Chapter 46: Let go of helping others and respect the fate of others

Several people quickly said goodbye to Hagrid and walked towards the castle. Rolf also politely declined Hagrid's invitation to go into the house and taste rock biscuits.

Hagrid's rock cakes can knock a unicorn unconscious when thrown out, and Fang won't even eat it.

As for Hagrid's warning, Rolf will certainly take it to heart, so if he goes to the Forbidden Forest, he will definitely bring enough magical creatures to protect himself.

The invisible beast Uduka, who has been pregnant for a long time, is finally giving birth, which makes Rolf very excited.

Before the birth of magical animals, the signs are obvious, including rhythmic abdominal pain and redness, which is caused by paroxysmal contractions of the uterus and the separation of the fetal membranes from the uterine wall.

In fact, the invisible beast stopped eating and drinking one day in advance and started looking for a safe shelter to use as a delivery room.

The biggest difficulty in delivering a baby to an invisible beast is that it will turn its body invisible if it senses the slightest danger.

After getting along with Uduka for a long time, Rolf gained its trust and was able to enter the delivery room. Shirley, for example, was not allowed to come near her at all. The strange smell on her body made the invisible beast uneasy.

Only Luo Fu completed the entire delivery process, and Shirley, the new assistant, was completely unable to help.

Rolf's job is to prevent the invisible beast from experiencing exhaustion, dystocia or heavy bleeding during childbirth.

When you are exhausted, you need to replenish your nutrition in time; when it is difficult to deliver, you need to use forceps or put a fetal head suction device on the fetal head to create a certain negative pressure area.

There are many causes of massive bleeding, including placenta previa, placental abruption, rupture of the vascular sinuses at the edge of the placenta, etc., which may cause this result.

Fortunately, the whole process was extremely smooth, and there was no problem of “keeping the family together or keeping the children small”, leaving it to Rove to choose.

After a lot of work, Luofu cut the umbilical cord short and fished out two female cubs.

They blinked their eyes, licked their mouths, stared at Rolf and howled heartily, in a posture of wanting to feed him.

As a male mother, of course Rolf would not refuse. He immediately placed the little invisible beast... under Uduka.

After cleaning up the entire room, Luofu checked it carefully before leaving with peace of mind. He checked the system and found that the task had been completed and he had obtained the magic of the invisible beast named [Shadowless Invisible].

His heart moved, and his whole person disappeared into the air.

Beside the stream, there stood a delicate girl with a ponytail, holding a handful of corn in her hand and feeding the ball escaping bird. A large ball escaping bird led a group of yellow fluffy birds, lowering their heads to peck at the food.

Shirley suddenly felt someone tapping her left shoulder. The girl turned her head, but didn't see anyone. Someone tapped her right shoulder again.

Just as Luo Fe was about to pull Shirley's ponytail, the girl raised a pink fist and hit him directly on the head.

Luofu didn't dodge in a hurry and was hit on the eye. Although it didn't hurt, it was still embarrassing.

Ripples rippled in the air, gently, and the young man slowly revealed his figure. He covered his eyes and said, "Shirley, why did you do it so darkly?"

The girl pointed to the broken baseball bat not far away and said with a smile: "If it was really a dirty trick, I would hit someone with it. Who told you to tease me?"

"How do you know I'm in this direction?" Luofu asked strangely.

"You just delivered the baby, and the smell of blood on your body is too strong." Shirley sniffed and asked with concern: "How is Uduka?"

"A pair of twins were born. Mother and child are safe." Luo Fu bent down and picked up a ball escaper eating corn at his feet. It disappeared with a pop and appeared not far away.

"Have you learned the Disguise Charm?" Shirley asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to the library in the next few days." Luo Fu said with a smile.

Shirley was not surprised either. Although the Disappearance Curse was not something that a young wizard of this age could learn, it would be normal for it to be Rolf.

After all, there are a few little wizards who can cast spells without a wand.

"Do you need my help?"

"Need it." Luofu nodded and said, "I can't catch that nasty silverfish by myself!"

The boy turned around and walked towards the cabin. He waved gently and said, "I'm going back to the Hufflepuff lounge to take a shower. Let's go back to the Great Hall for dinner tonight."

"Aren't you going to eat here?" Shirley licked her lips, missing the food made by Luo Fu.

"No." The young man shook his head and refused: "You just hit me. I'm not in the mood to cook tonight."

"You can call him back." Shirley trotted to keep up with the boy. She raised her head, looking cute and willing to be beaten and scolded.

"I won't do it for you either!"

The girl wrinkled her nose and muttered: "Stingy!"

After Rolf took a bath to wash away the smell of blood from his body, he returned to the auditorium. As soon as he sat down, Hermione sneakily came over and said in a low voice:

"During flying lessons, Malfoy and Harry Potter had a conflict."

Luofu raised his eyebrows.

He had already brought Neville to Hufflepuff, how could Malfoy and Harry still have a conflict in flying lessons?

"Malfoy wanted to compete with Potter to see who could fly faster, but Mrs. Hooch severely stopped him." Hermione explained.

The butterfly effect caused by Rolf still had an impact. Without Neville, Mrs. Hooch did not leave the flying class, stopping the farce between Harry and Malfoy.

Harry had no chance to dive at high altitude, and Professor McGonagall could not have discovered his Quidditch talent, let alone suggested that he become a Quidditch player.

"The two of them agreed to duel in the evening after class." Hermione whispered. "When I was eating just now, I heard Potter and Weasley discussing this matter."

"Oh, that's good. Let's decide the outcome in a men-to-man manner. Hey, I remember Malfoy is going to Filch's place for solitary confinement tonight, right?" Rolf frowned.

"Yes, Malfoy is in solitary confinement. How could he duel with Potter? He deliberately led Potter there so that Filch could catch him and deduct points from Gryffindor."

Rolf couldn't help but laugh. Malfoy looked stupid, but he didn't expect him to be quite sinister.

"Then did you tell them?" Rove asked.

"I told you, but Potter and Weasley didn't believe it." Hermione said angrily, "And they told me to stay out of my own business."

"That's it." Luo Fu said nonchalantly: "It's hard to persuade that damn ghost to tell you to stay out of your own business."

"If they are not Gryffindor students, who is willing to care?" Hermione said angrily:

"Gryffindor's house points are already at the bottom. Professor McGonagall is very unhappy. This is a collective honor. If they are caught, Gryffindor will have to have points deducted."

"So you came to me and wanted me to persuade them both?" Luofu raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, they seem to listen to you."

But Rolf shook his head and said: "Hermione, think of it this way. If you stop it this time, they will still be fooled next time. Only by truly experiencing a lesson can you improve your memory."

"Of course, it's also possible that I won't have a long memory until one day I make a big one." Luofu said with a smile:

"But what if they have learned their lesson? After this punishment, they will not cause trouble to the college again. It is not a good thing for you to stop them. Let them escape and encourage this kind of luck, which will only make things worse in the future."

Hermione frowned. Of course she knew this, but it was Gryffindor who got points deducted!

"You don't want to report it to Professor McGonagall, do you?" Rolf looked at the girl's expression and sighed: "I advise you not to go."


"The two of them knew you were the one who reported it, so they didn't say anything, and they would hate you in their hearts." Rolf patiently explained: "If this matter spreads, the Gryffindor students will not treat you well, even though you did it for

For Gryffindor's sake."

Hermione whispered: "I don't have many friends in Gryffindor."

"If you don't have any friends, just make them!" Luo Fu said with a speechless face: "Introduce your roommate to me... No, I mean introduce your roommate's pet to me.

Won't we make friends after just two visits?"


"Besides, you don't have any evidence. They were reprimanded and they will still come out at night." Luo Fe persuaded.

"Then I'll tell Prefect Percy."

"You think Percy doesn't go out at night? I saw him getting food in the kitchen last time."


Rowe picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and finally said seriously: "Hermione, put aside your need to help others and respect the fate of others!"

Hermione's face was full of confusion, but she was mostly convinced.

But it suddenly occurred to Rolf that since Harry and Ron were two enemies that attracted Filch, wouldn't it be safer to go to the library?

Why are you hesitating? The night tour is tonight!

Hermione stared at Rolf's eyes, raised her eyebrows high, and said slowly:

"You don't want to go swimming at night, do you? While they are attracting Filch, you go to the library to catch that silverfish?"

"Yes, are you here to help?" Luofu smiled.

"Help you bighead, I'm going to report you to Dumbledore!"


(Thanks to the two big guys "Just Love Wading Langshui" and "Hua Yu Zaitian" for the reward.)

This chapter has been completed!
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