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Chapter 32: Elections to the International Confederation of Wizards

As the first-generation Dark Lord, Grindelwald possesses powerful prophecy abilities. How powerful is he?

He can "see" the explosion of an atomic bomb twenty years in advance and present the scene of the nuclear explosion to other wizards.

This is compared to Trelawney's half-hearted level, which is sometimes ineffective. I don't know how many centaurs are better!

Betting with this kind of prophecy master is like playing a card game against the Landlord. It is clear to the opponent what kind of cards you can play. Even if your cards are extremely good, you may be defeated instantly by his seventeen cards.

The same goes for trading with Grindelwald, he will never make a losing trade.

Therefore, Rove doubted whether Grindelwald had "seen" in advance that he would go to that island.

Otherwise, Rolf really couldn't understand why Grindelwald would make such a deal with an ordinary little wizard like him.

Unless Grindelwald wants to find an excuse to send Rove seeds.

But this first-generation Dark Lord was obviously not such a wealthy and generous person.

But no matter whether he goes or not, Rove just helps to bring the head, so that he can get a seed. Grindelwald may make a lot of money, but Rove will definitely not lose!

Out of caution, he still wanted to get some useful information from Grindelwald, even just a few words.

But after several insinuations with Grindelwald, the bad old man blocked Rolf to death with just one sentence.

"If you want to get the prophecy...help me fulfill the agreement with Yin Ge and kill Corvinus Gaunt."

When Rolf heard this, what else could he say... It could only be said that there was a reason why Grindelwald only had Dumbledore as a friend.

When he couldn't find any information, Luofu stopped caring and put all his energy into the seed.

He searched the box for two days, found a good area with fertile soil, and plowed the land several times before carefully burying the deep purple, gem-like seed in the soil.

Rolf also set up magic nearby to prevent it from being dug up and eaten by any grudge species.

At the same time, Rolf, who had stayed in Nurmengard for eight days, finally returned to Dumbledore.

Standing in the dilapidated hall, looking at the dusty old man, Luofu asked:

"Professor, are the elections for the International Federation of Wizards over?"

"It's over." Dumbledore nodded with a tired look and replied with a slight smile, "I was re-elected as the president of the International Federation of Wizards."

This is the third time Dumbledore has been re-elected as President, breaking the previous record of two terms.

But Rove was not too surprised by this result. Dumbledore's election as president is not news, but his failure to be elected is big news!

"This election was so fast. It only took seven days. I thought it would take at least half a month." Dumbledore sighed softly.

"Is seven days too short?" Luo Fu was a little confused.

"It's indeed quite short." Dumbledore blinked his agate-like eyes and sighed:

“The longest election I have ever experienced took more than three months before a new president was elected.

During that election, an American representative died at the venue because he was too old."

Rolf looked at Dumbledore in shock.

Dumbledore simply explained to the boy how to elect the president of the International Federation of Wizards.

"On the day of the election, the representatives will live in a secret room. During the election of the president, the secret room will be completely isolated from the outside world. The doors are locked and closed with magic. No one is allowed to enter or exit."

"Twice a day, representatives hold secret ballots. After counting, the ballots are immediately burned, and the smoke is led out of the window through pipes, so that the wizards gathered nearby can know the voting status."

“If no candidate has enough votes, burn the ballot paper with wet straw and emit black smoke; if a representative is elected, burn the ballot paper with dry straw and emit white smoke.

Once the new president announces the dissolution, the election will be stopped."

"What do you mean there are not enough votes?" Rove asked.

"The wizard with the highest number of votes, but does not reach two-thirds of the voters, will vote again." Dumbledore said.

"What if no wizard ever reaches two-thirds?" Rolf asked.

"The election will continue forever." Dumbledore said with a wry smile: "That's why there can be three-month-long elections. Anyway, if you go through it slowly, everyone will eventually reach a consensus."

Luo Fu was a little speechless. He didn't expect that the election of the president would use tactics to defeat the old man.

"This kind of voting over and over again has also made many representatives dissatisfied." Dumbledore said, "In recent years, there have been suggestions to restore the previous election method."

Luo Fu knew that the previous selection method mainly relied on magical creatures...Qilin.

During the selection, Qilin will first be asked to choose a wizard, and then the wizards will vote. Whoever gets more votes will be the president.

Kirin, like the unicorn, is the purest creature in the magical world. It can see through the soul and distinguish between kind and just people and cruel and cunning people.

Therefore, the wizard selected by Qilin is enough to influence the voting tendency of the public... without exception.

This method had lasted for many years, but in order to be elected president of the International Federation of Wizards, Grindelwald killed Qilin and then controlled it to choose himself.

If it weren't for Dumbledore, Newt and others' obstruction, Grindelwald would have become the president.

Grindelwald's lack of sorcery also prompted the International Confederation of Wizards to reform and change the election method to this day.

All we can say is that Grindelwald is the source of all evil!

"After the election, you should be very busy for the time being, right?" Rove asked doubtfully, "Why are you here now?"

"There is indeed a series of work to be carried out, but the top priority is for the Saints to attack the floating dragon ship." Dumbledore looked at the young man with a solemn expression and said:

"Rolf, as a witness and savior, you must attend the meeting no matter what."

"I also want to join the International Federation of Wizards?" Rove was a little surprised.

Dumbledore took out a gold watch from his pocket and looked carefully. The watch had twelve hands, but no numbers. There were also some small stars rotating along the edge of the dial.

Dumbledore looked at it for a moment, put the watch back into his pocket, stood up and said:

"Let's go. The meeting is about to start. I'm going to take you back to Berlin now."

Rolf hummed, picked up his suitcase and followed Dumbledore out, but after only taking a few steps, he asked again:

"Professor, why don't you say goodbye to Grindelwald?"

Dumbledore stopped. The old man looked at the side of his face and saw nothing strange. However, he remained silent for a while before saying in a low voice: "Forget it."

The two walked out of Nurmengard and walked along a path into the distance.

Grindelwald stood alone in front of the small window, silently watching the figure that appeared and disappeared, and was lost in thought. After a long time, he let out a sigh.

Thanks to "Just Love Wading Langshui" for the reward.

This chapter has been completed!
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